Table A3.1: Results of the EX-Ante GHG Analysis Project activities Over the economic project lifetime (tCO2 eq) Annual average (tCO2 eq/year) GHG emissions of “without project” scenario (1) Gross emissions of “with project scenario (2) Net GHG emissions (2–1) GHG emissions of “without project” scenario (3) Gross emissions of “with project” scenario (4) Net GHG emissions (4–3) Annual Agriculture
Perennial Agriculture
16. Caveats. The project will finance advisory and post-harvest (collection, conditioning, storing, etc.) services and
infrastructure that are demand-driven and not known ex-ante of the implementation. Hence, the extent and type the
services to be provided cannot be accurately estimated.
V. Shadow Price of Carbon 17. The estimation of the net balance from all greenhouse gases expressed in CO
-equivalent that would be emitted
or sequestrated within the potential sub-projects was made and the social price of carbon was included in the economic
analysis. According to the calculations in EX-ACT, the project showed a total balance of 501,831 tCO
-eq, which means
that the project will have a positive carbon sequestration balance (Table A3.1). The overall carbon benefit (NPV) is
estimated to range between US$15.0 million in the low shadow price of carbon scenario to US$30.0 million in the high
shadow price of carbon scenario. Incorporation of this benefit into the economic analysis increases ERR by 0.8 percent
and 1.7 percent, respectively.