Sport natijalari
sportdagi son va sifat darajasining ko‘rsatkichidir.
is an indicator of the level of quantity and quality in sports.
Sportchining tasnifi
sportchini barqaror tasnifi bo‘lib, ma’lum vaqt ichida yoki sport musobaqalarida qatnashishini umumlashgan yakunidir.
is a stable classification of an athlete and is a generalized conclusion of his participation in a certain period of time or in sports competitions.
Frontal usuli
mashklarni barcha ukuvchilar bir vaktda bajaradilar. Uning ustunligi kuprok ukuvchilarni kamrab olishda, darsda yukori zichlikka va katta jismoniy ogirlikka erishilishidadir, ukuvchilar ukituvchi farmoyishi yoki komandasini baravariga bajarsalar, yoppasiga shugullanish usuli mashklarni jamoa xolda bajarishning yaxshi namunasi bula oladi.
the exercises are performed by all swimmers at the same time. Its advantage is that it covers a large number of swimmers, achieves high intensity and great physical weight in the classroom, and if the swimmers follow the teacher's command or command, the group practice can be a good example of performing exercises as a team.
Guruxli usuli
Shundan iboratki, unda ukuvchilar guruxlarga bulinadilar, xar bir gurux ukituvchi topshirigiga binoan mustakil shugullanadi.
that is, in which the swimmers are divided into groups, each group engages independently according to the teacher's assignment.
Individual usul
shundan iboratki, bunda xar bir ukuvchi mashk bajaradi, kolganlar esa uni kuzatib turishadi. Bunday usul yakunlovchi darslarda kullaniladi.
that is, in which each swimmer performs an exercise, while the rest follow him. This method is used in the final lessons.