Quyida har 10 ta variant uchun umumiy bo‘lgan masalaning berilishi va talab qilinayotgan saralash usuli keltirilgan. Talabalar topshiriq olib so‘ralayotgan usul bilan o‘zlari tomonidan tanlangan ixtiyoriy saralash usulining samaradorligini solishtirish dasturini tuzishlari kerak. Usullarni solishtirishda o‘rin almashtirishlar soni nazarda tutiladi. N ta talabadan iborat guruh tuzilsin. Quyidagi ma’lumotlar berilgan: familiya, ism, tug‘ilgan yili, fanlar bo‘yicha bahosi: MTvaA, oliy matematika, fizika, dasturlash, topshirgan sessiya umumiy bali.
To‘g‘ri tanlov usulidan foydalanib, saralashni amalga oshirish dasturini ishlab chiqing (variantga mos ravishda):
Talabalarni umumiy bali bo‘yicha o‘sish tartibida.
// C++ program to demonstrate structure sorting in C++
string name; // Given
int math; // Marks in math (Given)
int phy; // Marks in Physics (Given)
int che; // Marks in Chemistry (Given)
int total; // Total marks (To be filled)
int rank; // Rank of student (To be filled)
// Function for comparing two students according
// to given rules
bool compareTwoStudents(Student a, Student b)
// If total marks are not same then
// returns true for higher total
if (a.total != b.total)
return a.total > b.total;
// returns true for higher marks
if (a.math != b.math)
return a.math > b.math;
if (a.phy != b.phy)
return a.phy > b.phy;
return (a.che > b.che);
// Fills total marks and ranks of all Students
void computeRanks(Student a[], int n)
// To calculate total marks for all Students
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
a[i].total = a[i].math + a[i].phy + a[i].che;
// Sort structure array using user defined
// function compareTwoStudents()
sort(a, a + n, compareTwoStudents);