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Schools Vocabulary List
chatroom (n)
chat show (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: talk show)
cheap (adj)
cheat (v)
check (n & v)
check in (phr v)
They checked in to a hotel.
check-in (n)
Your keys are at the check-in desk.
check out (phr v)
He checked out of the hotel at the end
of his stay.
checkout (n)
cheek (n)
cheerful (adj)
cheers! (exclam)
cheese (n)
chef (n)
chemist (n)
chemistry (n)
cheque (n)
chess (n)
chest of drawers (n)
chicken (n)
child (n)
childhood (n)
chilli (n)
chin (n)
chip (n)
I love fish and chips.
chocolate (n)
choice (n)
choose (v)
cinema (n)
circle (n)
circus (n)
city (n)
clap (v)
class (n)
language class
first class, second class
classical (adj)
classical music
classmate (n)
classroom (n)
clean (adj & v)
cleaner (n)
clear (adj & v)
clearly (adv)
clever (adj)
click (n & v)
cliff (n)
climate (n)
climb (v)
climbing (n)
clinic (n)
clock (n)
close (adj, adv & v)
closed (adj)
clothes (n pl)
cloud (n)
cloudy (adj)
clown (n)
club (n)
to join a club
coach (n)
coast (n)
coat (n)
coconut (n)
cod (n)
coffee (n)
coin (n)
cola (n)
cold (adj & n)
collar (n)
colleague (n)
collect (v)
collection (n)
college (n)
colour (n & v)
colourful (adj)
comb (n & v)
come (v)
comedy (n)
come on (phr v)
Come on or we'll miss the bus.
comfort (n)
comfortable (adj)
comic (adj & n)
comma (n)
comment (n)
Please leave comments below.
common (adj)
a common surname
have something in common
communicate (v)
communication (n)
company (n)
compare (v)
compete (v)
competition (n)
competitor (n)
complain (v)
complaint (n)
complete (adj & v)
complicated (adj)
composition (n)
computer (n)
concentrate (v)
concert (n)
conclusion (n)
condition (n)
in good condition
conference (n)
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Schools Vocabulary List
confident (adj)
confirm (v)
confused (adj)
confusing (adj)
congratulations! (exclam)
connect (v)
connection (n)
consider (v)
consist (v)
consonant (n)
contact (n & v)
contain (v)
contents (n)
contest (n)
continent (n)
continue (v)
contract (n)
control (n & v)
a remote control
Control your dog!
convenient (adj)
conversation (n)
convince (v)
cook (n & v)
cooker (n)
cookie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: biscuit)
cooking (n)
cool (adj, exclam & v)
copy (n & v)
corn (n)
corner (n)
correct (adj)
correction (n)
cost (n & v)
costume (n)
I forgot my swimming costume.
national costume
a Halloween costume
cosy (adj)
cottage (n)
cotton (n)
cough (n & v)
could (mv)
count (v)
country (n)
countryside (n)
couple (n)
courage (n)
course (n)
English course
main course
of course (exclam)
court (n)
law court
tennis court
cousin (n)
cover (n & v)
cow (n)
crash (n & v)
crazy (adj)
cream (adj & n)
create (v)
creative (adj)
creature (n)
credit (n)
credit card (n)
crew (n)
cabin crew
cricket (n)
crime (n)
criminal (n)
crop (n)
cross (n & v)
crossing (n)
pedestrian crossing
cross out (phr v)
Cross it out and write it again.
crossroads (n)
crowd (n)
crowded (adj)
cruel (adj)
cruise (n)
cry (n & v)
cucumber (n)
cultural (adj)
culture (n)
cup (n)
cupboard (n)
cure (n & v)
curious (adj)
curiously (adv)
‘Why?’ she asked him curiously.
curly (adj)
currency (n)
curriculum (n)
curry (n)
curtain (n)
cushion (n)
custom (n)
customer (n)
customs (n pl)
I work as a customs officer.
cut (n & v)
cute (adj)
cut up (phr v)
She cut up the cake into small pieces.
CV (Curriculum Vitae) (n)
cycle (n & v)
cycling (n)
cyclist (n)
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dad (n)
daily (adj & adv)
damage (n & v)
damaged (adj)
dance (n & v)
dancer (n)
dancing (n)
danger (n)
dangerous (adj)
dark (adj & n)
data (n)
date (n & v)
today’s date (n)
daughter (n)
day (n)
dead (adj)
deaf (adj)
deal (v)
deal with (sth/sb) (phr v)
I’ve had some problems to deal with.
I deal with many people in my job.
dear (adj & exclam)
too dear to buy (adj)
Dear Sir (adj)
Oh dear! (exclam)
death (n)
decide (v)
decision (n)
declare (v)
decorate (v)
decrease (n & v)
deep (adj & adv)
defeat (n & v)
defence (n)
defend (v)
definitely (adv)
degree (n)
90 degrees
a degree in maths
delay (n & v)
delete (v)
delicious (adj)
delighted (adj)
deliver (v)
delivery (n)
demand (n & v)
dentist (n)
depart (v)
department (n)
department store (n)
departure (n)
depend (on/upon) (v & phr v)
It depends on what you want to do.
deposit (n)
pay a deposit
depressed (adj)
depth (n)
the depth of the water
describe (v)
description (n)
desert (n)
deserve (v)
design (n & v)
designer (n)
desk (n)
despite (prep)
dessert (n)
destination (n)
destroy (v)
detail (n)
detective (n)
develop (v)
development (n)
diagram (n)
dial (v)
diary (n)
dictionary (n)
die (v)
diet (n)
difference (n)
different (adj)
difficult (adj)
difficulty (n)
dig (v)
digital (adj)
digital camera (n)
dining room (n)
dinner (n)
dinosaur (n)
diploma (n)
direct (adj & v)
direction (n)
directly (adv)
director (n)
dirt (n)
dirty (adj)
disabled (adj)
disadvantage (n)
disagree (v)
disappear (v)
disappoint (v)
disappointed (adj)
disappointing (adj)
disappointment (n)
disc/disk (n)
hard disk
disc jockey (DJ) (n)
disco(theque) (n)
discount (n)
discover (v)
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discovery (n)
discuss (v)
discussion (n)
disease (n)
disgusting (adj)
dish (n)
dishwasher (n)
disk (n)
dislike (v)
display (n & v)
distance (n)
district (n)
disturb (v)
dive (v)
diver (n)
divide (v)
diving (n)
DJ (disc jockey) (n)
do (av & v)
doctor / Dr (n)
document (n)
documentary (n)
dog (n)
doll (n)
dollar (n)
dolphin (n)
donkey (n)
door (n)
dot (n)
Have you visited CambridgeESOL dot
double (adj & det)
doubt (n & v)
I doubt that I’ll get the job (v)
down (adv & prep)
download (n & v)
downstairs (adj & adv)
dozen (det & n)
Dr (n)
drag (v)
Just drag and drop the file into the
trash can.
drama (n)
draw (v)
to draw a picture of someone or
to draw the curtains
to draw near
drawer (n)
drawing (n)
dream (n & v)
dress (n & v)
dressed (adj)
get dressed
drink (n & v)
drive (n & v)
driver (n)
driving licence (n)
drop (n & v)
drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chemist)
drum (n)
dry (adj & v)
duck (n)
due (adj)
The next bus is due in five minutes.
due to (prep phr)
dull (adj)
during (prep)
dust (n)
dustbin (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: trash can)
dusty (adj)
duty (n)
duty-free (adj & n)
duvet (n)
DVD (n)
DVD player (n)
each (det & pron)
ear (n)
earache (n)
early (adj & adv)
earn (v)
earring (n)
earth (n)
east (adj, adv & n)
eastern (adj)
easily (adv)
easy (adj)
easygoing (adj)
eat (v)
economics (n)
edge (n)
education (n)
effect (n)
efficient (adj)
effort (n)
egg (n)
either (adv, det & pron)
elbow (n)
elder (adj)
elderly (adj)
election (n)
electric (adj)
electrical (adj)
electricity (n)
electronic (adj)
elementary (adj)
elementary level
elephant (n)
elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift)
else (adv)
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email (n & v)
embarrassed (adj)
embarrassing (adj)
embassy (n)
emergency (n)
employ (v)
employee (n)
employer (n)
employment (n)
empty (adj)
encourage (v)
end (n & v)
ending (n)
end up (phr v)
He plans to end up working in
enemy (n)
energy (n)
Team sports take a lot of time and
In our house we try to save energy.
engaged (adj)
to be engaged to someone
The phone was engaged.
engine (n)
engineer (n)
engineering (n)
enjoy (v)
enjoyable (adj)
enormous (adj)
enough (adv, det & pron)
enquire (v)
enquiry (n)
enter (v)
entertain (v)
entertainment (n)
entrance (n)
entry (n)
envelope (n)
environment (n)
environmental (adj)
equal (adj)
equipment (n)
eraser (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: rubber)
escape (v)
especially (adv)
essay (n)
essential (adj)
euro (n)
even (adv)
He couldn't even do that.
evening (n)
event (n)
even though (conj)
ever (adv)
every (det)
everybody (pron)
everyone (pron)
everything (pron)
everywhere (adv)
exact (adj)
exactly (adv)
examination/exam (n)
examiner (n)
example (n)
excellent (adj)
except (prep, conj)
exchange (n)
an exchange visit
in exchange for
exchange (v)
exchange rate (n)
excited (adj)
excitement (n)
exciting (adj)
excuse (n & v)
exercise (n & v)
exhausted (adj)
exhibition (n)
exist (v)
exit (n)
expect (v)
expedition (n)
expensive (adj)
experience (n & v)
It was the worst pain I
’d ever
experienced (adj)
experiment (n)
expert (n)
explain (v)
explanation (n)
explode (v)
explore (v)
explorer (n)
s book’s about famous explorers.
extra (adj, adv & n)
extraordinary (adj)
extremely (adv)
extreme sport (n)
eye (n)
face (n)
a sad look on his face
face to face (adv)
face-to-face (adj)
facilities (n pl)
The hotel has excellent facilities.
fact (n)
factory (n)
fail (v)
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fair (adj & n)
fairly (adv)
fall (n & v)
in the fall (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:
autumn )
a fall in the price (n)
He fell and hurt his leg. (v)
false (adj)
familiar (with) (adj)
family (n)
famous (adj)
fan (n)
fancy (v)
Do you fancy going out tonight?
fantastic (adj)
far (adv)
fare (n)
The return fare is £26.
farm (n)
farmer (n)
farming (n)
fashion (n)
fashionable (adj)
fast (adj & adv)
fasten (v)
fast food (n)
fat (adj)
father (n)
fault (n)
favour (n)
favourite (adj & n)
fax (v)
fear (n)
fee (n)
feed (v)
feel (v)
feeling (n)
feel like (v)
to feel like doing something
female (adj & n)
ferry (n)
festival (n)
fetch (v)
fever (n)
few (adj, det & pron)
fiction (n)
field (n)
fight (n & v)
figure (n)
file (n)
Click here to open the file.
study files
fill (v)
fill in (phr v)
You need to fill in a form.
fill up (phr v)
He filled up the car with petrol.
film (n & v)
film maker (n)
film star
final (adj & n)
finally (adv)
financial (adj)
find (v)
find out (phr v)
I must find out when he’s arriving.
fine (adj & n)
finger (n)
finish (n & v)
fire (n)
firefighter (n)
firework (n)
a firework display
firm (n)
a good firm to work for
first (adj & adv)
first prize (adj)
first of all (adv)
first name (n)
fish (n & v)
fishing (n)
fit (adj & v)
keep fit (adj)
These shoes don't fit. (v)
fitness (n)
fix (v)
flag (n)
flat (adj & n)
flavour (n)
flight (n)
float (v)
flood (n & v)
floor (n)
flour (n)
flow (v)
flower (n)
flu (n)
flute (n)
fly (n & v)
focus (sth) on/upon sth/sb (v)
fog (n)
foggy (adj)
fold (v)
folk (adj & n)
follow (v)
following (adj)
fond (adj)
to be fond of something/someone
food (n)
fool (n)
foot (n)
football (n)
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footballer (n)
for (prep)
forbidden (adj)
forecast (n)
foreign (adj)
foreigner (n)
forest (n)
forever (adv)
forget (v)
forgive (v)
fork (n)
form (n)
former (adj)
fortnight (n)
fortunately (adv)
forward(s) (adv)
fountain (n)
frame (n)
free (adj & adv)
freeze (v)
freezer (n)
freezing (adj)
French fries (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chips)
frequent (adj)
frequently (adv)
fresh (adj)
fridge (n)
fried (adj)
friend (n)
friendly (adj)
friendship (n)
frighten (v)
frightened (adj)
frightening (adj)
frog (n)
from (prep)
front (adj & n)
frozen (adj)
fruit (n)
fry (v)
frying pan (n)
fuel (n)
full (adj)
full stop (n)
full time (adv)
full-time (adj)
fully (adv)
fun (adj & n)
funny (adj)
a funny story (amusing)
a funny thing happened (strange)
fur (n)
furniture (n)
further (adv & adj)
furthest (adj)
future (adj & n)
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