The member of “Young Linguists” club in Innovative Laboratory Muhiddinov Jurabek’s research work on the topic of “Common phrases and idioms used in Law and order ” 10
The member of “Young Linguists” club in Innovative Laboratory Muhiddinov Jurabek’s research work on the topic of “Common phrases and idioms used in Law and order ” 10th “A” form State Specialized Secondary Boarding-school #8, Gijduvan, Bukhara region
Buxoro viloyati G’ijduvon tumani 8-davlat ixtisoslashtirilgan umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktab-internati “Yosh linguistlar” innovatsion laboratoriya a’zosi 10-“A” sinf o’quvchisi Muhiddinov Jo’rabekning ingliz tilida ” Qonuchilikda va sud tizimida ko’p qo‘llaniladigan iboralar” ustida olib borgan kichik tadqiqotchilik ishi
"There are not secret negotiations. Our dealings have always been above board."
above the law
Someone who thinks they are above the law considers that they do not have to obey the laws that apply to everyone else.
"Sometimes elected officials violate regulations because they think they are above the law."
accomplished fact (fait accompli)
Something that has been done or completed, before those affected by it can intervene or change it, is called an accomplished fact.
"The changes in the regulations were never discussed. They were presented as an accomplished fact, for which the Chairman was severely criticised."
If you do something even though you feel it is not a sensible thing to do, you do it against your better judgement.
Bob persuaded her to go by car, against her better judgement, and she regretted it as soon as she saw the heavy traffic.