Traveling Wave Tube
Theory of Operation pg. 2
In normal operation, an RF signal introduced at the
cathode end of the helix
travels along the circum-
ference of the helix at approximately the velocity of
light, although the velocity in the direction of the
beam is reduced by the pitch-to-circumference
ratio of the helix. When
the voltage on the helix is
properly adjusted, the velocity of the beam elec-
trons is made slightly greater than the velocity of
the RF signal. Electrons emitted from the cathode
transfer energy to the RF
signal on the helix as the
signal velocity modulates the beam on the way to
the collector. This is known as forward-wave ampli-
fication in contrast to TWT's that operate as back-
ward-wave amplifiers.
In backward-wave amplifica-
tion, the RF signal is introduced at the collector end
of the helix and travels down the helix in the direc-
tion opposite to that of the beam.
Electrons intercepted by the collector of the TWT
are returned to the
cathode through an external
collector supply. Resultant helix DC interception is
returned to the cathode through an external over-
load relay and a regulated beam supply. The over-
load relay removes
beam power when the helix
current becomes excessive, which protects the
TWT from self-destruction. Modulation in the Ring
Loop TWT is accomplished by applying the carrier
signal to the RF input
element and applying the
intelligence to the control anode. By this, the TWT
is made to either amplify or phase or pulse modu-
late the RF carrier signal,
depending on the applied
signal and the TWT parameters. For pulse opera-
tion, or modulation, a TWT operates at the same
helix voltage as the TWT would operate under cw
conditions. For a given TWT type, therefore, the
peak power output can
be made larger than the cw
power output only by an increase in the beam
current. Different methods of modulating the beam
current are available.
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