Training general doctors endokrinalogiey

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Ministry of Health Republican Uzbekistan



Cough, phegm, Tactics squall


Ministry of Health Republican Uzbekistan




Dean of medical-pedagogical faculty,

professor Zufarov P.S.


«____» _____________ 20 y

Cough, phegm, Tactics squall

Compiled by docent Boboyev A.T


Number of Students

Time - 2:00

Form of lesson

Lecture - Visualization

The plan of lecture

1. Definition of terms syndromes cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

2. Causes and risk factors leading to syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

3. Different pathogenetic mechanisms of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

4. Classification of disease syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

5. Common differential diagnostic signs of disease syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

6. The clinical presentation and course of disease syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

7. Diagnosis of disease syndromes accompanied with cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

8. The principles of treatment, prevention, and clinical examination of patients with the syndrome of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

The purpose of the training session: To familiarize students with the etiology, pathogenesis of diseases associated with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis, to introduce the modern classification of diseases syndromes soprovozhdayushihsya cough, sputum and hemoptysis, teach the principles of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and clinical examination of diseases associated with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

Pedagogical objectives:

1. Strengthen and deepen the students' knowledge about the diseases, syndromes involving cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

2. Teach students to correctly establish the diagnosis according to current classification.

3. Giving students ability to differentiate diseases associated syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

4. Familiarize students stages prevention for patients with diseases involving syndromes cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

GPs should know:

1. Risk factors leading to diseases associated with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

2. Diseases associated with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

3. Principles of differential diagnosis of diseases associated with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

4. Principles of treatment.

5. The principles of prevention and clinical examination of patients with diseases involving syndromes cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

Learning outcomes:

Methods of teaching texts of lectures, videos, surveys, questions, technique "yes-no"

Study mode

laser projector, visuals, special technical equipment, display case patients

Learning Tools


Conditions of the educational process


Technology card LECTURES

Stages, time




Stage 1


(5 min)

1.Rasskazyvaet lectures on the subject, objectives, and plans

1. Listen

Stage 2

Actualization (added value) of knowledge

(20 min)

2.1. In order to enhance the mainstreaming (increasing value) of student asks the questions:

1. Define the terms involving syndromes cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

2. List the disease syndromes involving cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

3. List the risk factors that lead to syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

4. List of drugs used to treat diseases associated with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

Conducts surveys

2.2. Screening, offers students acquainted with the aims and objectives of the lecture.

Slide number 1

2.1. Respond to questions

2.2. Learn the slide № 1

2.3.Izuchayut slide number 2

Stage 3



(55 min)

3.1. Introduces students to the lecture material, significant themes and principles of intelligent cultural identity, in particular GP-teacher.

In order to enhance the mainstreaming of knowledge to do quick survey of students:

1. 1 point plan lecture: Define terms syndromes involving cough, phlegm and coughing up blood?

2. To 2-point plan lecture: List the causes and risk factors leading to disease syndromes involving cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

3. On 3-point plan lecture: List different pathogenetic mechanisms of cough, sputum and hemoptysis?

4. To 4-point plan lecture: Tell highlights classification of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

5. At 5-point plan lecture are common differential diagnostic signs of diseases associated with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

6. To 6-point plan lecture: List the clinical manifestations and course of disease occurring syndromes c cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

7. To 7-point plan lecture: What are the main methods of diagnosing diseases, syndromes accompanied with cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

8. 8-point plan lecture: List the main principles of treatment, prevention, and clinical examination of patients with diseases soprovozhdayashihsya with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

Turning to the important points lectures, offers write the main position in the notebook 3.1. Together dismantled listen lecture material, ask questions

Highlights written in the notebook

Stage 4

final (10 min)

4.1. Ask a question:

1. List the most common diseases associated with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

2. Tell modern classification of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

3. What are the basic principles of treatment, prevention, patients with diseases soprovozhdayushihsya with syndromes of cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

4.2. Gives the task for independent work of students:

Disease syndromes soprovozhdayushihsya with cough, sputum and hemoptysis.

4.1. Answer questions

4.2. Listen and write

Cough, standing phegm (the mixture slime and salivas) from light in mouth, - a way, by means of which organism disposes from separations, agglomerating in light. Smoking - a main reason with phegm. Do Not persuade sick to restrain cough. This can break work light and enlarge the risk to infections of the respiratory ways.

Many people, coughing with phegm, do not turn on this attention or consider normal. They do not address to physician until it is pushed with serious frustration of health, such, as shortness of breath, cough with blood, chest pain, loss of the weight or an of the disease.

Colour and scent of the phegm

The Colour, consistency and scent of the phegm - an important factors of the condition of the person. Ditto pertains and to sound That mean the colour and consistency of the phegm:

Transparent, fluid, phegm is usually formed at cold or the other disease of the upper respiratory ways, asthma, allergies; under influence of the irrotants (for instance, cigarette smoke).

Thick or phegm points to sinusitis, bronchitis or pneumonia.

Brown or phegm usually contains the blood. This can be a result of the trauma, caused, as well as pneumonia, tuberculosis, serious irritation or even cancer light.

If beside person, who usually does not cough, began stubborn cough with phegm, this threatening sign - a speech can go about condition, dangerous for life. It is Necessary urgently to consult with physician, particularly if phegm, with or colour of the rust.

The Urgent medical help necessary also under or clouding of the consciousness; if beside sick uneven, increased the frequency of or decelerated breathing. These point to sharp frustration of the breathing.

To not to spread the infection, sick must:

the mouth and nose charge close under;

always spit the phegm in bank with lid;

wash the hands.

Reasons with phegm

The Reason number one - a smoking. Why? When smoking respiratory ways produce more slime, why, in turn, is formed more phegms, from which it is necessary to dispose. Smoking will also paralyse the most fine hairspring in respiratory fetter, in rate helping stand;bear from there phegms.

Enumerated below malaises too promote with phegm:

The Asthma. Often, the disease begins with dry and light hoarseness, but gradually develops before strong wheeze and cough with phegm. Can be formed thick separations.

The Chronic bronchitis. At, the disease chronic disarmed respiratory ways produce dry cough, gradually changing in cough with phegm, which can contain the pus.

The Usual cold. At ill of the person can phegm, consisting of slime or mixture slime and fester.

material can increase formation slime in respiratory fetter, which irritates them, causing cough. This often can be beside people, sufferring from chronic sinusitis and allergy.

The Cancer light. The Early this disease is chronic cough with small quantity of the phegm with blood. The Phegm can contain the pus or mixture fester and slime.

Pneumonia. Under this disease can appear dry cough transitory in cough with phegm. The Colour of the phegm is changed depending on that, what in she is present to bacterias.

The Tuberculosis. Sick can small or big amount of the phegm, which contains slime, blood or pus.

The Tuberculosis causes: the general malaise; the chest pain; е on night; the shortness of breath.

That means scent and sound

Unpleasant, scent can be an of the bronchitis, abscess light, tuberculosis. Dry cough is indicative of that that VWVbrush against vocal cordses, but metallic tone - about defeat main respiratory ways.

Pneumonia can cause:

the shivering with tremor; the high temperature; the pain in muscle; the headache; the rapid pulse;

the increased the frequency of breathing

Exercises for conclusion of the phegm

If beside you cough with phegm, special exercises will help to straighten and clean your light, as well as avoid to pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases. To master these exercises, follow the given instructions:

Comfortable on back. Place one hand to thorax, but another on higher part of the belly beside basis of the breastbone.

Mildly drive away the lap and their small pillow. Try be weakened. (If you recently did the operation on thorax or in abdominal cavity, fix them in still condition, having laid under pillow.)

Vydohnite, then close the mouth and deeply through nose. Sosredotochitesi on that to feel, what the belly rises, but thorax herewith does not enlarge. If hand, resting upon belly, at breath rises, signifies, you breathe it is correct. Use for breathing not only muscles of the thorax, but also diaphragms and belly. Delay the breathing and slowly before five.

Somknite lips, as it is woke; waked for whisper, and completely air through mouth, not cheating cheeks. Use the muscles of the belly that whole air, at rib must come down downwards and inside. The Exhalation must occupy twice as large time, than breath.

Several seconds. Then continue the exercise until five once will not do his(its) it is correct. Gradually enlarge the amount ten. Having Masterred this exercise, you may do his(its) sitting, standing up or lying down in beds. For day try deeply to breathe each hour-two.

These exercises, either as described above, will help to clean light from separations and prevent the pulmonary infection. Read the following instructions to possess the correct technology:

Sit on edge of the beds, mildly having bent over onward. If legs will not get before flap, substitute the small bench. If you feel the weakness, the hand about night table, having laid under pillow on it.

To stimulate reflex, breathe deeply and exhale through closed lips. Completely exhale through mouth, not cheating cheeks air by means of muscles of the belly.

Once again delay the breathing and twice energetically (or unless can, three times carefully) , on that to pop whole air from bosom.

Little, then execute the exercise not less two once. Repeat him(it) at least once on reek each two hours.

The Other measures:

Go more to liquids to do the pulmonary separations more fluid and relieve their.However if in light was saved up liquid (under pulmonary eden), are first advised with physician.

Use the room humidifier of the air. This will becalm the fevered respiratory ways and softens the dry separations.

More often repose.

Avoid the pulmonary irrotants - particularly tobacco smoke.

Under cost(stand) or stay-at-home straight to relieve the expansion light.

Possible use the medicine and mixture.

Moisten the air. To soften the inflammation of the respiratory ways and prevent pulmonary separations, are advised with physician on cause of the use the room humidifier of the air.

That will say in hospital. Sick can be prescribed medicine, dissolving phegm (the); helping clean light from phegm (coughing up); the increasing air ways. For curing the bacterial infection, being reason, are fixed antibiotics.

If beside child cough with phegm

Since beside respiratory ways narrow, beside child, coughing with phegm, can be occluded respiratory ways to appear the difficulties with breathing if phegm will be accumulated. So necessary to address to physician.

The Reasons, causing beside child cough with phegm:

the asthma - a chronic disease light, causing reiterative fits of the labored breathing;

sharp - a viral disease of the lower respiratory ways (meets mainly beside from two months before year);

- a chronic disease, striking many organs; the whooping cough - very contagious disease, causing sudden fits piercing.

To clean from phegm respiratory ways child, physician can prescribe him coughing up. Use the medicine on purpose of the physician strictly. Do Not let's the child other medicine - for instance, suppressing cough - without instruction of the physician. The Suppression can worsen the condition sick.

Cough and as his(its) cure.

Baby cough. We Cure and warn. Your child caught cold The Malaise, shivering, nerve-racking cough With such problem, regrettably, happens to to face nearly all parent. Cough is one their the of the diseases of the baby age.

Cough - an forced of the motion, conditioned by irritation mainly mucous shell of the respiratory ways (the larynx, respiratory blazed, bronchi) and pulmonary fabrics - pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma.

Cough presents itself sharp exhalation - a defensive reaction of the organism, he provides the defogging a bronchi from of the particles, microorganism or bronchial slime (the phegms).

Cough the greater amount of the diseases. can provoke the retching, voice, be accompanied the enxiety, break the dream, worsen the current of the main disease.

The Reasons : cold, allergy, sometimes emotional tension, emotion.

Most often (in 90% events) cough is an sharp viral infection. Herewith infectious-inflammatory process can become localized in upper (the nose,) and in lower respiratory fetter (the larynx, trachea, bronchis, light).

The Other reason beside can become the inflammation LOR-organ (the nose, of the sinuses of the nose, gulp), presence adenoid (increase tonsils).

Cough is one of the the most important clinical sign of the bronchial asthma. At disease cough can be an equivalent fit difficulties in breathing.

Suddenly arisen cough can be a signal about inhalation bodies in trachea and bronchis that presents the serious threat to lifes child and requires the immediate interference.

Cough can be caused also by diseases, not connected with respiratory system. For instance, he can appear beside with vice heart or pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

The Reason of the development can become the high concentration bad material midair (, presence of the tobacco smoke), as well as too dry and overheated air in room.

To count;calculate;list more rare reasons pertains (reflex) cough, appearing, for instance, at pathology medicine to be taken externally auditory passage (the sulfuric stoppers) and average fish soup (under his(its) inflammation).

The Manifestations. Cough can be humid and dry depending on presence of the phegm, (at whooping cough), periodic (at bronchitis), unceasing and short (at pleurisy), barking (at defeat larynx and hysterias), husky (at inflammation of the vocal cordses).


1. On nature:

- unproductive, or dry;

- productive, or humid - from phegms.

2. On intensities:

- light;

- strong.

3. On length:

- episodic short;

- constant.

4. Adrift:

- sharp - before 3 weeks;

- an - more than 3 weeks, but less 3 months;

- chronic - 3 months and more.

The Origin possible expect, analysing his nature. So, dry loud, staccato (barking) cough appears at inflammation larynx, tracheas; convulsive cough with quickly following friend for the other push, breaking noisy exhalation, bring about retching exists under such infectious disease, as whooping cough; on background whistling breathings - under bronchial asthma. Analysing nature productive follows to pay attention to particularities of the phegm. So, cough with branch of the light phegm, gaining yellow-green colour at periods of the intensification, possible under chronic bronchitis, phegm with admixture shelters can be, for instance, at tuberculosis light and etc.

When cough dangerous:

- suddenly arisen and never-ending;

- with wheeze, which heard on distance;

- night,

- with admixture shelters;

- with phegm of the green colour;

- developed on background , and duration more than 3-h week.

It Is Required immediately apply for medical help. It Is Shown deepened examination child.

U rgent calling the physician even under the most slightest sign of the disease necessary all before year, with heavy chronic diseases, as well as at presence beside child of the high temperature (above 38 with) or shortnesses of breath.

The Treatment of the disease, being accompanied must be conducted under checking the physician. Terapiyu it is necessary to begin under the first sign of the disease. Regrettably, "gold pill", rescuing from all troubles does not exist. So treatment must be complex and is directed, on eliminating the reason disease, as well as her and on increasing of defensive power of the organism.

The Mode sick child must be sparing, however does not cost(stand) vastly to limit the motor activity of the small patient. Motion perfect the defogging a bronchi from saved up slime, accelerate recovery. If child wants to play - play with him together, certainly this must not be excessively active plays (run, jump and pr.), preferred more calm plays. The Breast child useful more often to take on hands, much tenderly patting on back.

The Diet must be sparing. If tot abandons to meal - do not force him(it), but offer light, but it is enough food: jelly, dessert made of fruit, warm milkshake, fruit puree. Not trouble if 2-3 days crumb eats less usual. But here is drink without fall it is necessary much. The Liquid perfects removing a toxin from organism, promotes the dilution and removing the phegm. Prepare the child loved drink, juice, offer to drink them from amusing mug or through, playing, give to drink the tot.

Sick, sufferring, much useful comprise of ration fluid milk porridge from hercules, mashed potatoes, prepared with big amount (promotes removing), on grater, fuelled vegetable mask and sour cream. The Efficient facility, helping dispose of is grape, which promotes healing light and acts as coughing up, quickly curing usual cold and cough. The Glass of grape juice with teaspoon of the honey becalms cough. Well take the lemon, missed through meat grinder together with skin and mixed on taste with honey. Avoid the sharp food, sweet drink, sweetmeats.

The Main methods of the treatment beside with are an actions, directed on dilution and removing the phegm.

For the best phegms necessary to moisten the air in room, where is found child. At cool time of the year indoors with central heating to battery possible to place the humid towel or sheet. But better use the special electrical appliance - a humidifier of the air.


Presently, there is enormous choice preparation, promoting reduction to viscosity (the preparations) and perfecting (coughing up facility) of the phegm. What of them to prefer?

All preparations possible conditionally to divide into three categories:

- an preparations - their main function dilution phegms.

- a coughing up preparations - their action - intensify cough

- an they act upon centre in nervious system and remove cough.

The Chemical pharmaceuticalses can be a multifunction action: for instance, and coughing up, they delute the phegm and relieve

Under, appeared on background possible to recommend the coughing up facility of the vegetable origin: decoctions mother- (their prepare on water bath in accordance with instruction), juice black with honey, juice of the plantain, extract fruit anise and To this group pertain the preparations, licorice, essential oils. Have Well proved;proven to be itself preparations from sheet of the ivy (is MISSED, GEDELIKS). The Acting beginning enumerated vegetable facilities are an alkaloids and - a material, doing bronchial slime more fluid, enlarging her(its) amount, intensifying reduction bronchi and promoting phegms.

But does not follow to revalue importance and possibility vegetable preparation. Their action short, necessary receiving the small doses since increasing of the single dose nauseats and retching. Additionally, medicinal facilities of this group can vastly enlarge the volume of the phegm, which small children unable by itself that brings about significant breach to functions bronchi. The Coughing up remedy for a cough: Mukaltin, Root, Root of the licorice,Sheet of the plantain,Sheet mother- Thyme, Yodid potassium, Solutan, Bronholitin, Tussin,Pertussin, Gidrokarbonat sodium.

If beside child for 3-4 days disease cough did not become humid phegms is labored, necessary to begin the treatment modern syntetic preparation: ACC, Karbocistein, Ambroksol, Mesna, Bromgeksin - a given medicinal facilities are used at bronchitis, pneumonia.

Has Well proved;proven to be itself preparation (ACC, MUKOBENE, FLUIMUCIN). The Preparation well and quickly delutes the phegm, pus, mucous separated from nose, possesses the an action. The special forms is Designed for - ACC-100. The Preparation easy opens in water, has a pleasing taste.

One of the best of the new generation is an (AMBROBENE, AMBROGEKSAL, LAZOLIVAN). Ambroksol well delutes the phegm and has more denominated coughing up effect, possesses the an action, intensifies local. The Important particularity given preparation is an ability to enlarge the contents in light - a material supporting surrface pull light and perfecting their stretchability that is mediated perfects phegms. Possible using since the first months of the lifes child, even born prematurely.

All known BROMGEKSIN also well delutes the phegm, perfecting her(its) evacuation. The Preparation relatively inexpensive, has a baby forms, however on efficiency yields

Exist the preparations, possessing not only effect, but also restoring normal activity of the hutches of the mucous shell bronchi, working out secret. They are identified. Amongst preparation of this group the most known facilities on base к (BRONKATAR, MUKODIN, MUKOPRONT). However on background of their acceptance beside child can appear the aptitude to constipation.

Follows specifically to stop on preparation i.e. facility suppressing reflex. Need in suppression beside appears extremely seldom. Moreover, at presence beside child raised product of the viscous secret, use preparation can vastly worsen function bronchi, enlarge probability secondary, aggravate respiratory insufficiency.

To preparation refer the medicinal facilities of the central action, influencing upon cerebrum centre (narcotic - a CODEINE and - GLAUVENT, TUSUPREKS, SINEKOD) and of the action, blocking nervious completions in shell tree (LIBEKSIN). The Purpose preparation (the!) can be justified in that events, when beside child is noted nerve-racking dry cough, bring about retching, origin to pains in thorax, breach VWVappear in the dreams and appetite, for instance, at whooping cough. From their independent use follows to abstain. Also settle the problem about practicability of the using multifunction preparation, in composition which enter, including, and components (GEKSAPNEVMIN, LOREYN, STOPTUSSIN) can only physician. Quite often they But use multifunction preparation, containing (BRONHOLITIN, SOLUTAN) possible only in rare events of the production of the ample fluid phegm since possesses "drying a little" effect.

Considering that inflammation is a main mechanism in development diseases, being accompanied, preparations, certainly, render the positive influence. At the last years as of the facility under sharp and chronic disease organ breathings beside of any age is successfully used (ERESPAL), which is mediated perfects phegms. The Antibiotics at presence beside are used far from always.

Only physician can settle the problem about practicability and some other type under beside

This remark pertains and to preparation, increasing bright spot bronchi - an. If cough is a manifestation to obstructions (narrowing) bronchi, for instance, under bronchial asthma, as beside use the forms ?2- of the short action (SALIBUTAMOL, VENTOLIN), preparations (ATROVENT) or their combination - BERODUAL, as well as short action (EUFILLIN).

IT is IMPORTANT: at treatment it is impossible combine the and coughing up preparations, this can bring about filling bronchi by phegm.

Thereby, efficient therapy beside must be concluded not in his(its) suppression, but on essences in reinforcement, at condition of the translation cough from unproductive ("dry") in productive. This, eventually, and brings about improvement of the functions bronchi, reconstruction to passabilities of the respiratory ways, eliminating the irritation of the mucous shell bronchi, cessation reflex. However cough can accompany very greater amount of the diseases so well-timed and it is correct stated diagnosis is a main guarantee of the successful treatment beside.

The Preventive maintenance of the diseases.

At cool time of the year, during flash viral infection, try not to visit the populous action. If in family someone advisable insulate sick, without fall select him separate dishes. At impossibility of the insulation, at contact with child follows to put on the gauze armband.

Full-fledged feeding, rich vitamin, will consolidate health your child. In winter and springtime tot well to conduct 2-3 month courses with macro- and. Often being ill, as well as all at period raised dangers of the origin possible to recommend acceptance vegetable preparation, consolidating defensive power of the organism. This preparations made from plant purple (IMMUNAL), brandies of the ginseng, rose. The Preventive course usually forms 3-4 weeks, is recommended use the child of the senior year. Sick with and chronic diseases organ breathings is shown resort treatment.

Protivokashlevye preparations.

Alex Plus. ( the synonyms: Glikodin.) Since the first year. Farmgruppa: facility. The Evidences: Sharp and chronic diseases organ breathings, being accompanied dry irritating.

Bronholin sage. ( the analogues: Bronhitusen Vramed, Bronholitin, Bronhoton, Bronhocin, Gevkamen, Libeksin, Omnitus, Panatus, Sinekod). Farmgruppa: Protivokashlevye preparations. The Evidences: Diseases of the respiratory ways (, bronchitis, pneumonia; the bronchial asthma, whooping cough).

Bronholitin. ( the synonyms: Bronhoton, Bronhocin, Bronhitusen. The Analogues: Bronhitusen Vramed, Bronholin sage, Gevkamen, Libeksin, Omnitus, Sinekod.). Farmgruppa: Protivokashlevye preparations. The Evidences: Dry cough: bronchitis, trachea-bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, bronhopnevmoniya. baby age (before 3 years).

The Coughing up preparations.

Altey syrup. ( the analogues:Alteynogo root extract dry, Alteya syrup, Amtersol, Bronhikum TP, Bronhipret, Gedeliks, Gerbion syrup of the primrose, Gerbion syrup of the plantain , Breast elixir, Doctor Mom vegetable fromcough , Doctor Tayss syrup with plantain, Doctor Tayss Eucalyptus, Potassium Koldreks bronchi, Mixture from for child dry, Mukaltin, Pektusin, Pertussin, Syrup from with plantain and mother-и, is Missed, Stoptussin, Tussin).

Farmgruppa: Coughing up preparations. Farmdeystvie: Facility of the vegetable origin, possesses reflex coughing up, as well as local action; reduces viscosity of the bronchial secret. The Evidences: Diseases of the respiratory ways, being accompanied with by phegm ( bronchitis,).

Amtersol. Farmgruppa: coughing up facility. The Evidences: Diseases of the respiratory ways with difficulty of phegm (the bronchitis, traxeit and others.).

Askoril. Farmgruppa: coughing up facility. The Evidences: Sharp and chronic of the disease, being accompanied difficulty of phegm: HOBL (the bronchial asthma, bronchitis, emphysema light),pneumonia, , tuberculosis light.

Bronhikum S. Farmgruppa: coughing up facility of the vegetable origin. Farmdeystvie: Possesses coughing up action, reduces the edema of the mucous shell bronchi. The Evidences: Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory ways, being accompanied by phegm and Bronhikum TP Primrose cortex ekstrakt+Timiyana common herb extract Bronhipret Ivy sheet ekstrakt+Timiyana common herb extract Bronhipret TP Primrose cortex ekstrakt+Timiyana common herb Farmgruppa - coughing up.

Bronhobos. Farmgruppa: Coughing up preparations. The Evidences: Sharp and chronic of the disease, being accompanied formation viscous, phegms (bronchitis, , bronchial asthma, isease) and slime (the inflammatory diseases average fish soup, nose and his(its of the sinuses, average will cast, sinusitis); training to and/or The Doctor Mom vegetable from. Farmgruppa: Coughing up preparations of the Evidence: Symptomatic therapy sharp and chronic diseases of the respiratory ways, being accompanied \"dry\" cough (laryngitis, in \", bronchitis, mechanical irritations of the mucous shell of the respiratory ways).

The Doctor Tayss. Farmgruppa: coughing up facility of the vegetable origin. Farmdeystvie: Possesses coughing up and action, reduces the edema of the mucous shell bronchi. The Evidences: Infectious-inflammatory diseases of the respiratory ways, being accompanied by phegm and The Mixture from cough for dry. Alteya medicinal cortex ekstrakt+Ammoniya hlorid+Anisa common maslo+Natriya benzoat+Natriya gidrokarbonat+Solodki cortex extract Farmgruppa: coughing up facility of the vegetable origin. The Evidences: As coughing up LS at disease of the respiratory ways, being accompanied (particularly under labored phegms): bronchitis, and etc Mukaltin.Alteya medicinal herb extract Farmgruppa: Coughing up preparations of the Evidence: Sharp and chronic diseases organ breathings, being accompanied formation phegms raised viscosity, disease, pneumonia, emphysema light and others Pektusin. Evkalipta sheet maslo[Levomentol] Farmgruppa: Coughing up preparations. The Evidences: Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory ways (the tonsillitis, laryngitis, , cough. Rinit (sharp and chronic).

Pertussin. Timiyana creeping herb ekstrakt+[Potassium bromide] Farmgruppa: Coughing up preparations of the Evidence: As coughing up LS under ORZ: bronchitis, as well as beside at whooping cough.

The Evidences: As coughing up LS under ORZ: bronchitis, as well as beside child at whooping cough.

Stoptussin. Farmgruppa: coughing up sredstvo+protivokashlevoe facility. The Evidences: Dry cough (first of all beside from 1): infections upper and lower respiratory ways, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pneumonia.

The Phegm with blood (cough with blood): reasons of the origin, treatment.

Cough with blood (phegm with blood) can of some serious diseases respiratory organ. At appearance with blood follows at earliest convenience to address to physician, which will install the reason of the development this and will fix the treatment. For determination of the reason with blood may need: thorax, analysis of the phegm, blood test, and others Treatment with blood depends on reasons of the development and can include the surgical treatment, medicine, antibiotics and other facility.

Reasons with blood

The Phegm - slime, which is coughed up during The Phegm contains the secret of the bronchial ferrics (the ferrics, which are located in wall bronchi), microbes, small parts of dust and pus (for instance, in the event of bronchitis or pneumonia).

The Presence in phegm shelters is a sign of the bleeding at a rate of respiratory ways and can be a sign of the serious disease.

Main reasons with blood Other this diseases Cancer light

The Cancer light is one of the main reasons long-lasting with blood. The Blood in phegm beside sick doggy style is present in the manner of scarlet. The Other of the cancer light are: long cough, reduction of the mass of the body, tides night, feeling of the lack of the air, chest pain and others Cancer light, as a rule, develops beside smoker.

In detail about cancer light read in article All about cancer light and his(its) treatment Chronic or sharp bronchitis (the inflammation of the mucous shell bronchi).

Cough is noted Under sharp bronchitis with phegm, in which sometimes can be present the traces shelters, increasing of the temperature of the body. The Chronic bronchitis reveals itself the long, which is present more than 3 months per annum, shortness of breath under physical load, small ascent of the temperature of the body during intensifications disease. The Blood in phegm under chronic bronchitis, as a rule, stands out in small quantities in the manner of scarlet mixed with thick festering phegm. In detail about bronchitis and his(its) treatment read in section Bronchitis.

Bronhoektaticheskaya disease

The Main manifestation disease is long cough with phegm, in which is kept the pus and sometimes shelters. Also shortness of breath exist on background of this disease, weakness, periodic increasing of the temperature of the body.

Abscess light - a formation in light cavities with

The Abscess light, as a rule, develops after pneumonia beside persons with weakened. Simptomy abscess light: long increasing of the temperature of the body, cough, tides night, reduction of the appetite, chest pain. Cough at abscess light, as a rule, with ample branch of the smelly festering phegm "full ", in which there are shelters.

Pneumonia (inflammation light)

The Inflammation light, as a rule, reveals itself the following: increasing of the temperature of the body, shortness of breath, pains in thorax, cough with "rusty" phegm with trace fresh shelters. In detail about pneumonia and her(its) treatment read in section Pneumonia Tuberculosis Main tuberculosis this long small increasing of the temperature of the body (before 37-37,5 With), reduction of the mass of the body, reduction of the appetite, long cough with festering phegm and sometimes shelters. In detail about and treatment of the tuberculosis read in section

The Tuberculosis.

Heart diseases (vices of the development valve heart, rheumatic damage valve heart and others)

Under some heart disease because of breach of the circulations shelters, sluggishness shelters develops in light (pulmonary). Simptomy sluggishness shelters in light this expressed shortness of breath, which increases during physical load, cough with пshelters.

The Embolism to pulmonary artery - a serious disease, which is characterized by occlusion of the bright spot to pulmonary artery.

As a rule, embolism to pulmonary artery develops beside people, to recently some operations, as well as at presence of the diseases вен legs (for instance and others.). The Main to embolisms are: sharp and sudden pains for breastbone, shortness of breath, cough with blood, which appears not immediately, but after several hours after begin chest pain.

Mukoviscidoz - a hereditary disease, which is the ferrics characterized by breach of the functioning(working).

Mukoviscidoz respiratory system reveals itself the following main: long catarrhal diseases, cough with viscous phegm, in which is present the pus and shelters. In detail about and his(its) treatment read in section Mukoviscidoz.

Some are external interference.

In some cases appearance with blood exists after diagnostic procedures: (the checkup of the bright spot bronchi by means of optical instrument), biopsy (taking the area light for study under microscope), preceded operations on light, acceptance some medicine (for instance, facilities, reducing shelters) and etc.

The Diseases upper division digestive system (the gullet, belly, duodenum).

In rare events for cough with blood can be is wrongly accepted retching with blood, which meets under some disease of the gullet, belly and duodenum (the varicose varicose vein of the gullet, peptic ulcer). As a rule, under these disease blood can be the crimson colour, bleeding ample, in the manner of blood clot.

When it is necessary to address to physician?

Appearance following speaks of presence of the serious disease and requires immediate address for medical help: Cough with ample branch shelters Weakness, reduction of the weight, absence of the appetite Long cough beside smoker Shortness of breath (feeling of the lack of the air), appearing at rest Appearance strong chest pain

In rare events on background of the tuberculosis or cancer light possible arising the pulmonary bleeding. Under ample separation scarlet shelters with spume of the person necessary to add the position and immediately cause the fast medical help. The Whole standing out blood necessary, not to delay inwardly.

Diagnostics of the reasons with blood

At appearance with blood follows to address to physician, which will fix the necessary studies and will install the reason of the development. As a rule, for revealing the reason of the appearance of the phegm with blood are used following methods of the diagnostics: Rentgenografiya thorax allows to define the condition light and heart. Presence of the obscuring in light, as a rule, points to inflammation (pneumonia, abscess light), cancer light, or presence to embolisms to pulmonary artery. Change the form shade heart on x-rays allows presence vice developments heart.

Bronhoskopiya is used for diagnostics of the cancer light, disease and other diseases. Bronhoskopiya presents itself study of the bright spot bronchi for determination of the visible changes to wall bronchi (the tumor, expansion bronchi and others.).

Computer томография allows more detailed to define the nature of the changes to light and expect the correct diagnosis. Computer is used in diagnostics of the abscess light, tuberculosis, cancer light, disease and etc.

The Analysis of the phegm allows the physician to reveal the inflammation in bronchi, tuberculosis and the other diseases, serving reason of the development with phegm. So if in phegm contains the sticks Koha tuberculosis- it is safe to say that reason is a tuberculosis light. If big amount bacteria is kept in phegm, as well as hutches, which participate in inflammation, is expected pneumonia, abscess light, or disease.

The Analysis of the perspiration is used at suspicion on. As a rule, at disease is broken exchange of chlorine in organism that is revealled by means of analysis of the perspiration.

The General blood test is used for revealing the inflammation in organism. Increasing in shelters level white blood taurus (the leukocyte), as well as SOYBEAN (the velocities speaks of inflammatory disease (sharp or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, abscess light and others.)

The Study rolling up abilities shelters - a method of the study, which allows to reveal the breach и shelters.

Elektrokardiografiya, are used in diagnostics of the heart diseases, which can be a reason cough with blood.

Fibroezofagogastroduodenoskopiya (FEGDS) - a study upper division digestive tract on subject of presence of the diseases of the gullet, belly or duodenum. The Diseases of the gullet (the varicose varicose vein of the gullet at cirrhosis liver), belly and duodenum (the peptic ulcer) can be a reason with blood.

Treatment with blood

The Treatment with blood depends on reasons of the development this . So, at cancer light is fixed surgical or the other methods of the treatment. If reason with blood was a tuberculosis light - a treatment is realized medicine. Cough with blood, which came up for result sharp or chronic bronchitis, pneumonia lies by means of antibiotic. Treatment of the abscess light and disease, as a rule, lies surgical/


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