The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)

Step 2: Visualize What You Really Want

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The Miracle Morning

Step 2: Visualize What You Really Want
Many people don’t feel comfortable visualizing success and are
even  scared  to  succeed.  Some  people  may  experience  resistance  in
this  area.  Some  may  even  feel  guilty  that  they  will  leave  the  other
95% behind when they become successful.
This  famous  quote  from  Marianne  Williamson’s  bestselling
book, A Return To Love,  may resonate with anyone who feels mental
or  emotional  obstacles  when  attempting  to  visualize:    “Our  deepest
fear  is  not  that  we  are  inadequate.  Our  deepest  fear  is  that  we  are
powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not  our  darkness  that  most
frightens  us.  We  ask  ourselves,  Who  am  I  to  be  brilliant,  gorgeous,
talented,  fabulous? Actually,  who  are  you  not to be? You are a child

of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing
enlightened  about  shrinking  so  that  other  people  won’t  feel  insecure
around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born
to  make  manifest  the  glory  of  God  that  is  within  us.  It’s  not  just  in
some  of  us;  it’s  in  everyone. And  as  we  let  our  own  light  shine,  we
unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are
liberated  from  our  own  fear,  our  presence  automatically  liberates
The greatest gift we can give to the people we love is to live to
our  full  potential.  What  does  that  look  like  for  you?  What  do  you
really  want?    Forget  about  logic,  limits,  and  being  practical.  If  you
could  have anything  you  wanted,  do  anything  you  wanted,  and  be
anything  you  wanted—what  would  you  have?  What  would  you  do?
What would you be?
Visualize  your  major  goals,  deepest  desires,  and  most  exciting,
would-totally-change-my-life-if-I-achieved-them  dreams.  See,  feel,
hear, touch, taste, and smell every detail of your vision. Involve all of
your senses to maximize the effectiveness of your visualization. The
more  vivid  you  make  your  vision,  the  more  compelled  you’ll  be  to
take the necessary actions to make it a reality.
Now, fast forward into the future to see yourself achieving your
ideal  outcomes  and  results.  You  can  either  look  towards  the  near
future—the end of the day—or further into the future, like I did while
writing this book, when I visualized people reading  it,  loving  it,  and
recommending  it  to  their  friends.  The  point  is  you  want  to  see
yourself accomplishing what you set out to accomplish, and you want
t o experience  how  good  it  will  feel  to  have  followed  through  and
achieved your goals.

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