Florence Nightingale
– never more relevant than
Florence Nightingale’s legacy not only remains
– but has
never been more important. The full scope of her influence
on contemporary nurses, nursing care and nursing research,
and, for example, on social and health reform, including sani-
tation, hygiene, hospital design and statistics is often not fully
appreciated. Although she is best known as the founder of
modern nursing, having established a curriculum and training
school for nurses, it is her pioneering health reforms that
have probably been her most enduring legacy (Singh & Ernst
2008). Indeed, she had the vision of a modern public health-
care system that encompassed not only nursing, but was
based on health promotion and disease prevention (Bostridge
2008). She was able to challenge the sceptical medical,
military and political establishment using her excellent math-
ematical training to marshal statistical arguments to back her
claims that improved hygiene led to higher survival rates
(Singh & Ernst 2008).
Although women can now serve in the army in front line
positions, lead national and multinational organizations, or
become world leaders, this was very different in Nightin-
gale’s day where career choices for women were limited
and nursing was seen as a vocation. Technological and
medical advances have altered nurses’ roles and responsibil-
ities and many would argue to the detriment of patient
care. For example, hospital-acquired infections remain
common and often deadly, and resistant strains of many
bacteria are emerging as a major global threat. Despite
widespread improvements in treatment and health care, key
aspects of nursing care first identified by Nightingale
remain. Her focus was on prioritizing hygiene. She outlined
the five essential components to optimal healing: pure air,
pure water, efficient drainage, cleanliness and light. Some
would argue that these components have no relevance to
contemporary health care, but, on closer examination, they
remain of vital importance to global health:
Pure air: Nightingale hypothesized that one of the rea-
sons for the high infection rate during the Crimean war
was poor ventilation. Airborne infections pose a
challenge to healthcare workers especially with the
increase in multi-drug resistant TB and its spread is
partly due to poor ventilation and overcrowding. Respi-
ratory diseases (with a statistically significant percent-
age attributed to poor air quality and air pollution)
remain a major killer and is the leading cause of deaths
worldwide (14
Á3% including lung cancers) (World
Health Organisation 2012a). As low to middle income
countries become more industrialized, the rates of respi-
ratory diseases are predicted to increase.
Pure water: Waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysen-
tery, and typhoid were observed by Nightingale in her writ-
ings and sadly they continue to be responsible for many
deaths today (1
Á8 million annually). One of the Millen-
nium Development Goals is access to safe drinking water,
but in 2010, an estimated 780 million (11% of the world’s
population) still lacked safe drinking water (World Health
Organisation 2012b). Safe drinking water is still an issue
for many in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia, although
2 billion people now have access to improved drinking
water sources through piped supplies and drinking wells.
Efficient drainage: In conjunction with lack of clean
water, inefficient sewer systems contribute to disease.
Á5 billion people still lack access to improved sanita-
tion, whereas a large proportion of people (1
Á1 billion)
practice open defecation: 626 million in India, 14 mil-
lion in China, and 7
Á2 million in Brazil. A pertinent
fact is that more people in the world have mobile
phones than access to toilets.
Cleanliness: Lack of hygiene, especially hand hygiene is pri-
marily responsible for hospital acquired infections and
remains a leading concern, and previous research has high-
lighted poor standards in cleaning effectiveness (Cooper
et al. 2007). Nightingale insisted nurses to scrub the ward
clean and it is only recently that nurses are beginning to
revisit these basic tasks (Bucior & Cochrane 2010).
Light: Poor lighting is a contributing factor in road
traffic accidents, whereas kerosene lamps cause fires
and burns and often in low-income countries once
night has fallen, families have no form of lighting. In
2002, 322,000 deaths worldwide were attributed to
kerosene lamps (Peck et al. 2008). The other main
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‘light’-related condition that is contentious is Vitamin
D deficiency
– the sunlight vitamin. Skin cancer is also
an important health issue with increasing numbers of
melanomas reported.
What is apparent from Nightingale’s work is the impor-
tance in direct patient care and, in particular, cleanliness
and adequate ventilation and sanitation. The early Nightin-
gale-trained nurses became matrons in several leading hospi-
tals, but over time, matrons disappeared from clinical roles
and were replaced with nurse managers. The increase in
paperwork and administrative tasks for nurses has led to a
decrease in ‘hands-on’ care. Although on the face of it, some
would doubt how nurses could promote or implement these
five components, one does not have to delve too far to
reveal contemporary short-falls in nursing care. The poor
delivery of hands-on care has been observed by Kalisch
(2006) who identified nine elements that were often missed
and included basic tasks, such as turning, delayed or missed
feedings, and hygiene. As a response to this, in 2002, the
modern matron was introduced in the UK to promote strong
clinical care and leadership (Gould 2008). The role has had
mixed reviews, but there is no doubt that the components
Nightingale valued are re-emerging as important priorities.
Nurses are well placed to educate and inform patients
from basic health advice about cessation of smoking to
ensuring high standards of hygiene are applied in daily clin-
ical practice. In the UK, improvements in cleanliness have
recently been reported; the ‘cleanyourhands’ campaign has
resulted in statistically significant reductions in MRSA and
Clostridium Difficile infections, with nurses playing an
important role in its success (Stone et al. 2012). Educating
vulnerable people about water-borne diseases and the
importance of personal hygiene and hand-washing has the
capacity to reduce morbidity and mortality in communica-
ble and non-communicable diseases.
Although technological advances and the widening scope of
professional practice may beguile the discipline of nursing, we
strongly argue that these five components are increasingly vital
aspects of nursing care. The Nightingale Initiative for Global
Health aims to rekindle awareness of Florence Nightingale’s
work and aims to have a healthy world by 2020. Part of the
declaration states: ‘We declare our willingness to unite in a
program of action, sharing information and solutions to
resolve problems and improve conditions
– locally, nationally
and globally
– in order to achieve health for all humanity’. To
date, over 22,000 signatories have been obtained (http://www.
nightingaledeclaration.net/the-declaration). Health promotion
and disease prevention have become a central theme in nurs-
ing and we hope the legacy of Nightingale continues and her
essential components given the full recognition as health prior-
ities that they deserve.
Geraldine Lee
, Alexander M. Clark
& David R. Thompson
Geraldine Lee PhD RN NFESC
School of Nursing & Midwifery,
Kings College London, London, UK
e-mail: gerry_a_lee@yahoo.co.uk
Alexander M. Clark PhD RN
Professor of Nursing and Associate Dean
Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada
David R. Thompson PhD RN FRCN
Professor of Nursing
Faculty of Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Bostridge M. (2008) Florence Nightingale: The Woman and Her
Legend. Viking, London.
Bucior H. & Cochrane J. (2010) Lifting the lid: a clinical audit on
commode cleaning. Journal of Infection Prevention 11, 373
Cooper R.A., Griffith C.J., Malik R.E., Obeee P. & Looker N.
(2007) Monitoring the effectiveness of cleaning in four British
hospitals. American Journal of Infection Control 35, 338
Gould D. (2008) The matron’s role in acute National Health
Service trusts. Journal of Nursing Management 16, 804
Kalisch B.J. (2006) Missed nursing care: a qualitative study.
Journal of Nursing Care Quality 21, 306
Nightingale Initiative for Global Health.Retrieved from http://www.
nightingaledeclaration.net/the-declaration on 1 August 2012.
Peck M.D., Kruger G.E., van der Merwe A., Godakumbura W. &
Ahuja R.B. (2008) Burns and fires from non-electric domestic
appliances in low and middle income countries: part I. The scope
of the problem.. Burns 34, 303
Singh S. & Ernst E. (2008) Trick or Treatment? Bantam Press,
Stone S.P., Fuller C., Savage J., Cookson B., Hayward A., Cooper B.,
Duckworth G., Michie S., Murray M., Jeanes A., Roberts J., Teare
L. & Charlett A. (2012) Evaluation of the national Cleanyourhands
campaign to reduce Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia and
Clostridium difficile infection in hospitals in England and Wales by
improved hand hygiene: four year, prospective, ecological,
interrupted time series study. British Medical Journal 344, e3005.
World Health Organisation (2012a) The Top 10 Causes of Death.
Fact Sheet No. 310. Retrieved from www.who.int/mediacentre/
factsheets/fs310/en/index.htmla on 10 April 2012.
World Health Organisation (2012b) Water Related Disease.
Retrieved from www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/diseases/
diseasefact/en/ on 10 April 2012.
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