LESSON 4 How techie are you? take a digital photo, go online, play a video game,
print a document, make a phone call, charge a mo
bile phone, scan a photo, post a comment, send an
email, download/upload a video clip, store data, write
a blog, read an e-book, plug in a memory stick
❖ 2
• o • ®
digital photo frame
i C o m p le te th e se n te n ce s
w ith th e w o rd s .
hard disk recorder
___W o rk in p a irs . Read and give som e a d vice .
What electronic devices should these people buy?
e .g . If I were you, I would buy an e-book reader.
You don’t need to carry your books with you.
1) I like books, but they take up too much space.
2) I want to listen to music while I’m walking to school.
3) I want to make a film of my granny’s 90th birthday.
4) I love watching films on television. But I want
a really clear and high-quality picture.
5) My mum is always getting lost in her car.
6) My laptop is a bit old, and quite heavy.
4 a W o rk in p a irs . Read and c o m p le te .
M a s te r o f t h e W e b
Tim Berners-Lee (1)
is/are a world famous
scientist and a great inventor. But (2)
are you knowing/do you know what he invented?
Tim (3)
was/is born in London in 1955. His
parents (4)
was/were both mathematicians
and computer scientists. When he was a boy,
his hobby was electronics. He liked (5)
p la y / playing with different gadgets. He went to
Emanuel School and then (6)
was studying/ studied physics at Oxford University from
1973 to 1976.
Tim (7)
worked/was working at a large
scientific laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland,
when he (8)
was inventing/invented the World
Wide Web. He (9)
built/were building the first
Web browser and server in 1990. In 1991,
he (10)
created/create the first website. The
first web page address was http://in fo .ce rn .
ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html, which
had information about the WWW project.
satnav (GPS)
tablet PC
The World Wide Web (11)
didn’t m ake/ wasn’t making Tim rich. He gave his inven
tion to the world so everyone can use it for
free. He now (12)
work/works at Massa
chusetts Institute of Technology in the USA
and at the University of Southampton in the
UK. He and his family (13)
live/are living in America. Tim (14)
has/is having many
awards and prizes for his work. In 1999, Time
magazine included him in its list of the 100
most important people of the 20th century.
Queen Elizabeth II (15)
was giving/gave him a knighthood in 1994, so he is now Sir
Tim Berners-Lee. He (16)
is coming/came first in a list of the top living cleverest people
in 2007. So next time you look at a website,
remember to thank Tim Berners-Lee!
Read and c o m p le te th e box.