The East Germanic or Gothic group of languages includes the following languages:
1) Burgundy. This is the language of immigrants from the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea, who in the 5th century settled in the south - eastern France, in the area that was named Burgundy. Only a few words have survived from this language, mostly proper names.
2) Vandal language. The language of the so-called Vandals who migrated through Spain to North Africa. In Spain, the province of Andalusia or "Vandalusia" is so named after their stay in this territory. The language itself is represented by several proper names. The most famous is the word "vandal", which later took on a negative meaning after the vandals sacked Rome in 455.
3) Gothic language. The largest monument of the Gothic language is the so-called "Silver Scroll", which is a translation of the four Gospels into Gothic. Translated the Gospels and created the Gothic alphabet by the Gothic bishop Ulfile, who lived in the 4th century AD. The monument is a manuscript on purple parchment in silver letters of a special Gothic alphabet, based on the Greek alphabet. At present, the manuscript is kept in the university library of the city of Uppsala in Sweden and has 187 sheets, instead of 330. Some of the sheets have been lost [1].In addition to the main monument, there are also various manuscripts, receipts, two short notes made on the tips of a spear and a gold necklace that were found in Romania.There are also several words and expressions of the so-called Crimean Gothic language. Part of the Goths in the early Middle Ages moved to the Crimea, where their language was preserved for a long time [1].