May irritate nasal passages or cause discomfort to gums
Can (rarely) depress breathing
Can (rarely) cause restlessness/ hyper activity
Over use can cause dependence and be ineffective
Indications for use
Midazolam is prescribed where the individual has a history of seizures which are prolonged/ serial , most commonly with people who also have LD
Prolonged seizures are around 5 minutes for tonic clonic seizures. Serial seizures occur one after the other with no recovery between
Indications for Use 2.
Midazolam is used as a rescue medication early on in the development of the seizure/s to try to prevent status epilepticus, improve outcome from seizure/s and quality of life
Status Epilepticus is a continued state of seizure lasting for 30 minutes.
Convulsive Status Epilepticus
A continuous Tonic Clonic seizure or repeated Tonic Clonic seizures lasting 30 minutes
This can be life threatening and requires medical attention
Non Convulsive Status Epilepticus
Any seizure can develop into status
Complex partial status relatively common in Learning disability.
This condition can be difficult to diagnose, consciousness is often impaired but not lost completely.
Can continue for long periods.
Can adversely affect health in vulnerable people
General Information
Most people with LD requiring rescue med are prescribed midazolam (Epistatus)