Fiziologik optimum.
Bu biotsenoz ichidagi turning o'sish, ko'payish va rivojlanishi uchun hamma abiotik omillarning qulay bo'lishidir.
This biotsenoz species in the growth , reproduction and favorable for the development of abiotic factors .
Sinekologik optimum.
Bu biotsenoz ichidagi biotik aloqalar bo'lib, shu yerdagi tur boshqa turlar ta'siri (raqobati, yirtqichlar, parazitlar)dan holi sharoit turning yaxshi rivojlanishiga imkon beradi.
Biotsenoz in symbiotic relationships , the effect of this species and other species on earth ( competition , predators , parasites ) are free environment allows for the development of the species .
Neytraliim — (0:0)
Bunda ikki populatsiyadagi asatsiatsiyalarda o'zaro ta’sir sezilmaydi, ikki populatsiya individlari ham deyarlik bir xilday yashaydi.
At the same time , the two populations seen asatsiatsiyalarda interaction of individual populations are almost the same .
Konkurensiya (raqobatlilik)..
Bunda ikki populatsiyalar bir- birlariga to’sqinlik qiladilar. Ya’ni bir poplatsiya ikkinchi populatsiya bilan defitsit (yetishmaydigan) resurslarni o'zlashtirishda kurashadilar
At the same time , the two populations that hinder each other . Poplatsiya deficit in the second populations ( missing ) struggle resources development