[6:dit] V. To audit means to inspect financial records from a person or business.
—► The government usually audits companies that report lower than usual incomes. automate [5:tameit] v. To automate a company means to install machines or computers to do the work.
-*■ When the bank automated, it started installing ATM machines. bribe [braib] V. To bribe someone means to illegally persuade them for a favor with money.
-*• The judge was bribed so that she would set the suspect free. C o r r u p t [karApt] adj. If someone is corrupt, they break the law for money or fame.
—» The corrupt policemen didn’t arrest the man because he gave them money. dispose [dispouz] v. To dispose of something means to get rid of it.
- » He disposed of the can by throwing it into the recycle bin. headquarters [hedkwo:rtarz] n. A headquarters is a building where the bosses of a company work.
-* He drove the long route to headquarters because it was a nice day. incentive [insentiv] n. An incentive is what makes a person want to do something.
—► The chance of winning a prize was incentive to get people to play the game. infrastructure [infrastrAktJar] n. An infrastructure is a collection of services needed to run a society or business.
—* Power lines are important parts of a city’s infrastructure.
legislate [Ie d 3 is le it] v. To legislate means to make laws.
-* Senators have to legislate fairly, so most people will enjoy the benefits.