Computer-generated representations of real or imaginary environments; Experienced as three-dimensional via a number of senses - visual, aural and/or tactile;
Objects within these environments are independent of the user and can display real world behavior;
The user or users have autonomous control - the freedom to navigate and interact with objects, using a number of different viewpoints;
Interaction occurs in real-time; and the users experience feelings of presence and/or immersion.
Why Virtual Reality in Education?
Visualize and manipulate things that you cannot see in the real world
Take on different perspectives
Visualize 3D concepts
Interact in real time
Explore dangerous situations
Present realistic or abstract scenarios
Promote different learning styles and teaching methods
VR makes it possible to:
Click on Pictures to Link to sites
Educational Virtual Reality
AS Interactive Project
Additional Links: Virtual Reality Resources VR and Visualization - Alan Dix (Staffordshire University)