Types of the compound verbal modal predicate and their use in sentence in english

Politics, economics, linguistics, logistics, tactics, acoustics, optics, ceramics, ethics

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english 6

Politics, economics, linguistics, logistics, tactics, acoustics, optics, ceramics, ethics, etc.
Tactics is one of the subjects studied in the academy.
Your tactics are obvious.
g) Names of countries, territories, cities or organizations ending in –s or connected by the conjunction and are usually used in the singular.
The United Arab Emirates is a highly developed country.
The Netherlands is the country I have never been to.
The United States strongly objects to this decision.
São Tomé and Príncipe has the population of 160,000.
Debenhams is a group of large shops in Britain.
Nantes is not far from Bordeaux.
h) Titles of books, films, plays, etc. are used in the singular even if they are plural in form.
Gulliver’s Travels is full of satire.
(The plural is possible if a collection of stories is meant: The Canterbury Tales)
6. Subjects expressed by nouns denoting measure, weight, time, etc. have a singular verb when the statement is made about the whole amount.
Ten years is a long time.
Another five minutes has gone by.
A million kwanzas is a lot of money.
Twenty miles is a long way to walk.
8 degrees C is always better than 9 degrees C.
7. In arithmetical calculations the singular verb is usually used.
4672 minus 1143 equals 3529, doesn’t it?
261 divided by 9 is 29.
(However, multiplication admits of two variants: Twice two is/are four.)
8. If an expression is used as a quotation, the verb is singular.
My apologies’ was all he could say.
Mice’ is an irregular plural.

Kowalski’s 1974 paper [Kowalski 1974] laid the foundations for the field of Logic Program-

ming, by giving the Horn-clause subset of predicate logic a procedural interpretation to use it
for programming. More recently, progress in automated reasoning in fields such as SAT and
CP made the exploration possible of more pure forms of declarative programming, gradually
moving from declarative programming to declarative modeling, in which the user only has to
care about the problem specification.
In this chapter, we took this development one step further and presented the knowledge
base system ID P, in which knowledge is separated from computation. The knowledge rep-
resentation language is both natural and extensible, cleanly integrating first-order logic with
definitions, aggregates, etc. It provides a range of inference engines and functionalities for
tasks encountered often in practice.
IDP is an extensible framework for declarative modeling, in which both language exten-
sions and inference engines can be added with relative ease. It focuses on moving the burden
of performance on modeling from the user to the system, demonstrated by the workflow of
optimization inference, which is achieved by combining insights from fields such as SAT,
constraint programming, logic programming and answer set programming
Kowalski’s 1974 paper [Kowalski 1974] laid the foundations for the field of Logic Program-
ming, by giving the Horn-clause subset of predicate logic a procedural interpretation to use it
for programming. More recently, progress in automated reasoning in fields such as SAT and
CP made the exploration possible of more pure forms of declarative programming, gradually
moving from declarative programming to declarative modeling, in which the user only has to
care about the problem specification.
In this chapter, we took this development one step further and presented the knowledge
base system ID P, in which knowledge is separated from computation. The knowledge rep-
resentation language is both natural and extensible, cleanly integrating first-order logic with
definitions, aggregates, etc. It provides a range of inference engines and functionalities for
tasks encountered often in practice.
IDP is an extensible framework for declarative modeling, in which both language exten-
sions and inference engines can be added with relative ease. It focuses on moving the burden
of performance on modeling from the user to the system, demonstrated by the workflow of
optimization inference, which is achieved by combining insights from fields such as SAT,
constraint programming, logic programming and answer set programming

5.List of used literature

[1] P.ACZEL – Non-Well-Founded Sets, CSLI Lecture Notes N.14, Stanford 1988.
[2] L.AMBROSIO, G.DAL MASO, M.FORTI, M.MIRANDA, S.SPAGNOLO – Necrologio di Ennio De Giorgi, Boll. Un. Mat. It., (B) Febbraio (1999), 1-31.
[3] M.CLAVELLI, E.DE GIORGI, M.FORTI, V.M. TORTORELLI – A selfreference oriented theory for the Foundations of Mathematics, in Analyse Math´ematique et applications – Contributions en l’honneur de Jacques-Louis Lions, Gauthier-Villars, Paris 1988, pp. 67-115.
[4] E.DE GIORGI – Fundamental Principles of Mathematics, relation held at the Plenary Session of the ‘Accademia Pontificia delle Scienze’, 25-29 October 1994.
[5] E.DE GIORGI – Dal superamento del riduzionismo insiemistico alla ricerca di una piu` ampia e profonda comprensione tra matematici e studiosi di altre discipline scientifiche e umanistiche, Rend. Mat. Acc. Lincei (9) 9 (1998), 71-80.
[6] E.DE GIORGI, M.FORTI – Premessa a nuove teorie assiomatiche dei Fondamenti della Matematica, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Matematica dell’Universit`a di Pisa (54), Pisa 1984.
[7] E.DE GIORGI, M.FORTI – Una teoria quadro per i fondamenti della Matematica, Atti Acc. Naz. Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Nat. Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl. (8) 79 (1985), 55-67.
[8] E.DE GIORGI, M.FORTI – “5×7”: A Basic Theory for the Foundations of Mathematics, Preprint di Matematica della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa (74), Pisa 1990.
[9] E.DE GIORGI, M.FORTI – Dalla matematica e dalla logica alla sapienza, in Pensiero Scientifico, Fondamenti ed Epistemologia (Ancona 1996), A.REPOLA BOATTO eds., Quaderni ‘Innovazione Scuola’ (29), Ancona 1997, 17-36

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