Identification of Novel Virulence-Associated Genes via Genome Analysis of Hypothetical Genes
Sara Garbom, Åke Forsberg, Hans Wolf-Watz, and Britt-Marie Kihlberg
2004, Infection and Immunity, v. 72
pp. 1333-1340
IF{Genomes of pathogenic bacteria are reduced to smallest set needed for growth in an animal host}
IF{Genomes of pathogenic bacteria are reduced to smallest set needed for growth in an animal host}
THEN{Genes expressed in vivo and shared by pathogens may be “amenable” targets for antibacterial agents}
Why target in vivo expressed virulence factors?
Why target in vivo expressed virulence factors?
Why target in vivo expressed virulence factors?
In silico: Find novel putative virulence genes through comparative analysis
In silico: Find novel putative virulence genes through comparative analysis
In vitro: Assay genes for essentiality to survival
In silico: Find novel putative virulence genes through comparative analysis
In vitro: Assay genes for essentiality to survival
In vivo: Assay genes for virulence in an animal model
“the rapid emergence of multiply [antibiotic] resistant bacterial strains…demands the development of new antibacterial agents by engaging strategies that specifically counteract the development of resistance”
In silico:
Gathered genes of unknown function from a pathogenic organism
“Conserved hypotheticals” or “unknown”
In silico:
Gathered genes of unknown function from a pathogenic organism
“Conserved hypotheticals” or “unknown”
Compared these genes to those of other pathogens
In silico:
Gathered genes of unknown function from a pathogenic organism
“Conserved hypotheticals” or “unknown”
Compared these genes to those of other pathogens
Considered all genes found in all pathogens “virulence-associated genes (vag)”
99 in vivo expressed genes
STM (signature tagged mutagenesis) and “selected capture of transcribed sequences”
99 in vivo expressed genes
STM (signature tagged mutagenesis) and “selected capture of transcribed sequences”
Compared to (same) 6 genomes
99 in vivo expressed genes
STM (signature tagged mutagenesis) and “selected capture of transcribed sequences”