Textile Recycling Technologies, Colouring and Finishing Methods | Le
Information and traceability systems:
The increased traceability and knowledge of materials
and chemicals used in textiles and apparel during production processes (with adequate protection
of confidential information among stakeholders), would contribute
to safer chemistry and
practices, extending into product safety and greater efficiency in subsequent recycling processes.
With the various information management systems, testing and certification systems,
with globally dispersed industry players that operate under diverse regulations, information
availability of materials and chemicals of concern may be limited or incomplete. Traceability
systems integrated
in the full supply chain, and development of supporting technologies (i.e.
DNA, QR codes, RFID tagging) are emerging as long-term initiatives.
Cost is a significant barrier for various industry players and emerging technologies.
Funding is needed to expand existing technologies, or support collection schemes that enable the
implementation and growth of textile recycling systems. For new technology solutions to scale
beyond the prototype stage, public-private financing structure could
help attract private funds
and launch a new technology solution.
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