Tayanch harakat sistemasining yoshga xos xususiyatlari.
1. Inson skeleti (qadimgi yunoncha: σκελετος - "quritilgan") - inson tanasining suyaklari to'plami, tayanch- harakat tizimining passiv qismidir.
The human skeleton (ancient Greek: skeletos - "dried") is a set of bones of the human body, a passive part of the musculoskeletal system.
2. Nerv sistemasi - organizmning funksiyalari va faoliyatini tartibga soladi hamda nazorat qiladi.
The nervous system - regulates and controls the body's functions and activities.
3. Traxeya - ushbu tuzilish odam va boshqa ko'plab umurtqali hayvonlar nafas olish tizimining havo o'tkazuvchanligi tizimining bir qismidir. Anatomik ravishda traxeya gırtlak va har bir o'pkaning asosiy bronxlari o'rtasida (o'ng va chap) joylashgan.
Trachea - this structure is part of the air conduction system of the respiratory system of humans and many other vertebrates. Anatomically, the trachea is located between the larynx and the main bronchi of each lung (right and left).
4. Bronx (yun. bronchus — nafas nayi) — odam va yuqori tuzilgan umurtqalilar kekirdagining havo oʻtadigan naysimon tarmoqlari.
Bronch (Greek bronchus - breathing tube)- is a tube-like branch of the larynx of humans and higher vertebrates through which air passes.
5. Koʻmik — odam va koʻpgina umurtqali hayvonlarning suyak boʻshligʻini toʻldirib turadigan toʻqima.
Bone marrow - is the tissue that fills what is bone in humans and most vertebrates.
6. Eritrotsitlar (qizil qon tanachalari[1]) yunoncha erythros „qizil“ va -cyte „hujayra“ deb tarjima qilingan qon hujayralarining eng keng tarqalgan turi va umurtqali hayvonlarning kislorodni tana toʻqimalariga qon oqimi orqali yetkazib berishning asosiy vositasi.
Erythrocytes (red blood cells) from the Greek erythros "red" and -cyte "cell" are the most common type of blood cell and are the primary means of delivering oxygen (O 2 ) to body tissues via the bloodstream in vertebrates.
7. Leykotsitlar (qadimgi yunoncha: λευκός — oq va κύτος — hujayra), oq qon tanachalari — odam va hayvonlar qonidagi rangsiz hujayralar; qonning yadroli shaklli elementlari.
Leukocytes (ancient Greek: leukós - white and kítos - cell), white blood cells - colorless cells in human and animal blood; nucleated elements of blood.
8. Trombotsitlar (yun. thrombos laxta va kytos — hujayra) — qondagi shaklli elementlardan biri.
Thrombocytes (Greek: thrombos clot and kytos - cell) are one of the shaped elements in the blood.
9. Qon depolari — odam va yuksak darajada rivojlangan hayvonlarda mavjud qonning 50% ini zaxirada saqlaydigan rezervuar aʼzolar.
Blood reservoirs are reservoir organs that store 50% of available blood in humans and highly developed animals.
10. Toʻqima — kelib chiqishi, tuzilishi va funksiyasiga koʻra oʻxshash hujayralar sistemasi.
A tissue is a system of cells that are similar in origin, structure, and function.
11. Boʻgʻim — suyaklar (baʼzan paylar) ning harakatchan birikishi, bunda birikkan yuza oraligʻida boʻshliq (yoriq) boʻladi.
A joint is a movable joint of bones (sometimes tendons) with a gap (crack) between the joint surfaces.
12. Bosh skeleti (lotincha: cranium) — umurtqali hayvonlar va odamning bosh skeleti.
Head skeleton (Latin: cranium) — head skeleton of vertebrates and humans.
13. Kalla, bosh — odam gavdasining yuqori va hayvonlar gavdasining oldingi qismi; pastki jagʻning ostki cheti va koʻtariluvchi tarmogʻi, soʻrgʻichsimon oʻsiquchi, ensa suyagining koʻndalang joylashgan gʻadir-budir va tashqi doʻmbogʻi bilan boʻyin sohasida ajralgan.
Skull, head - the upper part of the human body and the front part of the animal body; It is separated in the neck area by the lower edge and ascending branch of the lower jaw, the mastoid process, the transverse ridge of the occiput, and the external hump.
14. Umurtqa pogʻonasi - odam va umurtqali hayvonlar skeletining asosiy qismi. Ontogenezpa togʻayli yoki suyakli umurtqa tanasi rivojlanib, embriondagi xordaning dastlab bir oz qismi, keyinchalik hammasini egallagan.
15. Umurtqa pogʻonasi - odam va umurtqali hayvonlar skeletining asosiy qismi. Ontogenezpa togʻayli yoki suyakli umurtqa tanasi rivojlanib, embriondagi xordaning dastlab bir oz qismi, keyinchalik hammasini egallagan.
The spine is the main part of the human and vertebrate skeleton. During ontogeny, the vertebral body, which is vertebral or bony, has developed, occupying first a small part of the chord in the embryo, and then all of it.
16. Ontogenez (yunoncha: ontos — borliq va ...genez) — organizmning individual rivojlanishi, uning shakllana boshlashidan hayotning oxirigacha sodir boʻladigan ketma-ket oʻzgarishlar majmui.
Ontogenesis (Greek: ontos - being and ...genesis) is the individual development of an organism, a set of successive changes that occur from the beginning of its formation to the end of life.
17. Embrion (qadimgi yunoncha: ἔμβρυον), pusht, murtak — dastlabki taraqqiyot bosqichidagi organizm; tuxumparda va pushtparda ichida boʻladi.
An embryo is an initial stage of development of a multicellular organism. In organisms that reproduce sexually, embryonic development is the part of the life cycle that begins just after fertilization of the female egg cell by the male sperm cell.
18. Koʻkrak qafasi – sudralib yuruvchilar, qushlar, sutemizuvchi hayvonlar va odamda toʻsh suyagi yordamida koʻkrak umurtqalariga qovurgʻalar birikishidan hosil boʻlgan bir butun tuzilma.
The rib cage is an enclosure that comprises the ribs, vertebral column and sternum in the thorax of most vertebrates, protects vital organs such as the heart, lungs and great vessels.
19. Boʻyin — gavdaning bosh bilan tanani biriktiruvchi qismi; tepadan bosh, pastdan koʻkrak qafasi bilan chegaralangan.
The neck is the part of the body on many vertebrates that connects the head with the torso.
20. Bel — tananing bir qismi; bel umurtqalari (orqa oʻsiqlari bilan), ularga yopishgan va ulardan boshlangan muskullar (qorin boʻshligʻining orqa devori)dan iborat.
The waist is a part of the body; It consists of the lumbar vertebrae (with their back walls), the muscles attached to them and originating from them (the back wall of the abdominal cavity).
21. Dumgʻaza (sacrum) — 1) beshta dumgʻaza umurtqasidan tarkib topgan yaxlit suyak; 15—16 yoshgacha umurtqa oraliq togʻaylaridan iborat boʻladi, keyinchalik suyaklanib, bir butun Dumģaza suyagiga aylanadi.
Sacrum (sacrum) — 1) a single bone consisting of five scapular vertebrae; Until the age of 15-16, the spine consists of intermediate vertebrae, later it ossifies and turns into a whole sacrum bone.
22. Togʻay — odam, baʼzi umurtqasiz hayvonlar va umurtqali hayvonlardagi biriktiruvchi toʻqima turi.
Uncle— a type of connective tissue in humans, some invertebrates, and vertebrates.
23. Qovurgʻa — umurtqa pogʻonasi bilan birikkan, yoysimon qayrilgan juft suyaklar.
A rib is a pair of curved bones connected to the spine.
24. Limfa (lotincha: lympha — tiniq suv, namlik) — odam va umurtqali hayvonlarning limfa tomirlari va limfa tugunlarida boʻladigan oqsil tabiatli, tarkibiga koʻra, qon plazmasiga yaqin rangsiz yoki och sariq suyuqlik.
Lymph (from Latin, lympha, meaning "water") is the fluid that flows through the lymphatic system, a system composed of lymph vessels (channels) and intervening lymph nodes whose function, like the venous system, is to return fluid from the tissues to be recirculated.
25. Fibroz (lot. fi bra — tola) — odam va ayrim hayvonlar organizmidagi, yetuk tolali biriktiruvchi toʻqimalarning jadal oʻsishidan iborat patologik jarayon.
Fibrosis (Latin: fiber - fiber) is a pathological process consisting of the rapid growth of mature fibrous connective tissue in the body of humans and some animals.
26. Osteoblastlar - yangi suyaklarning shakllanishi uchun mas'ul bo'lgan suyak hujayralari turidir.
Osteoblasts are the type of bone cells responsible for the formation of new bone.
27. Biriktiruvchi toʻqima — odam va hayvonlarda mezenximaaan rivojlanadigan toʻqimalar guruhi.
Connective tissue— a group of tissues that develop mesenchyme in humans and animals.
28. Muskul toʻqimasi - muskullarning asosiy qismini tashkil etib, ularning qisqarishini taʼminlaydigan maxsus ingichka tolalar.
Muscle tissue - special thin fibers that make up the main part of muscles and ensure their contraction.
29. Liqildoq, tepatosh — chaqaloqlar kalla gumbazi suyaklarining biri-kish joylaridagi pardali kamgak (qism). Miya arteriyasi pulsatsiyasi tufayli bu kamgaklar liqillab turadi (nomi shundan olingan).
Likildok , tepatosh - a membrane camgak (part) in some places of the bones of the skull dome of babies. Due to the pulsation of the cerebral artery, these cells flicker (hence the name).
30. Raxit (yun. rhachis — umurtqa), shirzada — yosh bolalarda uchraydigan kasallik. Organizmda D vitamini yetishmasligi tufayli fosfor-kalsiy almashinuvining buzilishi natijasida kelib chiqadi.
Rickets (Greek rhachis - spine), shirzada - a disease that occurs in young children. Due to the lack of vitamin D in the body, it is caused by a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
31. Muskullar, mushaklar — odam va hayvonlar gavdasi aʼzolari; nerv impulslari taʼsirida qisqarish xususiyatiga ega toʻqima (muskul toʻqimasi)dan tashkil topgan.
Muscles , muscles - humans and animalsbody parts; It is composed of tissue (muscle tissue) that can contract under the influence of nerve impulses.
32. Neyron, nevron (neyro... ) - nerv hujayrasi, Nerv sistemasining asosiy strukturaviy va funksional birligi, kalta dendritlar va uzun aksondan iborat (sxema).
Neuron , neuron (neuro... ) is a nerve cell , the main structural and functional unit of the nervous system , consisting of short dendrites and a long axon (scheme).
33. Dendrit — nerv hujayralari (neyron)ning tarmoklangan sezuvchi oʻsimtalari; boshqa neyronlar, retseptor hujayralar yoki bevosita tashqi qoʻzgʻatuvchilardan signallar qabul qiladi.
Dendrites are networked sensory outgrowths of nerve cells ( neurons ); receives signals from other neurons, receptor cells or directly from external stimuli.
34. Akson (qadimgi yunoncha: ἄξων — axon — oʻq), neyrit — nerv tolalarining yigʻindisidan paydo boʻlgan oʻq; nerv hujayrasining uzun oʻsimtasi.
Axon ( ancient Greek : áxōn - axon - arrow), neurite - an arrow formed from a collection of nerve fibers ; a long tumor of a nerve cell .
35. Hujayra (lotincha: cellula — „katakcha“) barcha hayot organizmlarning tuzilish, tarkibiy va funksional birligidir (viruslar bundan mustasno). Hujayra organizmning yashayotgan eng kichik boʻlagi, deb belgilanadi.
Cell ( Latin : cellula - "cell") is the structural, structural and functional unit of all living organisms ( except viruses ). A cell is defined as the smallest living part of an organism.
36. Retseptorlar (lotincha: receptor — qabul qiluvchi) — tashqaridan (eksterotseptorlar) yoki organizmning ichki muhitidan (interotseptorlar) taʼsirotni qabul qilib va uni nerv impulslariga aylantirib, markaziy nerv sistemasiga oʻtkazib beradigan sezuvchi nerv tolalari uchlari yoki maxsus hujayralar.
37. Receptors ( Latin : receptor - receiver) are the ends of sensory nerve fibers or special cells that receive impressions from the outside (exteroceptors) or the internal environment of the organism (interoceptors) and convert them into nerve impulses and transmit them to the central nervous system.
38. Nerv impulsi - nerv tolalari boʻylab tarqaladigan qoʻzgʻalish toʻlqinlari.
Nerve impulses are waves of excitation that travel along nerve fibers.
39. Markaziy nerv sistemasi - odam va hayvonlar nerv sistemasining asosiy qismi; nerv hujayralari (neyronlar) va ularning oʻsimtalaridan tarkib topgan.
The central nervous system is the main part of the nervous system of humans and animals ; composed of nerve cells ( neurons ) and their tumors.
40. Yadro — koʻpchilik bir hujayrali va hamma koʻp hujarayli organizmlar hujayralarining asosiy tarkibi qismi.
The nucleus is the main structural part of the cells of most unicellular and all multicellular organisms.
41. Uzunchoq miya - poyasimon tuzilma boʻlib, miya ustunining bir qismini tashkil qiladi. U miyachadan oldinda va qisman pastda joylashgan.
The medulla oblongata is a stem-like structure that forms part of the brain stem.
42. Tomir (anatomiyada) — 1) odam va hayvonlarda qon (qon tomiri) va limfa (limfa tomiri) harakatlanadigan kovak naycha.
Vessel (in anatomy) — 1) hollow tube through which blood (blood vessel) and lymph (lymphatic vessel) move in humans and animals.
43. Arteriyalar (grekcha: ἀρτηρία — arteria — havo kanali) — yurak va aortaaan chiqib, 651oʻpka alveolalarida kislorodga boy-igan qonni barcha aʼzo va toʻqimalarga eltuvchi qon tomirlar.
Arteries ( Greek : artēría - arteria - air channel) are blood vessels that leave the heart and aorta and deliver oxygen -rich blood to all organs and tissues in the alveoli of the lungs.
44. Venalar (lotincha: vena — vena, koʻk qon tomir) — venoz qonni (karbonat angidrid bilan toʻyingan) aʼzo va toʻqimalardan yurakka olib keluvchi qon tomirlar.
Veins ( Latin : vena - vein, blue blood vessel) are blood vessels that carry venous blood ( saturated with carbon dioxide ) from organs and tissues to the heart.
45.Limfa sistemasi (lotincha: systema lymphaticum) — odam va umurtqali hayvonlarda toʻqima va aʼzolardan limfa olib ketib, venoz sistemasiga quyadigan kapillyarlar va boshqa tomirlar, tuzilmalar.
The lymphatic system ( Latin : systema lymphaticum ) is the capillaries and other vessels and structures that carry lymph from tissues and organs and pour it into the venous system in humans and vertebrates.
46. Limfa tugunlari, limfa bezlari — odam va yuksak umurtqali hayvonlarning limfa sistemasi tuzilmalari.
Lymph nodes , lymph glands are structures of the lymphatic system of humans and higher vertebrates.
47. Mikroorganizmlar yoki Mikroblar (grekcha: mikros — kichik, bios — hayot) — asosan, bir hujayrali mikroskopik tirik mavjudotlarning katta guruhi.
Microorganisms or Microbes ( Greek : mikros - small, bios - life) are a large group of mostly single-celled microscopic living organisms.
48. Aktinomitsetlar, nursimon zamburugʻlar — shoxlangan hujayralar yoki giflarni hosil qiluvchi bakteriyalar.
Actinomycetes , filamentous fungi, are bacteria that form branched cells or hyphae.
49. Prokariotlar (lotincha: Pro — oldingi, ilgarigi va karion — yadro) — hujayrasida membrana bilan chegaralangan yadrosi boʻlmagan organizmlar. Prokariotlarga bakteriyalar, sianobakteriyalar, arxebakteriyalar kiradi.
Prokaryotes ( Latin : Pro - previous, previous and karion - nucleus) - organisms without a membrane- bound nucleus in their cell . Prokaryotes include bacteria , cyanobacteria, and archaebacteria.
50. Sitoplazma (grekcha: κύτος [sito] - hujayra va πλάσμα [plasma] — shakllangan) — hujayraning yadro bilan plazmatik membrana oraligʻida joylashgan asosiy tarkibiy qismi (qarang Hujayra). Sitoplazma kolloid sistema — gialoplazma, organoidlar va kiritmalardan tashkil topgan.
Cytoplasm ( Greek : κύτος [σιτο] - cell and πλασμα [plasma] - formed) is the main component of the cell located between the nucleus and the plasma membrane (see Cell ). Cytoplasm consists of colloid system - hyaloplasm, organoids and inclusions.