—Michael Reeves, College Student (Walnut Creek, CA) “I’ve been using The Miracle Morning for 10 months. Since then, my income has more
than doubled, I am in the best shape of my life, and never have I been more present to
creating better memories with family and friends than I have since after I started. Needless
to say, I am a HUGE fan!”
—Mike McDermott, Region Sales Manager (Davis, CA) “I don’t really know what to say, other than that my days are 100 times better when I do
The Miracle Morning.”
—Josh Thielbar, Business Development Consultant (Boise, ID) “I’m on my 83rd consecutive day of The Miracle Morning and just wish I had known
about it sooner. It is amazing how much clarity I now have throughout the day. I am able
to focus on my work and other tasks each day with so much more energy and enthusiasm.
Thanks to The Miracle Morning, I am experiencing a richer more abundant way of living—
both in my personal and professional life.”