Exercise 2
Translate these sentences into Uzbek
1. 1 study at the T ashkent State Pedagogical U niversity nam ed after N izam i.
2. W e have a large sport hall and sport g round a t the U niversity.
3. P hysical train in g sports an d gam es are an im portant part o f the education in our
4. Sports h elp people to keep in go o d health.
5. S port g am es helps to bring up a strong and healthy g en eratio n o f courageous
y o u n g m en and w om en.
6. I can play v ario u s sport gam es.
7. E very y e a r v ario u s co m p etitio n s take place at o u r U niversity.
8. I am a m em b er o f the U niversity football team an d tak e part in m any
co m p etitio n s too.
9. P hysical culture and sp o rt in o u r country are p art o f U zb ek cu ltu ral an d public
10. O ur national sp o rt gam e ‘K u ra sh ’ is held in ev ery w h ere o f th e w orld.
14. Tashkent
live in T ashkent. T ashkent is the capital o f U zbekistan. It is a very old city.
T ashkent w as founded 2000 years ago. T ashkent is one o f the largest cities o f central
Asia. A t different stages o f its long history it had several nam es. The nam e T ashkent
is the U zbek for Stone tow n. In the old days
it w as a city o f sm all clay houses and
narrow streets. It takes up an area o f 220
square kilom eters. T he population o f the
city is more than 3 m illion people. There are
several m uslim m onum ents and historical
buildings such as the K ukaldash m adrasah
and the B arakkhan m osque w hich w ere built
in the 16th century.
Today T ashkent is a m odern city. T ashkent is the centre o f industry culture,
science and art o f the republic. There are num erous factories and plants in Tashkent.
They produce various goods for our country. T ashkent is a big cultural centre. There
are many cinem as, squares, theatres, m useum s and libraries in the city. T ashkent is
the educational and scientific centre o f the republic. T here are a lot o f U niversities,
institutes, secondary schools. The city has the republics academ y o f sciences. H igher
Educational Institutions train qualified specialists for our republic. T ashkent becam e
w ell-know n in the w orld as the capital o f our new Sovereign independent republic. A
num ber o f sum m it talks have been held in Tashkent. A lot o f em bassies, offices and
jo in t ventures o f many international organizations, com panies and firm s have opened
in the city.
The T ashkent m etro is the pride o f the city. All the stations looks like
underground palaces. Im portant political m eeting, different international conferences
and festivals are held in T ashkent.
In future T ashkent will continue to grow . W e like our fine city.