The Little Book of Algorithms

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The Little Book of Algorithms

 “Why is learning programming so difficult?” 
Like many readers, I too found programming challenging and I am 
learning! After teaching programming for the past seven years, I noticed 
that only a minority of my students felt confident enough to program 
independently after two years of instruction. Upon realising this, I knew I 
had to change my pedagogy.
I believe Scott Portnoff is correct; students do need to memorise some 
key programming constructs e.g. if statements, while loops and for loops. 
This will decrease cognitive load and enable students to practise more 
fluently. Portnoff’s work was my starting point for this book. As a student 
of b-boy and hip-hop culture, I came across Joseph Schloss’s book 
where he writes about a 
canon that exists for b-boys. 
To add to this theory, Jonathan Sacks argues that a 
canon is 
essential to a culture. In linking these three ideas together, I thought 
about creating a canon for programmers. Perhaps there is a set of 
programs which represent algorithms that every computer science 
student should familiarise themselves with?
I started to compile a list of programs based on my experience as a 
teacher and examiner. Many of the shorter programs are worth repeating 
until they are committed to memory and I admit that learning some of the 
longer programs by heart is both challenging and futile. Therefore, to 
help you develop fluency, I have also written some challenges based on

this canon. These challenges should help you understand these 
programs by applying them.
Sue Sentance suggested in her introduction to programming courses, 
that we should introduce students to subroutines in their very first 
program. Richard Pawson goes one step further in edition 07 of the 
magazine; here Pawson puts forward a case for teaching using the 
functional programming (FP) paradigm from the outset. He makes a 
strong case for using functions which return values rather than 
containing inputs and outputs. This seems counterintuitive due to the 
perceived complexity of FP syntax, however there are three key 
arguments for using functions- unit testing of individual functions, code 
reusability and a separation of concerns. I would therefore encourage 
readers to write with functions from the very beginning. This seems 
daunting at first, however repetition will lead to fluency.
Despite the irrefutable advantages of FP, I have to be pragmatic and will 
include procedures (subroutines which do not return values) and also
programs which do not use subroutines at all. Whilst, I recognise this 
might be a step away from the FP paradigm; students are likely to 
encounter simple structured algorithms up to at least GCSE level. Not 
including examples of both structured and FP paradigms would be doing 
our students a disservice. For some algorithms, the exclusion of 
functions also reduces complexity and cognitive load therefore providing 
a shallower learning curve.
In order to keep programs as short as possible and to improve 
readability, comments are not generally provided in the programs. 
Instead, a more detailed explanation is explained below each program. In 
lessons, I have found it useful to go through one or two algorithms at the 
front of the book with my students and then go to the associated 
challenge at the back. Alternatively, students may choose to work 
through the book independently in class or at home.
This book will hopefully help you to practise and develop fluency in your 
Learning programming is similar to learning a musical 
Both involve practise and making lots of mistakes. Both 
also require perseverance to develop fluency. Keep going! 

A program which takes two numbers as inputs and outputs the 
smallest number.
When you first started programming, you may have produced a 
program to ouput a lower number without using subroutines.
You may even be asked to write simple programs like this in your 
exams. However, good programmers write code which can be 
reused and tested in isolation (known as unit testing). Therefore, 
using a subroutine (also known as a subprogram) to create a 
procedure would produce a “better” program that is modular: 
Whilst the use of a procedure in the second program allows you to 
call the subprogram multiple times in the main program, it does not 
allow for full code re-use...

num1 = int(input("Enter the first number: ")) 
num2 = int(input("Enter the second number: ")) 
if num1 <= num2: 
lowest = num1 
lowest = num2 
print("The lowest number is " + str(lowest)) 

def lower_num(num1,num2): 
if num1 <= num2: 
lowest = num1 
lowest = num2 
print("The lowest number is " + str(lowest)) 
first_num = int(input("Enter the first number: ")) 
second_num = int(input("Enter the second number: ")) 

...What happens if you wanted to use this lowest number later in 
the program? In this case, it makes sense to use a function. The 
key differentiator is that functions return values whereas 
procedures do not.
The function 
is defined on lines 1-5. We have to 
define functions before we can call (use) them. 
Usage of the function is demonstrated on lines 8-13. We still 
take two numbers as integer inputs on Lines 8-9. 
Line 11 calls the function 
with two arguments: the 
contents of 
second_num variables

These arguments are passed into the parameters 
respectively¹. The result is stored in the variable 

As the returned value is an integer, it is cast to a string on line 
13 using str(lowest) so that it can be concatenated (the 
technical name for joining text) with the meaningful output 
¹ Arguments and parameters should have different names even if they seem to serve the 
same purpose. In this case both num1 and first_num store the first number. However, the 
argument stored in the variable 
has global scope, it can be accessed and 
changed anywhere in the program. The parameter 
has local scope, it is a local 
variable which can only be accessed in the subroutine.

def lower_num(num1,num2): 
if num1 <= num2: 
return num1 
return num2 
first_num = int(input("Enter the first number: ")) 
second_num = int(input("Enter the second number: ")) 
lowest = lower_num(first_num,second_num) 
print("The lowest number is " + str(lowest)) 

A subprogram which outputs a username based on a student’s 
first name, surname and year of enrolment.
E.g. Connor Pearce 2019 should return 19CPearce. 
The procedure 
is defined on lines 1-4. 
Line 2: Strings can be sliced, with the first index being 0. In this 
case for the year, we start at 2 and stop at 4 (exclusive). This 
means we would slice year[2] and year[3] i.e. the last two digits 
of the 
. These are concatenated with the first letter from 
and the entire 

Lines 7-9: This shows how the procedure might be used. First 
the user’s details are taken as string inputs . 
Then the procedure is called on line 11 with the user’s details 
as arguments. 
The output is shown below: 

def user_name(forename, last_name, year): 
username_out = year[2:4] + forename[0] + last_name 
print("Your user name is " + username_out) 
first_name = input("Enter your first name: ") 
surname = input("Enter your surname: ") 
joined = input("Enter the year you joined the school: ") 
Enter your first name: Connor 
Enter your surname: Pearce 
Enter the year you joined the school: 2019 
Your username is 19CPearce 

If you wanted to use this 
procedure later to generate 
an email address, this would not be possible without duplication of 
code, it is therefore wise to rewrite this subprogram as a function. 
This is shown below: 
Here we introduce a programming convention of placing your main 
program in a main function. The main function should be the only 
function which contains inputs and ouputs in the entire program. 
From this main function you should call other functions, passing 
arguments into parameters. This process is known as parameter 
The main function above spans lines 7-13. Lines 16-17 ensure that 
your main function will be the first function to be run when the 
program is executed. 
by default. 
However, if the program is imported, the 
becomes the module name, so you can selectively run or test 
functions. This is yet another advantage of using the functional 
programming paradigm.
def user_name(forename, last_name, year): 
username_out = year[2:4] + forename[0] + last_name 
return username_out 
def main(): 
first_name = input("Enter your first name: ") 
surname = input("Enter your surname: ") 
year = input("Enter the year you joined the school: ") 
gen_user_name = user_name(first_name, surname, year) 
print("Your user name is " + gen_user_name) 
if __name__ == '__main__': 


A subprogram which calculates the area of a circle. 
The example below is a function as it returns a value.
Line 1: As the value of Pi 

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