The mother fox is in a den.
The den is her home.
She lives with her babies.
A baby fox is called a kit.
The den is hard to see.
The kits are safe inside.
The mother fox feeds them milk.
She brings them meat.
She plays with the kits, too.
A den is a good home for kits.
26. Which one tells what the story
is about?
A Baby foxes are small.
B Baby foxes live in a den.
C Baby foxes drink milk.
27. What is a
the food a fox eats
B the name for
a baby fox
C the home of a fox
28. What is a
A a baby fox
B the home of a fox
C a mother fox
Mop is my little dog.
He likes me best.
Mop hides.
I find him.
Mop jumps.
I catch him.
Mop plays in mud.
I wash him.
Mop sits on my lap.
I pet him.
Mop is my little dog.
I like him best.
29. What is the story about?
A a girl and her dog
a dog and a boy
C a big dog who hides
30. Which one tells about Mop?
A Mop is a little cat.
B Mop is a big dog.
C Mop is a little dog.
31. Which one tells about the girl?
A She plays in mud.
B She jumps.
C She likes her dog.