Genetics of microorganisms.
Genetics of microorganisms. A history. A structure of the genome. A material basis of heredity. Concept about a gene, a genotype, a phenotype. Classification of variability. Modification variability. Their mechanisms and forms of display at bacteria. Genotypic variability. Mutations of bacteria and their varieties. Genetic recombination (conjugation, transformation, transduction). Plasmids of bacteria. Practical application of knowledge of variability and heredity. A live vaccines. Gene engineering. Recombinant vaccines.
28. 03.17
The doctrine about infectious process.
A history of a question. Concept about infectious process. Concept about pathogenicity and virulence. Factors of pathogenicity. Pathogenicity and type of a feed. Conditions of realization of pathogenic properties. Properties of toxins. Pathogenic properties rickets, Chlamydia, mycoplasmas.
The doctrine about infectious process. Forms of infections: exogenic, endogenic, focal, generalized, mixed, a mono infection, relapse, sharp, chronic, persistent. Microbial. Features of a virus infection. The mechanism of transfer of an infection.