Conclusion As we looked through everything concerning with prefixes as a means of word formation and it essential for lexicology to determine the place and the role of prefixes in English. As our investigation showed prefixation is one of the most necessary ways of word formation.
Unlike suffixation, which is usually bound up with the paradigm of a certain part of speech, prefixation is considered to be neutral in this respect. It is significant that in linguistic literature derivational suffixes are always divided into noun-forming, adjective-forming, etc. Prefixes, however, are treated differently. They are described either in alphabetical order or subdivided into several classes in accordance with their origin, meaning or function and never according to the part of speech formed. Thus we came to conclusion that:
1. Word-formation is the process of creating words from the material available in the language after certain structural and semantic formulas and patterns.
2. As a subject of study, word-formation is that branch of Lexicology which studies the patterns on which the English language builds words. Like any other linguistic phenomenon, word-formation may be studied synchronically and diachronically.
3. There are two principal types of word-formation in Modern English: word-derivation and word-composition. Within the types further distinction is made between various ways and means of word-formation.
4. Distinction is made between productive and non-productive ways of word-formation.
5. Prefixation plays an important role in translating form English into Uzbek.
6. Prefixes can affect on lexical meaning and we could show in examples given.
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