(Hozirgi tugallangan zamon) Affirmative:
S + have/has + V3/ed + O + T + P
S + have/has + not + V3/ed + O + T + P
Have/has + S + V3/ed + O + T + P ?
ex: They have already cooked a meal.
ex: John has already finished cleaning the room.
O'tgan zamonda bajarilgan lekin natijasi hozirda ko'rinib turgan ish-harakatlar uchun PRESENT PERFECT zamoni ishlatilinadi.
Yaqindagina bajarilgan ish-harakatlar yoki yaqindagi yangiliklar uchun ko'p holatlarda just bilan keladi.
ex: I have just come home.
ex: Prezident has just arrived at the airport.
Biror shaxsning hayoti mobaynida biror ish-harakatni qilganligi yoki qilmaganligi yoki necha marta qilganligi ushbu zamonda ishlatilinadi.(Bu faqat odamlarga tegishli)
ex: I have never been a broad.
ex: I have eaten Japenese meal once.
ex: I have visited this restaurant several times.
The form with key words S + have/has + just/already/still/ever/never +V3/ed At the end S + have/has + V3/ed + O + yet/recently/lately/by/so far/since/for
ex: John has still had that car.
ex: Have you that car yet?
Ummatov Diyorbek _______