Erkie Asmare
* and Andualem Begashaw
Bahir Dar Fisheries and Other Aquatic Life Research Center, Ethiopia
Department of Agricultural Economics, Mizan Tepi University, Ethiopia
*Corresponding author:
Erkie Asmare Beyene, Bahir Dar Fisheries and Other Aquatic Life Research Center, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, Tel: +251
918271253; Email:
July 06, 2018;
August 15, 2018
Review on Parametric and Nonparametric
Methods of Efficiency Analysis
A country’s ability to improve its standard of living over time
depends almost entirely on its ability to raise its output per a work-
er [1]. Efficiency study is an important area of economic analysis
that has attracted the
attention of economists, especially in the last
three decades [2]. According to Kuosmanen T et al. [1] efficiency
analysis is an important and extensive research area that provides
answers to such essential questions as: Who are the best perform-
ing firms and can we learn something from their behavior? What
are the sources of efficiency differences across firms? Can efficiency
be improved by government policy or better managerial practices?
Are there benefits to increasing the scale of operations?
Assessing efficiency for different levels of economic sectors has
relevant practical implications, and thus, efficiency has become an
essential research field [3]. International literature contains a large
number of surveys and case studies dealing with efficiency, which
represents the key factor to reach the global target
of sustainable
development [3]. Particularly, parametric frontier models and non-
parametric methods of efficiency analysis become dominated in the
field of efficiency analysis [3-5]. These two approaches have been
employed as a measure of Economic Efficiency (EE) of various sec
tors [6]. Majority of efficiency studies have been motivated by the
desire to estimate or measure economic efficiency based on either
parametric or non-parametric frontier methods.
Unfortunately, there no commonly accepted methodology of
efficiency analysis currently [1]. In addition, the choice of estima
tion method
has been an issue of debate, with some researchers
preferring the parametric and others the non-parametric approach
[1,7]. Since both parametric and non-parametric techniques have
own merits, the selection of a suitable estimation method has
been quite controversial. Furthermore, the choice of an estimation
approach can influence the conclusion of efficiency and policy im
plications derived from the analyses [6]. In contrary to this, Toma
P et al. [3] and Hildreth et al. [8] reported
that the two approaches
of efficiency measures (parametric and non-parametric methods)
achieve highly correlated results in most cases.
Therefore bridging the gap between these two methods of effi
ciency analysis have been one of the most important issues in the
field of efficiency analysis. Hence, this review paper contributes