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The present work is devoted to the mechanisms of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defence. A special attention is paid to the experimental research of the products of lipid peroxidation.

The purpose of this work is measuring of the level of MDA and DС in blood plasma of women in different stages of pregnancy.

The maintenance of a recreation center DС and MDA in plasma of blood of not pregnant women has made 0,26 - 0,54 mmol/l and 0,64-1,28 µmol/l accordingly.

The level of a recreation center in plasma of blood in I and II trimesters of pregnancy authentically raises on 74 and 151 % accordingly in comparison with group of the control. In III trimester concentration DС reaches the maximum and makes 1,07 mmol/l.

Maintenance MDA in plasma of blood in I, II, III trimesters of pregnancy progressively increases for 77, 97, 160 % accordingly in comparison with group of not pregnant women.
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