boy working in the
garden is my son( attribute expressed by participle1);
Nouns in Uzbek also have right-hand and left-hand combinability :
1) right-hand combinability with the nouns, adjectives, pronouns,
Lola kitobni Akbarga berdi (noun);
Yaxshi kitob sizning do’stingiz
Mening opam universitetda o’qiydi (pronoun);
Ikki qiz bog’da gaplashib turibti (numeral);
2) left-hand combinability with nouns, verbs, adverbs:
Lola xat yozdi ( noun);
Lola keldi (verb);
Lola tez va ravon gapiradi
( adverb)
According to the formation nouns in Uzbek and English
languages have typical stem-building elements ( we shall give some of
In English :
-ment -er -ist -ship -hood
management teacher socialist friendship childhood
movement driver labourist membership
In Uzbek :
-lik -zor -dosh -kor -don
bolalik gulzor sinfdosh paxtakor shamdon
Compound nouns in the English and Uzbek languages ( the
formation of nouns in the English and Uzbek languages was given in
the item “ Word-formation in the English and Uzbek languages”, so we
shall give some of them in this item of the manual).
Compound nouns in English : appletree, snowball, blackboard,
bluebell, pickpocket, dining-room, reading-hall;
Compound nouns in Uzbek : qirqoyoq, oybolta, karnaygul,
otboqar, ko’zoynak, achchiqtosh, oziq-ovqat, qavm-qarindosh.
According to the relation of nouns to other words in the sentence
there is a great difference between the English and Uzbek languages:
the relation of nouns to other words in the English sentence is
performed by the wide use of prepositions : I am going