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Tips for developing a lessons
Observation Policy
The main purpose of observing and
analyzing lessons is to study the
practical and methodical activities of
professors and teachers, to increase
teaching responsibility, and to achieve
lesson efficiency.
When the teacher prepares for the lesson, attention is paid to the
1) in the process of preparing for the lesson, the teacher is required to
pay attention to the compatibility of the topic with the working program
and calendar plan, to prepare the lesson development, various didactic
handouts and visual aids;
2) setting a clear goal for the lesson in accordance with the state
educational standards and curricula
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3) paying attention to the preparation of the
classroom, the cleanliness of the blackboard, the
preparation of chalk, rags or markers, the video
projector, and the readiness of the electronic
4) scientificity and consistency of the topic,
direction from simple to complex; focus on
visuality and imparted knowledge, vitality of new
information, vivid and fluent language
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Sequence of lesson observation and analysis
1) The purpose of the lesson observer;
2) Monitoring and analysis of the lesson
3) Follow the steps of the teacher during the
4) Analyzes and suggestions and comments
of the lesson observer regarding the
effectiveness of the lesson and further
improvement of the teacher's performance.
5) appropriateness of the hours allocated to the
subject based on the curriculum, taking into account
the age and personal-psychological characteristics of
the student, encouraging them to think and search,
using creativity, methodological skills, advanced
pedagogical and innovative experiences
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Lesson analysis is the main factor for
studying the performance of the teacher,
determining the extent to which students
master the basics of science, and
controlling the implementation of the
state curriculum materials according to
the plan. Analysis of lessons into
scientific, methodical, didactic and
general pedagogical, psychological
aspects clarifies the analysis of the
lesson, perfects it and expands the
opportunity to give a perfect assessment
of the teacher's and student's activities.
Feeling positive about an observation
is easier said than done, but try to use
an observation as a positive
experience. It's easy to see an
observation as a threat, but keep in
mind that observations have always
been focused on seeing how the class
are learning, not how you're teachin
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you can get some great opportunities to focus your
development as a teacher Feeling positive about
an observation is easier said than done, but try to
use an observation as a positive experience. It's
easy to see an observation as a threat, but keep in
mind that observations have always been focused
on seeing how the class are learning, not how
you're teachin
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Good quality feedback provides a 'real-time'
form of CPD which is not done to you, it is
done with you, and by taking time to
understand the feedback given, and act on it,
you can get some great opportunities to focus
your development as a teacher
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For example, if you are told there was
‘not enough questioning' evidenced, it‘s
easy to feel like that is a personal attack
on your skills, but if you consider what
this means, the observer is basing this
on evidence from the lesson, and feels
that telling you this would help drive
learning forward. Any criticism is
ultimately aimed at pushing learning
Cute Rabbit
Fresh Cartoon
Teaching Template
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