The Howling Horde

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The Howling Horde

Army composition:

  • A Howling Horde party must always include exactly one commander.

  • It may include up to five specialist troopers.

  • The total number of models in a Howling Horde party may not exceed 14.

Special abilities:
The Great Hunt – at the end of the resolution phase, total up the number of models in the dying state and removed from the game this turn on both sides. If your opponent has suffered greater losses (i.e. has a greater total of the above), you gain a bonus of +3 to the CMD test in the next Command Phase.

Aura – some of the warriors of the Howling Horde have been bestowed with demonic powers. These manifest in a variety of ways, depending on the demon aiding the warrior as well as the warrior himself. A warrior may be gifted with only one aura. A model benefits from only the first aura that affects him in a given turn; ignore the effects of subsequent auras this turn. If the model has an aura of his own and comes under the effects of another model’s aura, he may not benefit from his own aura this turn. If an aura affects friendly models, the user counts as such as well. An aura’s effect lasts until the end of the turn in which it was used.

Bone – warriors of the Howling Horde know how to siphon out energy from bodies of slain enemies, and then imbue with it weapons, granting them uncanny qualities. Weapons with the bone keyword in their description may be enhanced with one bone that the weapon’s owner has in his possession.

Poison – some warriors have access to poisons. Declare the use of the poison before making an ATT test in close combat or shooting a ranged weapon. Each poison may be used up to twice in each battle. If a model possesses two or more different poisons, he may use only one during a single attack. In campaign play, assume the model prepares a fresh dose of poison before each battle.

Army List


Type: commander

Weapons and equipment:

A Warchief is equipped with a one-handed weapon; its cost is included in the model’s base cost.

Additional weapons and equipment:

One-handed Weapon… 3GC

Two-handed Weapon… 4GC

Shield… 3GC

Grisly Trophy… 2GC

Poison – Demon Blood… 2GC

Aura – Berserk… 3GC

Aura – Black Rage… 3GC

Aura – Dark Awakening… 4GC

Aura – Primal Fear… 7GC

Mistress of the Hunt (0-1)

Type: specialist trooper

Weapons and equipment:

A Mistress of the Hunt is equipped with a two-handed weapon; its cost is included in the model’s base cost.

Additional weapons and equipment:

One-handed Weapon… 3GC

Aura – Dark Awakening… 4GC

Aura – Primal Fear… 7GC

Aura – Surt’s Fury… 3GC

Persecutor (0-2)

Type: specialist trooper

Weapons and equipment:

A Persecutor is equipped with a one-handed weapon (Bone); its cost is included in the model’s base cost.

Additional weapons and equipment:

One-handed Weapon (Bone)… 3GC

Bone – Bone of Ice… 2GC

Poison – Demon Blood… 2GC

Poison – Wurm Blood… 2GC

Hlle Huntress (0-2)

Type: specialist trooper

Weapons and equipment:

A Hlle Huntress is equipped with a Scythe of the Huntress (Bone); its cost is included in the model’s base cost.

Additional weapons and equipment:

One-handed Weapon… 3GC

Bone – Bloodthirster’s Bone… 3GC

Bone – Hunter’s Bone… 2GC

Vei-Banshee (0-4)

Type: trooper

Weapons and equipment:

A Vei-Banshee is equipped with a one-handed weapon and a javelin (x3); their cost is included in the model’s base cost.

Additional weapons and equipment:

One-handed Weapon… 3GC

Javelin (x3)…4GC

Poison – Demon Blood…2GC

Tribal Warrior (1-7)

Type: trooper

Weapons and equipment:

A Tribal Warrior is equipped with a one-handed weapon; its cost is included in the model’s base cost.

Additional weapons and equipment:

One-handed Weapon… 3GC

Shield… 3GC
The Howling Horde Armory
Javelin – a javelin may be used both as a close combat weapon and a ranged weapon. In close combat, it is considered a spear (see Chapter 9). A model outfitted with a javelin has in fact 3 of them; it nevertheless counts as a single weapon for the purposes of determining the carrying capacity. When used as a ranged weapon, the javelin has the following profile:

Weapon name

Short range

3” – 7”

Maximum range

7” – 12”


Special rules






Scythe of the Huntress – considered a two-handed weapon (see Chapter 9). A Scythe of the Huntress may have a single bone attached to it (see below).
Grisly Trophy – the user gains Fear/8. If he already has Fear/8 or better, increase its value by +1.
Berserk once per game, before the beginning of any turn, up to 2 friendly models within 6” can make a free move towards the closest enemy model up to their MOV in inches. This aura may not be used by a model in melee. Furthermore, it may not target a friendly model in melee.

Black Rage – declare the use of this aura at the start of the Combat Phase. All friendly models within 4” of the user increase their ATT by +1 until the end of the current Combat Phase. Each model within the aura’s area of effect, even if he does not currently benefit from its effects, must roll a D10 at the start of the next Resolution Phase. If the die rolls a 6 or more, the model loses 1 HP, if possible. This HP loss may not be prevented by any means and does not trigger a roll on the Damage Table.

Dark Awakening – declare the use of this aura upon activating its owner. All friendly models within 6” of the user at the time of its activation ignore Dazed and Flesh Wound effects they are suffering from.

Primal Fear – this aura may be used by its owner only once per battle. Declare its use at the beginning of the turn, before any models are activated. Enemy models within 8” of the user must pass a fear test against difficulty 5 + BRV of the model’s taking the test. If the test is failed, the model is subject to rules for fear.


A model with a BRV score of 4 makes a fear test with a difficulty level 9 (Fear/9).

Surt’s Fury – declare the use of this aura at the start of the Combat Phase. All friendly models within 6” of the user increase their STR by +1 until the end of the current Combat Phase. Each model within the aura’s area of effect, even if not benefitting from its effects, must roll a D10 at the start of the next Resolution Phase. If the die rolls a 7 or more, the model loses 1 HP, if possible. This HP loss may not be prevented by any means and does not trigger a roll on the Damage Table.
Bloodthirster’s Bone – can be attached only to a Scythe of the Huntress. Immediately after incapacitating an enemy model, the user recovers 2 HP.

Bone of Ice – The damage roll caused by this weapon gains the following special effect: any model that loses at least 1 HP by this weapon must make an opposed BRV test against the wielder. If the test is failed, the target’s damage dice pool is immediately reduced to three dice until the end of the turn. This bone may not be attached to a ranged weapon.

Hunter’s Bone – The user can charge enemy models outside his LoS, so long as they have at least 1 HP box crossed out.
Demon Blood – can be applied to any weapon. Damage roll caused by this weapon gains the following special effect: any model that loses at least 1 HP by this weapon suffers a penalty/1 to ATT, DEF, and STR until the end of the following turn.

Serpent Blood – can be applied to any weapon. Damage roll caused by this weapon gains the following special effect: any model that loses at least 1 HP by this weapon loses 2 HP at the end of that turn (this does not cause a roll on the damage table).

Wurm Blood – the damage roll caused by this weapon gains the following special effect: any model that loses at least 1 HP by this weapon may not move farther than his base MOV next turn.

Spell List

Cursed Earth… 6GC

Mystic Stone cost: 2

Difficulty level: 5

Successes: 2

Range: 15

Description: place a Cursed Earth template within the spell’s range; it can be placed outside the caster’s LoS but cannot be placed on top of enemy models. All enemy models that find themselves within the template at any point during the turn must immediately make an opposed fear test against Fear/8. If the caster achieved at least 4 successes, this value increases to Fear/10, and if he achieved 6 or more, it increases to Fear/11. Remove the Cursed Earth template at the end of the resolution phase. Template size: 4” diameter.

Demon’s Chosen…4GC

Mystic Stone cost: 3

Difficulty level: 4

Successes: 2

Range: 10

Description: This spell may target at either a friendly or enemy model. If the target model deals at least a flesh wound in melee this turn, his owning player gains a bonus of +4 to his CMD test in the next Command Phase. If the target model fails to deal at least a flesh wound this turn, he lose 3 HP at the start of this turn’s resolution phase (this does not cause rolls on the damage table). This spell may target at either a friendly or enemy model.

A Game of Death… 8GC

Mystic Stone cost: 4

Difficulty level: 7

Successes: 1

Range: 12

Description: Target model loses 3 HP. Furthermore, the player can choose to inflict on both the caster and the target a damage roll with a STR of 4. HP loss by this spell does not cause rolls on the damage table.

Blood Lust… 8GC

Mystic Stone cost: 2

Difficulty level: target’s ARM or STR (whichever is highest)

Successes: -

Range: 6

Description: This spell may be cast on either a friendly or enemy model. Decrease the target model’s ARM by the number of successes achieved in the MPW test and increase his STR by the same amount. His ARM cannot fall below 3 or STR increase by more than 3.
Mayhem and Slaughter… 2GC

Mystic Stone cost: 1

Difficulty level: 5

Successes: 3

Range: -

Description: The mystic sacrifices any number of own HP but no greater than its current value; this does not cause a roll on the damage table. The following turn, reduce the opponent’s result of the CMD test in the Command Phase by that number x 3.
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