The research significance The current study is significant for the following reasons:-
1. It might provide EFL teachers with solutions for developing vocabulary effectively and may attract them to
practise role play strategy in the classroom.
2. It may benefit and help learners use role play to master and enrich vocabulary.
3. It may help students to overcome problems they face in acquiring and conveying meaning of vocabulary though
4. With specific reference to current attempts to improve EFL vocabulary learning and teaching in Saudi Arabia, it
might contribute suggestions for course designers, and curriculum developers for using role-play in Saudi schools.
5. It might open up new vistas for researchers for further studies in the field of learning vocabulary using role-play in
the classroom as it puts theory into practice.
Research Delimitation This study was conducted in a girls' secondary school which is located in Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia, in the first term
of 2015. The participants in this study were using the "Flying High for Saudi Arabia" textbook, including units 2 and 3.
The study was delimited to the use of role-play strategy in teaching vocabulary to 40 female first year secondary school
EFL students who were at the first level of secondary school English proficiency, with an average age of 15 to 16 years
old. Their mother tongue was Arabic.
Terminology Vocabulary The term vocabulary has a range of meanings. For example, some teachers use the term to mean sight-word
vocabularies, referring to students’ immediate recognition of words in print; other teachers refer to words students
understand as their meaning vocabulary. Still other teachers use the term to mean listening vocabulary, or students’
understanding of words that they hear in the spoken language. Content teachers use the term academic vocabulary to
refer to content-specific words (Snow, Griffin & Burns, 2005). Within this research, the term vocabulary has been used
to refer to students’ understanding of and ability to use words through role-play strategy.
Vocabulary Learning Strategy It refers to " any set of techniques or learning behaviours, which language learners use to understand the meaning of
a new word, to restore the knowledge of newly learned words, and to expand one's knowledge, of vocabulary"
(Intaraprasert, 2004, p. 53. Cameron (2001) describes vocabulary learning strategies as “the actions that learners take to
help themselves understand and remember vocabulary items” (p. 92).
Role-play Strategy According to the Oxford Dictionary (2015) role play is acting out of the part of a particular person or character, for
example as a technique in training or psychotherapy. Role-play is a strategy in which students are required to act
specific roles through saying, doing and sharing (Altun, 2015).
In relation to the research purpose, role play is used to encourage students to make connections between vocabulary,
experiences and the content that is being studied. The students are introduced to new vocabulary and then given the
chance to use the words in context through role- play. The process of role- playing the words helps to increase the
students’ understanding of the words and how to use the words in a real world context.