“The Godfather” By Mario Puzo 298
ten paces up the villa’s driveway and then he realized she was motioning him to stay
where he was, that she meant to drive the car to where he stood. Calo stood grinning
beside the car, his lupara dangling in his hand. But there was still no sign of Fabrizzio.
At that moment; without any conscious reasoning process, everything came together in
his mind, and Michael shouted to the girl, “No! No!” But his shout was drowned in the
roar of the tremendous explosion as Apollonia switched on the ignition. The kitchen door
shattered into fragments and Michael was hurled along the wall of the villa for a good
ten feet. Stones tumbling from the villa roof hit him on the shoulders and one glanced off
his skull as he was lying on the ground. He was conscious just long enough to see that
nothing remained of the Alfa Romeo but its four wheels and the steel shafts which held
them together.
* * * He came to consciousness in a room that seemed very dark and heard voices that were
so low that they were pure sound rather than words. Out of animal instinct he tried to
pretend he was still unconscious but the voices stopped and someone was leaning from
a chair close to his bed and the voice was distinct now, saying, “Well, he’s with us
finally.” A lamp went on, its light like white fire on his eyeballs and Michael turned his
head. It felt very heavy, numb. And then he could see the face over his bed was that of
Dr. Taza.
“Let me look at you a minute and I’ll put the light out,” Dr,. Taza said gently. He was
busy shining a small pencil flashlight into Michael’s eyes. “You’ll be all right,” Dr. Taza
said and turned to someone else in the room. “You can speak to him.”
It was Don Tommasino sitting on a chair near his bed, Michael could see him clearly
now. Don Tommasino was saying, “Michael, Michael, can I talk to you? Do you want to
It was easier to raise a hand to make a gesture and Michael did so and Don Tommasino
said, “Did Fabrizzio bring the car from the garage?”
Michael, without knowing he did so, smiled. It was in some strange way, a chilling smile,
of assent. Don Tommasino said, “Fabrizzio has vanished. Listen to me, Michael. You’ve
been unconscious for nearly a week. Do you understand? Everybody thinks you’re
dead, so you’re safe now, they’ve stopped looking for you. I’ve sent messages to your
father and he’s sent back instructions. It won’t be long now, you’ll be back in America.
Meanwhile you’ll rest here quietly. You’re safe up in the mountains, in a special