ITRD N° E113826
With the increasing globalisation of economic activity and rapid development of Information and
Communication Technology, businesses are seeking to develop and organise strategic, efficient and
world-wide networks. These networks, which are often referred to as global logistics focus on
integrating product sourcing, production and distribution.
In order to promote such global logistic networks, which are also compatible with sustainability
objectives, governments need to develop and implement cohesive transport policies both individually
and collectively. Hence, collaborative studies are needed to exchange approaches and experiences
across regions. Three task forces, which have produced reports representing the Asian-Pacific,
European and North American regions have sought to identify problems and suggest solutions in their
respective regions.
This report aims to identify and incorporate issues common to all three regions and develop
policy options to facilitate the development of global logistics systems on a co-operative basis.
Economics and administration, traffic and transport planning.
Field codes
10, 72.
Demand (econ), economics, education, efficiency, financing, freight
transport, government (national), harmonisation, integration
(transport), intelligent transport system, intermodal transport
(freight), international, logistics, policy, sustainability, transport