2. The Dieu/héros cadre. Dumézil firmly established his basic role and recovered his birth tale. What about his death?
3. The story of Ambā and the death of Bhīsma
3.1 Bhīsma captures the princess Amb#. Bhīsma, seeking brides for his brother Vicitravirya, goes to the svayamvara of the three daughters of the king of the K#–is, Amb#, Ambik#, Amb#lik#. He defeats all the suitors amassed there, including Amb#’s lover, King —#lva, and rides off with girls in his chariot. Amb# pleads with Bhīsma to allow her to marry her lover, and he grants her request. —#lva, however, rejects her, saying that he would now be shamed by marrying her [Mbh 1.96.45-53].
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