ISSN 2694-9970
Middle European Scientific Bulletin, VOLUME 15 Aug 2021
Theoretical and Practical Significance of the
Teaching Folklore in the Education Stages
Nazokat Yusufjonova Nigmadjonovna
Tashkent State University of Uzbek language and Literature Named after A.Navoi, PhD student
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Today’s unique development is owing to the implementation
of the initiatives on
development of the education, improvement of the quality of the education, improving the role and
place of the teachers in the society and appreciating their deeds. Studying folklore, which reflect
understanding and showing individuality of a nation, motivations, life style and outlook, is to study
history of ethnos, their customs, traditions, feelings, past, present and future. Popular epics play an
important role in the spiritual perfection of the mankind.
There has analyzed significance of the studying folklore in
the educational system of
Uzbekistan and educational, training, and developing aims of the lesson
which dedicated to teach
Uzbek and Indian folk epics on the basis of comparative-typological analysis were structured in this
Key words:
comparative training, method of teaching,
narrative folk tales, education
program, folklore, traditional motifs, comparative analysis.
The folklore, created many centuries before the written literature, has been living on up to these days.
The Uzbek folklore, which served as a great source in the formation of the written literature, includes
many genres such as poems, legends, tales, songs, sayings and riddles, and they reflect the history,
domestic culture, traditions and mentality of the nation. the history of poetic thought of the Oriental
peoples is of common origin such as symbols,
artistic style, ideas of glorification of human being,
comprehension of human beings and the world, faithfulness, loyalty
in its philosophical nature
found in these epics share the same roots. Meanwhile divine support and recognition of positive
creativity i.e. psychology of artistic creativity are reflected in them. By their nature the epic motives
are in harmony with mythological and religious and traditional views.
According to the “Education program for the secondary education” for the subject of literature
approved in 1999 by the “State standards of the secondary education”, the content of the meaning of
the subject of literature includes the studying the unique samples of folklore of Uzbek, fraternal and
foreign nations, forming the skills of understanding and analyzing the read eposes, their comparative
analysis by comprehending
the theoretical information, and development of the pupils’ oral and
written skills.
Main part:
The samples of the folklore – sayings, tales and riddles are taught from the 5
The information about folk songs, such as “Boychechak”, “Chittigul”, “Khup mayda”, “Yor-yor”
and “Kelin salom” and their kinds are brought in the 6
For the 7
grade, 4 academic hours are allowed to study “Ravshankhon” love-adventure poem from
“Gurugli” series and to learn about the art of hyperbole.