Volume: 2 Issue: 7 | Jul – 2023 ISSN: 2720-6874 http://journals.academiczone.net/index.php/ijfe
International Journal of Formal Education The formation of physical knowledge, as a tool for future professional activity, among junior
students will become the basis for understanding the characteristics of the profession, change the
attitude to physical knowledge, lead to the activation of educational and cognitive activity, and
increase the motivation for studying physics.
Learning based on interdisciplinary relations is the process of establishing links between the
structural components of the content in a particular education system in order to form a holistic
vision of the world aimed at the development and self-development of the student's personality. For
example, interdisciplinarity - the integration of subjects that are similar in a common theme,
integrated educational materials, structural and content design - is when the leaders in the
organization of the transferred knowledge obey the content of one subject or correlate the transferred
knowledge with those studied in separate subjects, compare, rely on each other.
Some scientists argue [1]: that there are the following types of interdisciplinary relations:
educational and interdisciplinary direct relations that arise when the assimilation of one
discipline is based on the knowledge of another;
research-interdisciplinary direct relations exist when two or more disciplines have a common
object of study, but consider it in different contexts or on the basis of different approaches;
mentally-mediated relations are observed when the same intellectual skills are formed by means
of different academic disciplines;
indirectly-applied relations are formed in the case when the concepts of another are used in the
study of one science.
Analyzing the state of the IDR problem as a whole, we can conclude that, despite the recognition of
the importance of subject relations for solving many problems of training, education and
development, this problem has not yet received final theoretical development and substantiation. In
particular, in the scientific and pedagogical literature there is no single definition of IDR, there is no
unambiguous definition of their role and functions in the educational process, there is no single
classification of IDR, the issues of their practical implementation in education have not been
sufficiently studied. The problem of IDR is solved mainly through the development of its “breadth”,
at the level of individual academic disciplines and private methods. A relatively small number of
authors [2-5] try to reveal this problem as a whole, covering all the components of the educational
It should be noted that interdisciplinary connections affect the content and structure of academic
subjects. Each academic subject is a source of certain interdisciplinary connections. Therefore, it is
possible to single out those connections that are taken into account in the content of physics, and,
conversely, relate to other academic subjects.