In English nouns may express the functions of the subject, object,
attribute , the part of the compound nominal predicate , and the nouns
in combination with prepositions perform the function of the
adverbial modifier in English:
Dilbar studies at the university - subject
2. I saw
Dilbar at the university - object
3. This
gold watch is very expensive – attribute
4. His father is a
teacher – part of the compound nominal predicate(
5. She studies
at the University- adverbial modifier of place
In Uzbek the nouns may express the functions of the subject,
object, attribute, nominal predicate and adverbial modifier:
Kamola maktabda o’qiydi- subject
Kamolani maktabda ko’rdim- object
3.Onam tug’ilgan kunimda
tilla soat sovg’a qildilar- attribute
o’quvchi - nominal predicate
kutubxonada dars tayyorlayapti- adverbial modifier of
Nouns in English have the right hand and the left hand combinability :
1) right- hand combinability with nouns, adjectives , articles, pronouns
and numerals:
2) left- hand combinability with verbs, attributes:
1. Mother gave her daughter
a new watch on her
The book is on the table (article);
My mother
works at school (pronoun);
Two students were absent at the lesson (
numeral); My mother gave me a
gold watch on my birthday (noun)
Kamola speaks English fluently( verb); The