Tuflow and estry manual Version 3

Format of 1d_ta layers has changed

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Format of 1d_ta layers has changed. “Flags” attribute has been split into two: “Type” Char(2) and “Flags” Char(8). Essentially, first two characters of the original “Flags” is in the “Type” field. The rest (any optional flags) are now in the Flags field. In MapInfo, to update a 1D_tab layer, add in a new attribute “Type” of character length 2 in the second position using Table, Maintenance, Table Structure…, then use the two Update Column dialogues below to update the values of Type and Flags. If you previously left the Flags attribute blank (ie. used the defaults of “XZ” for lines and “NA” for points), you will have to update the “Type” attribute with “XZ” or “NA” depending on whether it is a line or a point.


In 1d_ta layers must now specify a Type and any optional flags, eg: Type “XZ” with Flag “R”. Blanks are no longer accepted and any flags must be specified, for example, an “R” or “M” to read the relative resistance values (third column) as a factor or a material of an XZ table.


There is a new "P" flag for Type "XZ" in 1d_tab layers to indicate position of XZ point in cross-section (1 – left, 2 – centre, 3 – right). If using materials, the primary material (which is assigned a relative resistance of one), is taken as that at the lowest point from centre (2) points only.


Incorporated check for depth exceeding diameter whilst calculating culvert area for pipes that caused an acos() error that would crash the simulation with no explanation (Method B only).

Included Supercritical == PRE 2002-11-AD option to allow backward compatibility for models using supercritical flow switch prior to improvement included at Build 2002-11-AD.

Added command “FROUDE CHECK == [ {1.0} | ] to .tcf (Froude Check) and .ecf (Froude Check) files. Only applicable in 2D if Supercritical == ON, and in 1D for “S” channels.


Now correctly warns whether surface area in a node is reducing with height.


Built in more advanced checking of upstream controlled flow for 1D S channels.

Incorporated check for zero resistance factors in the vertical.


Improved 1d .csv output.


Slight change in trapping vibrations in culvert flows for Method B – not backward compatible. Should only affect “unstable” culverts.


Finished error, warning and check .mif files.

Negative depth error warnings to log file now only go to _check.mif file.


Added improvement to automatic switching for supercritical flow. Backward compatible using flag setup in 2003-01-AA (only applies to models using new 2D supercritical flow feature).


Added warning to check for nodal areas not increasing with height.


New command “Relative Resistance == [ {RELATIVE} | MATERIAL ] in .ecf file. Only applies to 1d_ta XZ cross-sections.  Default is to treat the third column as a relative resistance factor. Set to MATERIAL to set the third column as a material.

Incorporated option of having relative resistance as a material value taken from the .tmf file. Can individually label 1d_ta .csv cross-sections using a “M” flag in the flags attribute of a 1d_ta layer. Can also use “R” for relative resistance. If left blank, the default is dependent on the “Relative Resistance” command setting above. If set to “RELATIVE”, the default will be “XZR” noting that the R column is optional. If set to “MATERIAL” the default is “XZM” noting that if the M column is empty, a material ID of 1 is used.

New .csv 1d_ta check files – this contains info on every table (XZ, BG, CS or NA) read in via the 1d_ta layer(s). It also contains extra info on the processed data calculated for XZ cross-sections.

New command “Write Check Files” does exactly same as “Write MI Check Files” (either produces all available check files). Added “OFF” option to switch off (if overriding a previous command).

Stable/Unstable message at end did not recognise if 1D goes unstable – now fixed.

“Create Nodes” command in .ecf file not in estry_command check – now fixed.

Added “Read Materials File” command added to .ecf file (NOTE: for 1D Only runs).


Further checks for hw/d>1.2 put in for when high velocities occur at culverts.


Further changes to culverts (Method B). Improved where calculating C and D regimes for steep culverts with very high entrance velocities (v2/2g large).


New .ecf command “Write CSV Online == [ ON | {OFF} ].

Changed “Numerically Order Output” command to “Order Output”


Improved reading of .csv files to handle spaces in text values – possible that this may affect reading of boundary and other table data where spaces have been used in text values – not backward compatible.

.csv values not read using free-form list-directed reads as this would read any text value starting with a “T”, “t”, “F”, “f” as –1 or 0 (true and false). Now reading each value independently – not backward compatible.

Column headings in .csv files must now be exactly the same (except for case) as that in the bc dbase – before could have a sub-string – not backward compatible.


Velocity output to SMS is now adjusted to that of supercritical or weir velocity – not backward compatible.

New SMS output types (E for energy, F for Froude number, t for eddy viscosity (used to be e) and R for flow regime). Flow regime is as follows (zero for normal flow, greater than one for upstream controlled friction flow, -1.5 for weir flow and –1 for FC flow.)

New .tcf command “Supercritical == [ ON | {OFF} ]”.


Can now specify grid location (and size) in 2d_loc layer as a rotated rectangle. The Read MI Location command will also set the grid size in this case. Region must have a maximum of 4 nodes digitized clockwise.


Changed messages related to processing HX connections that gave ESTRY node index instead of alphanumeric ID.


Fixed bug relating to calculation of XS properties where a relative resistance has been specified – not backward compatible.


Can now export mif file if out of date without having to restart run.

Fixed bug which would set max Z value in a XZ table to zero if Z values below zero occur and Z_max in the 1d_ta layer is set to zero (MapInfo’s default). Zero Z_max value is now ignored.

Fixed bug, which would repeat last elevation generated from a XZ table for a CS table when the maximum Z value in the XZ table equals the second last Z value in the CS table.


Incorporated new feature allowing for the modelling of pumps, etc. A “U” in the flags for a 2d_bc SX will receive the net flow from the 1D node but does not set the water level in the 1D node based on the 2D water level. The 1D water level should be set using a QH boundary in the 1d_bc layer.


Relative resistance factor check of 1 in main channel now only for Effective Area formulation – not for Total Area.


Extended table link lines so that can have more than three vertices – now unlimited. Three vertex lines must now be snapped to a channel vertex – not backward compatible. Snapped table link lines are given preference over lines that cross. Error messages given if can’t resolve which line to assign to channel.


Put check in to test whether gauge level output location is within model domain. (If it isn’t, TUFLOW crashes)

Put in check that checks whether different ESTRY nodes and ESTRY node connections are snapped to same SX.


Added SX ZC Check option for .tcf files to suppress SX ZC checks incorporated in Build 2002-08-AG if needed. Default is to check ZC levels.


Included B regime for circular culverts – Method B only.


Culverts are treated as zero length if length is < 0.01m and > 0.0.


Error check built in if minimum ZC + wet/dry depth at SX cell is higher than ESTRY node bed. This may stop old models from running if ZC values had not been correctly set to be below bed (see SX ZC Check to keep backward compatibility).


New feature that suppresses ZC values at SX cells if ZC + wet/dry depth is higher than the ESTRY node bed. Switched on by specifying a “Z” in the Flags attribute for an SX object in a 2d_bc layer (see SX in Table 4 .25).


Included more screen/.tlf output during initialising and checking in TUFLOW, especially to capture to table interpolation problems from boundary data.


Incorporated check for zero or negative Manning’s n values in ESTRY – this would cause model’s to hang on a gradient channel.


Variable decimal places for flows in ESTRY .csv and .eof files.


Improved 1D BC output in .eof file to allow more flexibility for range of values (ie. more or less decimal places).


Set Culvert Flow == Method B as default. This may require older models to use “Culvert Flow == Method A” to be inserted in previous versions for backward compatibility.


Changed 1D max & min heads output to .csv file to 3 decimal places (previously 2).


Added “Flow Area == [ {EFFECTIVE} | TOTAL ] command for .ecf files. This only applies to processed data calculated from 1d_ta cross-sections.


Added check in ESTRY that if h or hm exceeds 1,000,000 then computation stops – otherwise, occasionally an instability is not detected more than 10 times before NaNs occur which can cause some sections of the code to enter an infinite loop.


ESTRY .csv output now only outputs up to an instability (previously would output for all timesteps after an instability).


New channel_type flag of “S” for specifying steep channels. Note: Non-inertial channels now specified using a “N” (previously used “S”). See Table 4 .10.


Improved changes to super-critical flow calcs and transition between flow regimes. New flags in .eof file for “S” channels are “S” for Fr > 1, “T” for 0.5


Results in .eof file formatted with repeating time column and dashes for easier viewing.


New .ecf command to automatically create nodes: Create Nodes == [ {ON} | OFF ].


Added 1d_ta and 1d_wll to empty files.


Added Allow Dangling Z Lines == [ ON | {OFF} ] command in .tgc file to use nearest point at breakline end if no point snapped at end of line.


Fixed minor bug when testing whether inside a polygon for reading regions. This may change previous results if, for example, a material polygon was incorrectly interpreted – any problem would be evident in the 2d_grd check file.


Now orders numeric IDs for ESTRY nodes and channels in order of ascending value (rather than alphanumeric order).


Included drying depth of 0.001m at nodes to test for zero flow in channel that has dried at one end.


Corrected bug that would sometimes advise wrong duplicate node/channel ID (alphanumeric IDs only).


Added Culvert Flow command to offer both original culverts routine (“METHOD A”) and enhanced routine (“METHOD B”). Default set to METHOD A (Note: Method B becomes the default in Build 2002-08-AD).


Included reading of WBNM outlet flows from _Meta.out files in boundary database. Source type indicated by .out extension.


Included “E” and “T” flags to indicate effective area or total area to be used for XZ cross-section processing from a 1d_ta link.


Included effective flow width value at bank full and above for extending cross-sections upwards with variable relative resistance.


Added depth, conveyance and bank full values to .eof file.


New box culvert flow regimes (K and L) introduced to represent inlet critical flow with hydraulic jump occurring along culvert. This may cause different results where box culvert flow has switched between regimes A and K, and B and L in earlier runs.


Corrected an adjustment to ESTRY water levels at nodes to the highest elevation in the NA table if the water level exceeds this elevation now that water levels can go above the top using the Depth Limit Factor command.


Major changes to ESTRY code to allow alphanumeric IDs for nodes and channels.


Disabled old ESTRY plot output (“PLOT INFORMATION”) feature.


Disabled ESTRY binary file.


Mostly completed new Read MI Table Links feature in .ecf files. This allows cross-section tables (as XZ or HW{APNF}), nodal surface area tables and bridge loss coefficient tables to be read from free-form .csv files that can be accessed via hotlinks in MapInfo. The tables are allocated to the channel or node by a line or point object. Line objects operate similarly to WLLs, and points must be snapped to the nodes.


Connects WLLs across nodes (ie. on different channels).


Set initial ESTRY water level to node bed level if initial water level is below the node bed.


New flag “F” at ESTRY nodes in.eof file to indicate node is full (ie. above highest specified elevation.


Included Depth Limit Factor == command in .ecf files. If f = 1 (the default), the depth in a node or channel cannot exceed the top of the NA or CS table. F > 1 allows for flow to occur above the top of NA and CS tables.


Changed how 1D storage is allocated to nodes using the channel widths. Storage above bridge and culvert obverts is now NOT included – this may cause a slight change in storages from previous models.


Further improvements to WLLs so that chooses ESTRY nodes and channels based on angle of channel to WLL at nodes and distance from WLL mid-point to channel intersection point.

Command for WLLs: WLL Additional Points == sets the number of additional points to be inserted on both sides of the WLL.


Incorporated 1D result output as part of the 2D SMS output. Mesh elements are based on lines of horizontal water level (water level lines or WLL). WLLs are from one or more 1d_wll GIS layers. No attributes are used. Each WLL must have either 2 or 3 vertices and must cross a 1d_nwk channel line. The water level assigned to the WLL is based on a linear interpolation of the water levels at the two nodes at the channel’s ends. TUFLOW produces an error if more than 3 vertices are found in a WLL. The command to read the WLLs is Read MI WLL == .

The WLLs must be digitised from left to right looking in the positive direction of the channel. If two vertices on the WLL, the WLL must cross the channel line and the middle vertex becomes the intersection point. If three, the middle vertex is used to control the element shapes.


If weir flow occurs at the side of a head BC cell, the water level at the BC is now assumed to be the total energy head (previously, the boundary value was adjusted by extrapolating the velocity from inside the boundary and adjusting the water level (assumed static) to get an actual water level) – this only applies to upstream controlled weir flow. This stops the generation of excessively high velocities at boundaries and is in accordance with the assumption at HX boundaries. This change may cause slight changes in results at HX boundaries where weir flow occurs at the boundary. A flag could be put in to provide backward compatibility.


Last timestep in PO file now written.


Fixed bug that adjusted unspecified Zpt values when using an ADD option. Also, corrected when using MAX option on unspecified Zpt values (otherwise would use an elevation of 99999.).


If a bc_name in a 1d_bc layer is blank it now is interpreted just as a flag to indicate what type of boundary the node is – boundary data will be expected to be found elsewhere (eg. a fixed field ESTRY file). Prior to this build, it would make an empty time-series table. Should make no difference to results, just gets rid of all the empty tables.


Can now have up to 10 levels of Read Files. Note, read files also includes commands such as CS Data, etc.


Added option “AFTER FC” to Interpolate ZUVC command to interpolate ZU, ZV and ZC points after FCs – as in old version of TUFLOW. If “ALL” option omitted, only does it to unspecified ZUVC points. Only useful for bringing back old models that used the .tgf format.


Added in “FLC” option to Read MI and Read MID commands to specify additional form losses using GIS objects rather than via flow constrictions. Form losses are now applied whether FCs are specified or not – the default value being zero of course. Have removed the minimum form loss coeff value of zero restriction from FCs (can now have –ve form losses). Importantly, note that form losses are accrued, ie. if specified more than once at a U or V point, they are accumulated. Read MI applies directly to the U and V points, while Read MID shares equally to both sides of the cell.


Fixed bug that failed to calculate lengths for channels digitised as a straight line.


Added in check for ascending order of boundary data when reading from the bc dbase.


If null or land cells are specified, but are not in the restart file, the restart file data for the cell is ignored and the cell is made inactive.


Fixed bug that incorrectly adjusted bed elevation when overwriting a channel cross-section with a CS table.


Set default code value to one (water).


Fixed bug that caused a WARNING when reading a Multiple Polyline in a 2d_zln layer. Now correctly reads and handles multiple polylines.


Changed 1d_mmH/V/Q prefix to extensions.


Fixed bug that failed to transition to a standalone dongle when a network dongle failed.


Added in Write Empty MI Files command to both .tcf and .ecf (Write Check Files) files. Program stops after executing this command.


_V and _Q 1D GIS arrow symbols output now correctly orientated.


Bugs in flow (Q) PO lines fixed – this is not retrospective.


Can now have long ID values (greater than five digits) for culverts and weirs in 1D models.


Can now have tabs in text files.


Lines starting with a number (0 to 9), “-“ or “.” are now ignored when searching for commands in text files.


“Read File” command now available in .ecf files.


Checks for duplicate node or channel IDs in ESTRY.


ESTRY now checks for legitimate commands.


Removed occurrence of “\\” or “//” in filepaths which Windows 98 doesn’t like! “//” at beginning of a URL are not changed.


Improved the 2d _PO.csv file output. The old format can be made available on request. Excel spreadsheets setup for the old format can be easily modified to recognize the new format (open up the new one to see the difference – you will need to insert an empty column before Col A and a new row between Rows 1 and 2 before pasting in the new format).


2d_grd and 2d_zpt check files now by default exclude the land cells and any zpts that fall within the land cells. This keeps the check files to a minimum size. All cells and zpts can be written to the check files if the “Map Output Format == SMS WITH LAND CELLS” command is specified.


ESTRY default .csv output now output into three files (_1d_H, _1d_Q, _1d_V) and the time column is in the vertical. If there are more than 250 nodes and/or channels, the data is placed in blocks down the file. The old format can still be output using the “CSV Format == Horizontal ! [ {Vertical} | Horizontal ]” command in the .ecf file.


SMS output with land cells now works correctly (not normally used).


Included “READ TGA” command (.tgc) to read converted TGF files to the ASCII TGA format – designed for transferring old models from the UNIX platform.


Numerically ordered output in .eof file according to the Channel / Node ID. Everything done except for BCs and control channels. Can switch ordering off using “NUMERICALLY ORDER OUTPUT == OFF” command in .ecf file (default is “ON”).


“Calibration Points MI File == ” command (.tcf). Defines one or more (max 10) mif/mid files that are appended the maximum water level as an attribute to each point object that falls within a wet cell. Used for calibrating to maximum water levels.


Added option that if a “\” is at end of the Write Check Files parameter then treats the parameter as a folder and uses the simulation name to name the check files.


Included option to suppress the adjustment of the ESTRY head by the dynamic head along a HX line on a line by line basis. To activate include a “S” in the Flag attribute to use the Static Head (ie. suppress the adjustment).


Changed .eof output to wide output (max 250 columns allowing pasting into Excel).


Changed .eof file output so that page breaks, titles, etc is not written to the file. Doesn’t come up in Hexadecimal format in Ultraedit anymore.


Shifted most ESTRY error output to the .elf file rather than the .eof file.


Incorporated option to block ends of groups of HX boundary cells. This is useful where instabilities occur at ends of internal oblique HX lines. This is set by setting the f value to the minimum number of contiguous cells for which to block the ends.


Spatial variation of the weir factor now applied to the cell sides (previously at the cell centers).


Improved Z Line (breakline) adjustment of ZC and ZH points for the RIDGE THICK option.


Added “CC” option to “Read MI Z Line” command (“Read MI Z Line [ {} | CC ]”). This takes a line from the first cell’s center to the last cell’s center for each line segment. This allows Z values to be modified exactly along a 2d_bc HX line (Note: 2d_bc lines use the center to center approach). This is useful for setting elevations along a HX line where the HX line follows a levee. The HX line and the Z Line must be digitised in the same direction.


Weir flow can now occur on a 1D/2D oblique boundary (HX line).


“Read MI Code” command now has a “BC” option (“Read MI Code [ {} | BC ]”) that allows the code to be read from a 2d_bc layer. “CD” must be in the Type attribute and the Code value is specified in the f attribute. This allows the boundaries the and water or land regions to be in the same layer, thereby making it easier to adjust boundary locations (provided the water/land regions and the BC lines are snapped).


HX lines can now flow from both sides allowing 1D channels to be connect to the 2D domain as a single line of cells.


Can now run with an empty .tbc and/or .ecf file so as to write out empty 1d_ and 2d_ .mif/.mid files.


ESTRY ID output to handle long ID integers – can now handle up to 7 digit integers.


“Read MI Zpt [ {} | ADD | MAX | MIN ]” command now available. Constant elevation applied to all zpts within region, along line or at points. If a region, the ZC, ZU, ZV and ZH points are set to the first attribute if they fall within the polygon. For lines and points, only the ZC value is changed.


Can now use multiple (combined) polylines for “Z LINE” breaklines and most “Read MI” commands.


Included recognition of Text and Multiple (Combined) Points (MapInfo V6.5) object types. Text objects are ignored and multiple points are accepted in commands where several points can have the same attribute. In MapInfo V6.5, can combine objects of different types (Collections) – this is not supported by TUFLOW.


“Read MI” commands now recognise polygons and have been extended to all inputs (ie. to Code, Mat, IWL, SA, etc). Instead of using “Read MID GRID”, can now use “Read MI Code”, “Read MI Mat”, etc. Rather than reading individual points or cells via a .mid file, you can now read regions directly. The first attribute of the region is applied to all cells whose centers fall within the region. Regions with holes are accepted. Lines, polylines and points are also accepted. (Note: “Read MI IWL” works in the .tgc file, but have not yet implemented it in the .tcf file.)


“Null Cell Checks == ON/OFF” command to suppress checking of null cells next to boundary cells – now not necessary. “OFF” is the default.


“PO Online” command (.tcf).


Standalone dongles can now be extracted during a simulation – simulation stops until such time the dongle is reinserted.


Changed timestep output to screen/log file. If weirs a “St” (previously “Wr”) appears followed by three numbers: (1) number of cell sides with weir equation applied, (2) number cell sides within the shallow depth adjustment zone and (3) number cell side with upstream controlled pressure flow.


Replaced “General Weir Factor” command to “Global Weir Factor”. Have made slight improvements to the weir flow method across cell sides. Default value is 1.0. May change results very slightly in areas of upstream weir flow.


LP data now works for GIS format (2d_lp layer).


ESTRY maximum/minimum output changed to 1d_mmH, 1d_mmQ and 1d_mmV mif/mid files to the Output Folder.


“Read MID SA” and “Read MI SA” commands (.tbc) for distributing rainfall, evaporation and other hydrological inputs as sources/sinks over the 2D domain. No limit on the number of different sources/sinks applied to a cell. The MID approach reads the SA input on a cell by cell basis using a .mid file with the row/column attributes. The MI approach reads the sub-catchment polygons directly (first attribute is the name of the BC in the BC Database).


Volume of wet cells output to screen and log file – use for mass balance checks.


Included inside grid checks for GIS objects. Will stop with an error if an object falls outside the grid. Exceptions are 2d_bc “CN” and “CD” objects.


“Output Folder” command now works in .ecf files.


“Estry Control File Auto == ”. Can specify a folder where the .ecf file is located when using the “Auto” option.


“General FC Ch Factor” command (.tcf). Sets the coefficient for upstream controlled inlet flow into a FC that is submerged upstream and unsubmerged downstream. The default value is 0.8 (note: it is unlikely to need to change this value).


“Zero Negative Depths in SMS” command (.tcf).


Maximum and minimum V and q values now based on the time when h is a max/min.


“Read MI Location” command (.tgc).


“PAUSE WHEN POLYLINE DOES NOT FIND ZPT == [ ON | {OFF} ]” command (.tgc).


The f, d, td, a and b attributes of 2d_bc layers now work – see manual for description of these attributes.


MI commands can now specify filename with .mif or .mid extension, or no extension. Previously no extension had to be given.


ESTRY now completes writing the input data section of the .eof file if insurmountable errors were encountered in the input data. Previously it would stop without writing any further input data once the error was encountered.


Removed exceeded node elevation checks on ESTRY "H" boundaries (includes nodes connected to TUFLOW SX boundaries – these are a HX boundary in ESTRY).


"READ FILE" command now available in .tgc files.


Added "AUTO" option for command "Estry Control File" in .tcf file. This forces the ESTRY filename to be the same as the .tcf file – highly recommended.


TUFLOW .log file renamed .tlf file - to fit in with the ESTRY log file (.elf).


Added Write Check Files command to ESTRY .ecf file.


Added check option for comparing save date of GIS .tab file and .mid file. See "CHECK MI SAVE DATE" and "CHECK MI SAVE EXT" commands.


Added "(s)" option to ESTRY "OUTPUT INTERVAL" command.


Included check for zero material values – SMS reserves a material value of zero as disabled cells. If zero material values found run will stop with error message. In some older models, a zero material value was automatically converted to a value of one (1). This can still be applied using the “CHANGE ZERO MATERIAL VALUES TO ONE == [ ON | {OFF} ]” command.


Added ADD, MIN and MAX options to “Read MID Zpts” command and ADD to “Read MI Z Lines” command.


Smagorinsky Coefficient now works correctly! Testing indicates use of Smagorinsky option when cell sizes are small relative to the water depth.


Included "e" option for “Map Output Data Types” command to output the calculated Smagorinsky Coeff as a "_e.dat" file for viewing in SMS


Automatic detection of SX objects snapped to an estry node (ie. No need for a "CN" object connecting the two if SX object has point or vertex snapped to an ESTRY node). Can only have one estry node snapped otherwise will stop with an error. Note: first looks for any "CN" objects, then estry nodes, then won't run.

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