110. How is the meaning of person is expressed in the English and Russian/the English and Uzbek in the following sentences: I write letters in the morning;
Я пишу письма по утрам;
Мен хатни эрталаб ёзаман;
111. The grammatical categories are characteristic to: a) functional words; c) notional words;
b) auxiliary words; d) none-of them;
112. Which type of relations between words does “formal identity” refer to? a) syntagmatic; c) both paradigmatic and syntagmatic
b) paradigmatic; d) none of them.
113. Underline primary and secondary predications in the following sentence: John was asked to help Mary 114. There are two notional parts of speech in English which are said to be morphologically the most developed ones: a) adverb; c) personal pronouns;
b) adjective; d) verbs;
115. What types of linguistic relations between words do you know? a) adverbial; c) paradigmatic and syntagmatic;
b) prepositional; d) stylistical;
116. What kind of morpheme is the underlined one “recordsman”? a) discontinuous; c) empty;
b) zero; d) lexical;
117. What sound changes are there in the contemporary English language? a) only root – vowel change;
b) only final consonant change;
c) both root vowel and final consonant change;
d) there are all those three mentioned sound changes;
118. What typology are we talking about when we say that “English is an Indo – Eropean language” which morphologically refers to flectional type of languages? a) morphological; c) both genetic and morphological;
b) genetic; d) none of them;
119. Which type of relations between words does “formal identity” refer to? a) syntagmatic;
b) paradigmatic;
c) both paradigmatic and syntagmatic;
d) none of them;