Data Mining: The Textbook

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1-Data Mining tarjima

or abilities – that’s training or instruction – but is rather making visible what is hidden as a seed.”—Thomas More

1.1 Introduction

Data mining is the study of collecting, cleaning, processing, analyzing, and gaining useful insights from data. A wide variation exists in terms of the problem domains, applications, formulations, and data representations that are encountered in real applications. Therefore, “data mining” is a broad umbrella term that is used to describe these different aspects of data processing.

In the modern age, virtually all automated systems generate some form of data either for diagnostic or analysis purposes. This has resulted in a deluge of data, which has been reaching the order of petabytes or exabytes. Some examples of different kinds of data are as follows:

  • World Wide Web: The number of documents on the indexed Web is now on the order of billions, and the invisible Web is much larger. User accesses to such documents create Web access logs at servers and customer behavior profiles at commercial sites. Furthermore, the linked structure of the Web is referred to as the Web graph, which is itself a kind of data. These different types of data are useful in various applications. For example, the Web documents and link structure can be mined to determine asso-ciations between different topics on the Web. On the other hand, user access logs can be mined to determine frequent patterns of accesses or unusual patterns of possibly unwarranted behavior.

  • Financial interactions: Most common transactions of everyday life, such as using an automated teller machine (ATM) card or a credit card, can create data in an auto-mated way. Such transactions can be mined for many useful insights such as fraud or other unusual activity.

C. C. Aggarwal, Data Mining: The Textbook, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14142-8 1


c Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015


  • User interactions: Many forms of user interactions create large volumes of data. For example, the use of a telephone typically creates a record at the telecommunication company with details about the duration and destination of the call. Many phone companies routinely analyze such data to determine relevant patterns of behavior that can be used to make decisions about network capacity, promotions, pricing, or customer targeting.

  • Sensor technologies and the Internet of Things: A recent trend is the development of low-cost wearable sensors, smartphones, and other smart devices that can commu-nicate with one another. By one estimate, the number of such devices exceeded the number of people on the planet in 2008 [30]. The implications of such massive data collection are significant for mining algorithms.

The deluge of data is a direct result of advances in technology and the computerization of every aspect of modern life. It is, therefore, natural to examine whether one can extract concise and possibly actionable insights from the available data for application-specific goals. This is where the task of data mining comes in. The raw data may be arbitrary, unstructured, or even in a format that is not immediately suitable for automated processing. For example, manually collected data may be drawn from heterogeneous sources in different formats and yet somehow needs to be processed by an automated computer program to gain insights.

To address this issue, data mining analysts use a pipeline of processing, where the raw data are collected, cleaned, and transformed into a standardized format. The data may be stored in a commercial database system and finally processed for insights with the use of analytical methods. In fact, while data mining often conjures up the notion of analytical algorithms, the reality is that the vast majority of work is related to the data preparation portion of the process. This pipeline of processing is conceptually similar to that of an actual mining process from a mineral ore to the refined end product. The term “mining” derives its roots from this analogy.

From an analytical perspective, data mining is challenging because of the wide disparity in the problems and data types that are encountered. For example, a commercial product recommendation problem is very different from an intrusion-detection application, even at the level of the input data format or the problem definition. Even within related classes of problems, the differences are quite significant. For example, a product recommendation problem in a multidimensional database is very different from a social recommendation problem due to the differences in the underlying data type. Nevertheless, in spite of these differences, data mining applications are often closely connected to one of four “super-problems” in data mining: association pattern mining, clustering, classification, and outlier detection. These problems are so important because they are used as building blocks in a majority of the applications in some indirect form or the other. This is a useful abstraction because it helps us conceptualize and structure the field of data mining more effectively.

The data may have different formats or types. The type may be quantitative (e.g., age), categorical (e.g., ethnicity), text, spatial, temporal, or graph-oriented. Although the most common form of data is multidimensional, an increasing proportion belongs to more complex data types. While there is a conceptual portability of algorithms between many data types at a very high level, this is not the case from a practical perspective. The reality is that the precise data type may affect the behavior of a particular algorithm significantly. As a result, one may need to design refined variations of the basic approach for multidimensional data, so that it can be used effectively for a different data type. Therefore, this book will dedicate different chapters to the various data types to provide a better understanding of how the processing methods are affected by the underlying data type.

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