rather than each student, the
outer for loop will be for each
Remember to reset the total
after each iteration of the inner loop.
Write a subprogram that takes the 2D list of exam results as an
argument and outputs the mean average for each student.
Hint: Remember to reset the total to 0 after outputting the average
for each student
cs_scores = [["Karman","45","60","72"],
def mean_student( ):
Write a function which takes in 1 hexadecimal digit as an argument
and returns the denary equivalent.
Write a main function which asks the user to input a hexadecimal
value and then passes this value to the function you have written.
Hint: Pages 7 and 20
The size of a sound file can be calculated by using the following
File size = sampling frequency * bit depth * channels * duration
The answer will be given in bits, therefore we can convert this to
kilobytes by dividing the answer by (8 * 1024.)
Write a subprogram which takes the sampling frequency, bit depth,
channels and duration of a sound file and returns the file size. This
can then be outputted in Kilobytes and Megabytes.
Use the space below to finish the function and to show how it may
be called.
Eirini Kolaiti came up with the great idea of putting example solutions to
the challenges at the back of the book. I will also post these solutions
online at: http://bit.do/LBOA
There is always more than one way to solve a problem. Even if the
algorithm is well-defined, there may be alternative programming
approaches. The following pages present examples which you can
compare to your own answers. Comments have been provided to aid your
understanding, you should develop the habit of commenting all your
Do not worry if you have written an alternative solution. Also be aware
that these solutions were not produced by typing the whole program out
and running them with no syntax and logic errors on the first time! There
was a debugging process as I wrote each line or block of code.
Encountering errors whilst iteratively testing is the “normal” way to
develop programs.
#define a function called highest_num with three parameters
def highest_number (num1, num2, num3):
# return the highest number
if num1 >= num2 and num1 >= num3:
return num1
elif num2 >= num1 and num2 >= num3:
return num2
return num3
first = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
second = int(input("Enter the second number: "))
third = int(input("Enter the third number: "))
# call the highest_number function and pass the contents of
# first, second and third variables as arguments into the
# parameters num1, num2, num3
highest = highest_number(first,second,third)
#output the highest number with a meaningful message
print("The highest number is " + str(highest))
def generate_username (firstname, lastname):
# create username based on the lastname and first intiial
username = lastname + firstname[0]
# open the file in read mode and evaluate its contents
users_file = open("users.txt","r")
usernames = eval(users_file.read())
# check the entire 2D array to see if the username exists
for count in range(len(usernames)):
# if the username exists, add a # symbol
if usernames[count][0] == username:
username = username + "#"
# return the final username
return username
forename = input("Enter your first name: ")
surname = input("Enter your surname: ")
username_out = generate_username(forename, surname)
print("Your username is " + str(username_out))
def cuboid_volume (length, width, height):
volume = length * width * height
return volume
length_in = int(input("Enter the length of the cuboid: "))
width_in = int(input("Enter the width of the cuboid: "))
height_in = int(input("Enter the height of the cuboid: "))
volume_out = cuboid_volume(length_in, width_in, height_in)
print("The volume of the cuboid is " + str(volume_out))
import random
# initialise the dice with two different values so the
# program runs at least once
dice1 = 1
dice2 = 2
while dice1 != dice2:
dice1 = random.randint(1,6)
dice2 = random.randint(1,6)
print("Dice 1 rolled:" + str(dice1))
print("Dice 2 rolled:" + str(dice2))
if dice1 == dice2:
print("Game loading")
# Use input to enable the user to press enter to continue
# looping
again = input("Press enter to roll again")
def vowel_counter(sentence):
A = 0
E = 0
I = 0
O = 0
U = 0
for count in range(len(sentence)):
# The .upper() casts the current letter to an upper
# Without .uppper(), we would write
# if sentence[count] == "A" or sentence[count] ==
if sentence[count].upper() == "A":
A = A+1
elif sentence[count].upper() == "E":
E = E+1
elif sentence[count].upper() == "I":
I = I+1
elif sentence[count].upper() == "O":
O =O+1
elif sentence [count].upper() == "U":
U = U+1
# using comma to concatenate in Python means we can cast
# the integer values implicitly without using str()
print("The number of A's:", A)
print("The number of E's:", E)
print("The number of I's:", I)
print("The number of O's:", O)
print("The number of U's:", U)
sentence = "Learning programming is similar to learning a
musical instrument. Both involve practise and making lots of
mistakes. Both also require perseverence to develop fluency.
Keep going!"
numbers = [9, 8, 72, 22, 21, 81, 2, 1, 11, 76, 32, 54]
highest = numbers[0]
for count in range(len(numbers)):
if highest < numbers[count]:
highest = numbers[count]
print("The highest number is", highest)
# An alternative approach using a function:
numbers = [9, 8, 72, 22, 21, 81, 2, 1, 11, 76, 32, 54]
def highest_num(numbers_in):
highest = numbers[0]
for count in range(len(numbers)):
if highest < numbers[count]:
highest = numbers[count]
return highest
highest_out = highest_num(numbers)
print("The highest number is", highest_out)
obvious = ["password", "qwerty", "hello123", "letmein",
password = input("Please enter a password: ")
# A basic linear search which iterates through the obvious
# list to check for matches against the password
for count in range(len(obvious)):
if password == obvious[count]:
print("This password is weak. It uses a common word or \
phrase making it susceptible to a brute force attack")
# Length check
if len(password) < 8:
print("Your password is too short. Please use at least \
8 characters")
# initialise some counter variables for different types of
# characters
char = 0
num = 0
upper = 0
lower = 0
for count in range(len(password)):
# A linear search to check if the character is a digit
if password[count].isdigit():
num = num+1
# A check to see if the character is an upper or lower char
elif password[count].isalpha():
char = char+1
if password[count].isupper():
upper = upper+1
elif password[count].islower():
lower = lower+1
if num == 0:
print("To make your password more secure, you could include \
if upper == 0 or lower ==0:
print("To make your password more secure, you could include \
upper and lower case letters")
if char == 0:
print("To make your password more secure, you could include \
if num > 0 and char > 0 and upper > 0 and lower > 0:
print("Your password meets the minimum length requirements \
and contains a mixture of numbers, characters, upper and lower
case letters.")
def marks(grade_in):
grades = [["A*","90"],["A","83"],["B","72"],["C","60"],
for count in range(len(grades)):
if grades[count][0] == grade_in:
return grades[count][1]
grade = input("What grade do you wish to achieve")
mark_req = marks(grade)
print("For grade", grade, "you need to gain", mark_req)
import random
keeper = ["left", "centre", "right"]
keeper_score = 0
player_score = 0
for count in range(5):
dive = random.choice(keeper)
player = input("Do you wish to shoot to the left, centre or
right: ")
print("Keeper went to the", dive)
if keeper == player:
print("Penalty saved")
keeper_score = keeper_score+1
player_score = player_score+1
if keeper_score > player_score:
print("Keeper wins", keeper_score, "-", player_score)
print("You win!", player_score, "-", keeper_score)
def new_user(username_in, password_in):
users_file = open("users.txt", "r")
users = eval(users_file.read())
new_user = []
users_file = open("users.txt", "w")
def mean_of_list(numbers_list_in):
total = 0
for count in range(len(numbers_list_in)):
total = total + numbers_list_in[count]
# divide by the length of the list to find the mean
average = total / len(numbers_list_in)
return average
def main():
numbers_list = [0,7,5,3,22,23,11,34,51,32,5,3,1]
mean = mean_of_list(numbers_list)
print("The mean average of", numbers_list, "=", mean)
# A better way to call main in case the file is imported:
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()
total = 0
for exam in range(1,4):
# iterate through each exam
for student in range(len(cs_scores)):
# update the total by iterating through each student
total = total + int(cs_scores[student][exam])
# calculate the total
print("Total for exam num", exam, "=", total)
# reset the total before starting on the next exam
total = 0
def mean_student(scores_in):
total = 0
for exam in range(1,4):
# iterate through each exam
for student in range(len(cs_scores)):
# update the total by iterating through each student
total = total + int(cs_scores[student][exam])
# calculate and output the mean
mean = total / len(cs_scores)
print("Mean average for exam num", exam, "=", mean)
# reset the total before starting on the next exam
total = 0
def hex_to_denary(hex_in):
# only convert values A to F
hex_A_to_F = [["A","10"],["B","11"],["C","12"],["D","13"],
convert = False
for count in range(len(hex_A_to_F)):
if hex_in == hex_A_to_F[count][0]:
convert = True
return int(hex_A_to_F[count][1])
# if values are not A to F i.e. 1 to 9, return these as
# integers
if convert == False:
return int(hex_in)
def main():
hexi = input("Enter a hex digit to convert: ")
hex_out = hex_to_denary(hexi)
print("The denary equivalent is", hex_out)
def file_size(frequency, bits, channels, duration):
size = frequency * bits * channels * duration
return size
def main():
freq = int(input("Enter the frequency in Hz: "))
bit_depth = int(input("Enter the bit depth: "))
channel = int(input("Enter the number of channels: "))
length = int(input("Enter the duration of the sound file in \
seconds: "))
size_out = file_size(freq, bit_depth, channel, length)
size_kb = size_out / (8 * 1024)
size_mb = size_kb / 1024
print("The file size is", size_kb, "KB")
print("The file size is", size_mb, "MB")
# A better way to call main in case the file is imported:
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()
¹Two brilliant books for absolute beginners. These “how-to” guides take you step by step
through the basic programming structures required to access most of the material in this
Coding Club Python Basics Level 1 (2012) ¹
Coding Club Next Steps Level 2 (2013)
Chris Roffey
Making Games with Python and Pygame (2012)
Automate The Boring Stuff With Python (2015)
Al Sweigart
See also: Youtube channel- sentdex
See also: Youtube channel- KidsCanCode
Chris and Priya
Youtube channel– MrLauLearning
William Lau
Youtube channel– Tech With Tim
Tech With Tim
Youtube channel- Corey Schafer
Corey Schafer
Youtube channel– Computerphile
How We Learn (2014)
Benedict Carey
Why We Sleep (2017)
Matthew Walker
Teaching Computing in Secondary Schools
William Lau
Computer Science Education
Edited by Sue Sentance,
Erik Barendsen and
Carsten Schulte
Teach Like a Champion 2.0
Doug Lemov
Tools for Teaching
Fred Jones
My knowledge and understanding of programming was initially developed
by attending courses run by Ilia Avroutine, Darren Travi, Graham
Bradshaw, David Batty and Sarah Shakibi. I have also benefitted greatly
from the mentoring of Merijn Broeren, Elizabeth Hidson and Andy Swann.
The generosity of those who produce resources to teach programming
such as Chris Roffey, Al Sweigart and Sentdex along with the wider CAS
and Facebook community is also a great source of inspiration. To all of
the aforementioned, I am indebted. You have given me the confidence to
keep developing my programming skills independently and to eventually
share these skills with you on CAS, Facebook, Youtube and in my books.
To further my understanding of programming, I have had the great
privilege of sharing thoughts with Peter Kemp, Alex Parry, Eirini Kolaiti,
Richard Pawson, Scott Portnoff, Sue Sentance and Meg Ray. All of these
brilliant teachers and programmers read early drafts of this book and
their comments have improved the book significantly.
I hope that my compromise of including procedures as well as non-
modular programs is forgiven. I have to be realistic and acknowledge that
for all novices, writing programs without subroutines is a starting point
and an achievement in itself. There are many solutions to a given
algorithm and provided that the output is correct and the algorithm is
reasonably efficient, we should recognise these as correct (up to GCSE
level) even if subroutines are not used.
I thank my colleagues, particularly Lloyd Stevens, Leila Lassami, Jaime
Vega, Gavin Tong, Edward Swire, Pat Cronin and Jamie Brownhill at
Central Foundation Boys’ School (CFBS). They have supported me with
their time, patience and agreeable responses to my (occasionally
unreasonable) demands! I also thank the students at CFBS whose hard
work have provided me with further motivation to improve my teaching .
Our students always inspire us to be better .
To Suki, Zi and Q, this book would not be possible without you. Many
people ask me how I have time to write these books and my answer is, “I
have an understanding family!” Thank you for your continued support.
Have you ever wanted to become more fluent at Python programming?
Perhaps you find the prospect of file writing or using 2D data structures
daunting? If so, then this is the book for you!
The Little Book of Algorithms concisely presents sixteen problems which
computer science students will commonly encounter. These problems are
solved efficiently using programs written using Python. However, reading
these programs is not enough, so the second half of the book presents
you with some challenges so that you can apply what you have learnt.
After finishing this book, you should feel more familiar with:
• While loops and For loops
• Concatenating different data types
• Using procedures and functions
• Working with 1D and 2D lists and arrays
• File reading and writing
This book will show you how to write better Python programs and will
expose you to the key skills that are required to do well in any
programming assignment or exam.
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