1. Introduction The titanium oxide is a typical n-type semiconductor. It has three crystalline forms found in nature: brookite, anatase

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Nanocrystalline TiO2 Powder Prepare

3. results and discussion
Studies of the surface morphology of as-prepared titanium 
oxide nanopowder were performed by using s/TeM. The 
hrTeM image documents the polycrystalline structure of Tio
(Fig. 3). The diameter of the nanoparticles of own prepared 
powder does not exceed a few nanometers. In the study, the 
sTeM imaging mode also was used. Titan 80-300 microscope 
is equipped with a three coaxial detectors dedicated to sTeM 
mode: bright field – bf, annular dark-field – ADf and high-
angle annular dark-field – hAADf. images, complementary 
with the hrTeM mode are shown in figures 4a and 4b.
fig. 3. hrTeM image of the produced titanium dioxide nanopowder
Fig. 4. Image of the produced titanium dioxide nanopowder: a) BF_
Df; b) hAADf
using an energy dispersion spectrometer (eDs), the 
reflection characteristic for the copper and carbon (from the 
substrate), and the titanium and oxygen (from the sample) was 
documented (Fig. 5).

fig. 5. eDs spectrum of Tio
Studies of the surface morphology of titanium oxide 
commercially micro powder was performed by using scanning 
electron micrographs and shown in Figures 6a and 6b. It can 
be observed visible layer composed of the microparticles. 
Only at a magnification, more than 250 kx the diameter of the 
microparticles can be analyzed. Using the Image J program was 
determined that the diameter of the purchased a commercial 
powder particles is in the range from 90 to 400 nm 
comparison with the own prepared powder nanoparticles does 
not exceed a few nanometers.
fig. 6. seM image of Tio
micro powder registered at a magnification: 
a) 100 kx, b) 250 kx
To confirm that the tested micro powder is a titanium 
oxide also was made a qualitative study of the chemical 
composition by using energy dispersive spectrometer and was 
shown as graphs in Figure 7. The spectra were registered the 
reflections characteristic for the titanium and oxygen from the 
fig. 7. eDs spectrum of Tio
The entire structural studies were complemented by 
using X-ray researches (Fig. 8a and 8b). Registered diffraction 
pattern of titanium oxide nanopowder (Figure 7a) shows the 
reflection characteristic for the indium tin oxide ITO (coming 
from the conductive layer located on the glass substrate) and 
the reflection characteristic for the titanium oxide - a variety 
of anatase (coming from the sample). Registered reflections 
derived from anatase have characteristic wide shape that 
indicates fine crystalline structure. On the other hand, the 
diffraction pattern registered for the titanium oxide micro 
powder (Figure 8b) shows the reflections from the only anatase. 
Reflections are sharp and with a slim shape characteristic for 
the microcrystalline structure.
Fig. 8. The diffraction pattern produced titanium oxide nanopowder 
(a) and micro powder (b)
Further testing of structural of deposited layers is made by 
using an inVia Reflex Raman spectrometer equipped with an Ar 
ion laser with a 514,5 nm length. Spectral range is 150 – 3200 
cm-1. Raman spectra of samples for nano and micro powder 
were registered (Fig. 9a and 9b). Using confocal microscope 
images, the data point on the sample was presented. The results 
were processed by using the wire 3.1 program determining 
the structure of the deposited layers as anatase, a variant of 
titanium oxide that confirms earlier research done by using the 
X-ray crystallography.
Prepared by doctor blade layers were tested for 
absorbance. Samples were determined as follows:

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