diet modifications eg avoid high-sodium foods, caffeine, chocolate, and other stimulants
aim- to modify harmful behaviours & thoughts using “deconditioning” technique
aim- to modify harmful behaviours & thoughts using “deconditioning” technique
reduces arousal levels via relaxation therapy &changing –ve thoughts through cognitive therapy.
Goebel et al 20 confirm the long-term benefits of CBT for tinnitus.
Based on neurophysiological model.
Based on neurophysiological model.
Conditioned reflexes involving connections of auditory with limbic & ANS are retrained such that the subconscious part of auditory pathway blocks the tinnitus signal.
Acoustic input with unimportant information is ignored(habituation)
Inducing & sustaining habituation of conditioned reflexes removes –ve impact of tinnitus
Goal-train CNS to interpret tinnitus as unimportant & ignore it.
Goal-train CNS to interpret tinnitus as unimportant & ignore it.
Has 2 components:-
-intensive direct counselling.
-sound therapy using sound generators which emit low level broad band noise.
Not masking-cant habituate a signal that cannot be detected.
Jastreboff 21 reported success in over 80% of his cases.
control or habituate to the perceived ringing and the subsequent distress.
control or habituate to the perceived ringing and the subsequent distress.
Biofeedback therapy-listens to audio signal from EMG of frontalis muscle
reduces perceived ringing &muscle tension
strategies to self-manage their tinnitus.
Relaxation therapies -focus pt’s attention away from the sound;psychologically improving symptoms.
PET /fMRI help in research into the mechanisms and hence treatment of tinnitus.
PET /fMRI help in research into the mechanisms and hence treatment of tinnitus.
Transcranial DC Stimulation(tDCS)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation.
difficult to study and treat -no objective tools to quantify and measure.
difficult to study and treat -no objective tools to quantify and measure.
no universally accepted therapies for managing tinnitus
interactions among the auditory, cognitive, affective, and mental health issues.
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