The influence of the social environment and the spirit of the times on the formation of personal spirituality

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The influence of the social environment and the spirit of the times on the formation of personal spirituality

The influence of the social environment and the spirit of the times on the formation of personal spirituality

1. Biological and psychological development of the person.

2. The main factors affecting personality formation:
3. Characteristics of children's growth periods.
Understanding of personality development. The concept of a person refers to a person and serves to represent a concrete person, that is, a member of a particular society. In order to become a person, a person must develop psychologically, feel himself as a whole person, differ from others with his characteristics and qualities.
What is an "individual"? A child is considered an "individual" until a certain age. Individual is derived from the Latin word "individium" which means "indivisible", "separate person", "single".
Individuality consists in deep knowledge and consideration of the child's personal characteristics and living conditions in the implementation of the educational process.
An individual approach is important in showing students' mental abilities, curiosity and talent.
Children's actions are formed as a result of their participation in the process of conscious social relations.
A person is a member of a certain society, he is psychologically developed, distinguished from others by his characteristics and behavior.
In the national model of personnel training, a person is defined as the main subject and object of the personnel training system, as a consumer of educational services and as their implementer.
The state policy in the field of personnel training envisages educating a person intellectually and spiritually and morally, achieving his manifestation as a comprehensively developed person . The implementation of this social demand guarantees the right of every student to get knowledge, to show creative abilities, to develop intellectually and to work in a specific profession.
In order for a person to become a person as a social being, social environment conditions and upbringing are necessary. Under the influence of these, a person develops as a person and becomes a person.
What is development itself?
Development is considered to be a complex process of action that ensures the transition from simple to complex, from bottom to top, from old qualities to new states, renewal, emergence of new, disappearance of old, change of quantity to change of quality. The source of development is the struggle between opposites.
The development of the child's personality is based on the philosophical doctrine that a person is a social being . At the same time, a person is a living, biological being. Therefore, the laws of nature's development are also important in its development. Also, as a person is evaluated as a whole being, his development is influenced by biological and social laws together, they cannot be separated from each other.
Because a person's activity and lifestyle are affected by age, education, life experience, and other tragic situations and diseases.
A person changes throughout his life. He matures both socially and psychologically, and if the child's upbringing is appropriate, he matures as a member of society and takes his rightful place in the system of complex social relations . Because development is influenced by education.
In order to see the qualities of a person correctly and evaluate them correctly, it is necessary to observe him in the course of various relationships.
Therefore, in order to correctly solve the task of personality development, it is necessary to know well the factors affecting his behavior and personality characteristics.
It is desirable to know and take into account the laws of growth and development in order for upbringing to have an effective effect on the child. Thus, there is a two-way relationship between development and education .
Factors affecting personal education . In science, the debate on determining the relationship between the influence of biological and social factors on the development of a person as a person has been going on for a long time.
Is the development of a person as a person affected by social events , natural factors or education ? How do these three factors interact?
In science, the point of view called biological direction occupies one of the leading places, and its representatives, Aristotle and Plato, put natural and biological factors at the top. They say that innate abilities, fate, and fate determine everyone's place in life.
The representatives of preformism, which arose in the philosophy of the 16th century, place a high value on the role of generation in the development of a person and deny the role of social environment and upbringing .
Another trend in foreign psychology - behaviorism - appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. Its representatives, it is said that consciousness and mental abilities are passed down from generation to generation and are given to man by nature. The representative of this doctrine is the American scientist E. Thorndike.
The stream of pragmatism and its representatives, D. D'yul, A. Combe, alsobase the development of personality from a biological point of view. They see development as only quantitative change. Absolutizing the role of offspring,they consider it to be of decisive importance in human destiny .
Therefore, a group of foreign scientists attribute the development to a biological (generational ) factor.
The representatives of the philosophical current against the biological current determine the development with a social factor factor. The representatives of this stream show that the physical and mental development of a child's personality depends on the environment in which he lives.
The environment means all the external influences in the conditions in which a person lives. From this point of view, it is possible to adapt the child to the social conditions in which he lives due to education.
They consider the role of the social environment as a decisive factor. Therefore, the development and progress of a human child as a person, his maturation as a person, generation (biological factor), social environment (the conditions in which the child lives), as well as education that is carried out according to the purpose, are equally important. In determining the influence of these factors, the teaching of advanced pedagogic scientists, psychologists and philosophers is relied upon.
In philosophy, the individual is considered as a complex reality in social life related to society . They believe that the spiritual wealth of an individual depends on his relationships.
In fact, a person develops and matures on the basis of work. Man creates circumstances and circumstances create man. This, in turn, shows human activity. After all, a person is a product of a certain social system . Society can realize or destroy certain possibilities of personal development.
Philosophers consider a person to be a part of nature . It expresses the idea that it is a bud of human ability, and education is necessary for its development.
The development of society creates ample opportunities for individual development . Therefore, there is an organic connection between the individual and the society.
Thus, the development of the human personality in society takes place under the influence of the complex relationship between nature, environment, and man , and man actively influences them and thus changes his life and his nature.
The influence of the social environment on the individual is also important. This is done through the education system .
First of all , under the influence of upbringing, knowledge and information that the environment could not provide, skills and competencies related to work and technical activities are formed.
Secondly , due to education, congenital defects are also changed and the person matures.
Thirdly , with the help of education, it is possible to eliminate the negative effects of the environment.
Fourthly , education sets a goal for the future.
Therefore, we consider it permissible to quote the following words of President IAKarmimov: "...our mature professional youth who are able to take responsibility for the future and development of our country...".
Therefore, educating and developing young people is the principle of education that affects each other.
Education plays a leading role in the development of a child's personality, and it can be concluded that due to education, he is capable of comprehensive development under the influence of his lineage, family environment, and social environment.
Role of activity in personality development. Along with heredity, environment, upbringing, human activity is also important in personality development. This means that the more a person works, the higher his development will be.
What is the activity itself? Activity is a unique form of socio-historical life directed by a person to purposefully change natural and social life. A person's ability and age are determined by the nature of the activity organized by him.
In the process of activity, the human personality develops comprehensively and as a whole. But in order for the activity to be carried out in accordance with the purpose, it is necessary to organize it correctly. However, in many cases, opportunities for personal development are not created, social work and cognitive activities of students are limited.
The main activities of teenagers and young adults include play, study and work. They consist of cognitive, social, sports, artistic, technical, craft and personal interest areas. The main type of activity is communication .
Activity can be active and passive . Adolescent activity can be activated or suppressed under the influence of environment and education. In the development of a person's personality, his ability to love with his whole body, to show his capabilities, to work, to show himself as a person, gives him satisfaction with his work. His active participation in social work is noticeable .
Activity in the educational process leads the student to deep and solid acquisition of knowledge, to demonstrate his abilities. Activity to knowledge ensures the intellectual development of the student.
The basis of activity is always need. The variety of needs also expands the types of activities. Accordingly, their activities are different at different age periods of the student. In an educational institution, the same requirement all the time does not give a positive result in the development of a person. The types and nature of activities should change in different age periods.
A person's social activity and ability is the guarantee of all his success. Because every person becomes active only with his own work, enthusiasm, and desire. No matter how well the teacher teaches or educates, if the student himself does not try, the development will not be successful. After all, the main reason for all spiritual and moral deficiencies is that a person does not manage his activities in the right way.
That is why human activity is also the result of its development . Therefore, it is important to develop the qualities of social activity, initiative, creativity on the basis of individual activity - to develop the activity through the manifestation of personal potential.
Age and specific characteristics of development. Anatomical , physiological (physical) and psychological characteristics characteristic of a certain age period are called age characteristics . Education and training work is organized taking into account these young characteristics. Then the influence of education on the child's development will be strong.
It is important to know and take into account the characteristics of different age periods in the child's development in order to have a proper approach to children's education and to teach it successfully. Because the growth and development of the child's organism and mental development are different at different ages. Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Yan Amos Comensky, KDUshinsky, Abdullah Awlani also emphasized the need to educate a child.
It is very difficult to take into account the unique nature of the child. Because children of the same age can be mentally different.
For example, vision and hearing, activity, quick perception, slow thinking, impulsiveness or restraint, eloquence or lack of eloquence, enthusiasm or lack of enthusiasm, laziness or industriousness, clumsiness or indolence, compactness or lack of work. quick access, ability, etc., are effects of the nervous system, and the teacher or educator must know them.
In order to know the individual characteristic of the child, it is important to know the general types of temperament and the methodology of studying the child's characteristic.
Also, there are specific development laws of different age periods. For example, 5th graders and 10th graders cannot be equated. Therefore, the child's physical and mental development is divided into the following periods:
1. Infancy period - the period from the end of infancy (1 month) to one year.
2. Pre-kindergarten age - from 1 to 3 years.
3. Age of preschool education - from 3 to 7 years.
4. Pupils of junior school age - up to 7-11-12 years old.
5. Pupils of high school age (teenagers) 14-15 years old.
6. Senior schoolchildren (adolescents) - 16-18 years old.
After all, as stated in the "National Personnel Training Program" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the principles of organization and development of continuous education, achieving the socialization of education is an urgent issue. Forming an aesthetically rich worldview in learners, developing high spirituality, culture and creative thinking skills in them are important social requirements.
At the junior school age, the game activity is now replaced by the study activity. This is a very difficult transition period, and the child's appearance differs little in terms of height and weight. Due to the fact that the bones are not hardened, they are easily injured. Due to the rapid growth of muscles, there is a lot of movement. The brain develops rapidly.
These characteristics of physical growth require care from the educator. At this age, the child is interested in learning and learning.
It is necessary to organize interesting meetings, walks and shows and excursions that satisfy children's interest. Students of this age are characterized by emotionality, their thinking becomes figurative, the content of their feelings changes. They are interested in connecting with people.
High school age (adolescence 12-15 years old). The complexity of adolescence is associated with strong changes in anatomic-physiological and psychological characteristics. The child's growth accelerates. This period is also called transition period . During this period, puberty begins. It affects the character of the child. Work, play, sports and community work play a big role in the life of a teenager. Some of them will lose their mastery and discipline .
The following situations are noticeable in the psyche of today's teenagers:
1. Intellectual development - ability to think, requires organization of mental activity at a high level, interest in learning increases. During this period, holding clubs, studios, sections, and various events is of great importance. Their interest in reading will increase.
2. Self-awareness, assessment, education is formed. He starts comparing himself with others.
But in addition to the above, there will be complex contradictions in the character of a teenager. This is considered a new beginning of adolescent activity, new traits in behavior.
But not all teenagers have a high level of curiosity. 38 percent of teenagers are not interested in studying any academic subjects. Others were found to be interested in three or two academic subjects, and in most cases, only one academic subject. The interest of young teenagers depends on their education. But their interest, as well as reading, is not stable.
21 percent of teenagers participate in various clubs, and the rest are involved in sports or music. 40 percent of students do not have stability in participating in extracurricular activities.
The most important interest is focused on television broadcasting. 88 percent of teenagers watch TV every day.
In order to find out the answer to the question of how they spend a normal day with their free will, the results of the study noted the following: 85 percent of teenagers spend their time on their own, 70 percent watch movies or TV, 50 percent do sports, 45 percent rest by sleeping or lying down. Also, the number of teenagers who go to school to avoid bad grades is 15 percent.
Adolescents develop a need to achieve something . The fulfillment of social requirements by them affects the development of the nervous system. Therefore, school life is full of "difficult" tasks.
At this age, teenagers try to demonstrate their independence in front of adults. The demand for self-education grows. They painfully accept the assessments of adults as "lazy", "rude", "inattentive", "incompetent".
In adolescence, the difference between boys and girls increases. Intellectual skills decrease from grade VII. Therefore, it is necessary to pay great attention to the development of children during this period.
As a result of self-education, boys are strong, free, attentive, brave; and girls - become very docile, humble and serious.
Therefore, it is necessary to help the teenager to plan his time. By the age of 13-14, a sense of duty, responsibility, and self-control begin to appear in a teenager. It is important to respect the personality of a teenager, not to belittle him, to recognize that he has become an adult.


The process of socialization has internal contradictions. A socialized person must conform to the requirements of society, "enter" it, oppose negative aspects of society's development, life situations that hinder individual development of a person. But sometimes the opposite is true in life: there are people who are fully socialized, enter society, but do not actively fight against some negative situations in the environment.
This situation applies to society as a whole, educational institutions, teachers and parents. Contradiction in education can be overcome only with the help of the idea of ​​humanity.
After all, as stated in the "National Personnel Training Program" of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the organization, development and socialization of education is an urgent issue. Forming an aesthetically rich worldview in learners, developing high spirituality, culture and creative thinking skills in them are important social requirements.
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