1.I __________on a loose paving stone as I was walking down the street and flat on my face. I ___________and lost my footing and ____________ my ankle.
I __________________my toe on a chair. I may have fractured it, but I hope I haven't.
I______________my knee on the metal table. I am surprised I didn’t ____________my kneecap to pieces.
I________________my ankle when I went over and now I can barely walk. I don’t think it’s broken or anything. It's more likely to be a sprain.
I_____________on the wet floor and went over and ____________on my bottom.
The motorbike___________on my ankle and crushed my leg.
I think I've ___________my shoulder and I can barely move it.
I ______________my finger in the door and it’s throbbing like mad.
I_______________this nick out of the side of my fingernail and now it’s infected.