William Wilberforce British politician. As a member of Parliament (1780–1825) he campaigned for the British abolition of slavery.
David Bowie David Bowie, is a British rock and roll musician, actor, and artist who has had a profound influence on rock and roll from the 1960s to the present.
Guy Fawkes English conspirator who was executed for his role in a plot to blow up King James I and the Houses of Parliament (1570-1606)
D avid Beckham Beckham is a leading English footballer and a former star of the legendary team Manchester United.
Thomas Paine British-born American writer and Revolutionary leader who wrote the pamphlet Common Sense (1776) arguing for American independence from Britain. In England he published The Rights of Man (1791–1792), a defence of the French Revolution.
Boudicca Queen of ancient Britain who led a temporarily successful revolt against the Roman army that had claimed her deceased husband's kingdom.