GUESSING AND SPECULATING GAMES Essentially, in guessing and speculating games, someone knows something and the others must find out what it is. There are many games and variations in this section, all based on this simple idea. It is possible to play many of them by making short unconnected guesses. Played in this way, the games are useful for the less sophisticated learner and/or the learner whose English is limited. However, learners with a wider range of English at their command should be required to think and speak in a more extended, connected way.
In most of the games described here the majority of the class or groups are 'guessers' rather than 'knower'. Organized this way round, more work is done by the majority!
Hiding and finding Language: Asking questions, using is it + preposition + place (e.g. is it on top of the cupboard?). Making suggestions, using Let's + verb + object + preposition + place (e.g. Let1 s bide the watch on top of the cupboard}. In Variations 1: Have you hidden it . . .? In Variation 2: hit hidden . . .? Or has it been hidden . . .?
Preparation: None.
Procedure: Class work.
One or two learners should be sent outside the room. The class then discusses what small object they would like to hide and where it should be hidden, e.g.
Class: Let's hide this watch. Let's hide this coin.
Let's hide it under the box of chalk.
Let's hide it inside the cupboard on a shelf.
When the object is hidden, call the learner(s) in and tell him/her/them to find the object by asking questions, e.g.
Learner 1: Is it at the front of the room?
Class: Yes.
Learner 1: Is it on top of the cupboard?
Class: No. . . .
Variation 1: Class work.
At an intermediate level, the learner(s) who went outside the classroom can be asked to use the present perfect:
Learner 1: Have you hidden it near the door?
Variation 2: Class work.
One or two learners go out of the classroom but only half the class should be responsible for choosing and hiding the object. This gives some justification for the use of the passive form if it is the other half of the class which is asked the questions: Learner i: Is it hidden at the back of the classroom? or: Has it been hidden at the back of the classroom?