LESSON 1 What do they want to say?
1 W o rk in p a irs. Read and th in k w h a t th e s e q u o ta tio n s m ean.
“If I could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint. ”
Edward Hopper
"The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.
Pablo Picasso
W o rk in p a irs. L iste n to w h y
people cre a te a rt. M atch the
s p e a k e rs and se n te n ce s.
3 b W o rk in sm all g ro u p s . Give y o u r ideas
w h y p e o p le c re a te a rt.
W o rk in p a irs . Read and
ch o o se th e b e s t an sw e r.
4 a W o rk in g ro u p s o f 4 /5 . Read and
ch o o se a c o u rs e fo r each
p e rso n . One c o u rs e is e x tra .
Tim, Kathy, Paul, Wendy and Mary want to do
an art course during their
summer holidays. Read descriptions of eight short art courses. Decide
-w which course would be the most suitable for them.
J a
1) Tim has done a course about printing on paper. He
J V would like to learn how to print on other materials. He also
wants to produce something to take home and wear.
Kathy loves drawing and she wants a course to help her with her
drawing skills. She loves fashion and she is interested in the latest styles of
clothes, shoes and bags, because she wants to study this later at college,
3) Paul enjoys reading and making comic books.
He thinks his drawings
are not good and he doesn’t want to display his work. He wants to learn
how to draw superheroes and animals, and create adventures about them.
4) Wendy is good at making pictures and objects from different
materials. She wants to visit an exhibition to get new ideas and learn
f t
how to use her love of sport in her designs at the course.
Mary is fond of drawing and also enjoys filming his friends on
an old digital camera. She wants to develop this skill by learning
to use modern equipment, and prepare for further study.
Fashion Design
This course is about
drawing techniques, including using
inks and colour. You will draw models wear
ing designer fashions and sportwear. If you
like fashion design and think your future is
in this, then this course is for you!
Wild World A rt
This course focuses
on teaching drawing and painting. You
will learn how to make a wall poster
depicting animals to take home. We
have a lot of picture books from galleries
around the world to give you ideas! At
the end of the course there will be an
exhibition of everyone’s work, too.
Create Magic
Do you want to know
what your comic
stories would look like on
film? We are givi ng you a chance to find
out! Bring your own comic drawings or prints,
and the actions from your page will be
transferred onto the screen! At the end there
will be a film show of the best cartoons!
Colours M atter!
Come and enjoy mak
ing a bag for your school sports clothes! You
will get lots of colourful wool and printed
cotton. Choose the design and colour: your
favourite football or hockey team colours
will work. A trip to a gallery will help you
get creative ideas in your designs.
A rt! A rt!
Use the latest technology to de
creative skills, like printing, photography,
cartoons and movie-making. If you want to study
these subjects at college, this course is for you!
Good drawing skills are helpful on this course,
and students’ work will be put into a book.
Colourful World
Come and bring a
clean white T-shirt for this fun course! You
will learn how to transfer a picture onto your
T-shirt with printing inks and paints. You
will create a special
artwork that you can
put on for everyone to enjoy and admire!
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