TFI, 2018. - 216 str. V dannom uchebnom posobii raskriti predmet i zadachi izucheniya distsiplini «Metodi izucheniya biznesa», organizatsiya biznesa, vibor metodov izucheniya biznesa,
kontseptsiya obespecheniya prioritetnosti konkurentsii v biznese, informatsionnie
sistemi v izuchenii biznes protsessov, strategicheskoe razvitie biznes deyatelnosti firmi,
izuchenie sprosa i analiz privlekatelnosti konkurentnogo rinka, osnovnie napravleniya
izuchenie kon’yunkturi rinka v biznese, teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie storoni vibora
vnutrenney i vneshney strategii firmi. Uchebnoe posobie prednaznachena dlya
magistrantov, prepodavateley prepodayushchixsya v napravleniyax magistraturi, a takje
soiskateli izuchayushchix biznes deyatelnosti, predprinimatelyam zanimayushchiysya
malim biznesom i vsem interesuyushchimsya biznes deyatelnostyu sub’ektam. Rasulova D.V, Khotamov I., Asatullaev H.S. Methods of studying business. - T.: TFI, 2018. - 216 p. In this tutorial, the subject and tasks of studying the discipline "Methods of studying
business," the organization of business, the choice of methods for studying business, the
concept of ensuring the priority of competition in business, information systems in
studying business processes, the strategic development of business activities of the
company, the study of demand and analysis of the attractiveness of a competitive market,
the main areas of market research in business, the theoretical and methodological aspects
of the choice of internal and external strategy of the company.
The textbook is intended for undergraduates, teachers taught in the directions of
magistracy, as well as applicants studying business activities, entrepreneurs engaged in
small business and all business subjects interested in business.